Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1579: Gift from Harry and Hermione


Dumbledore's Deluminator is an alchemical product designed and made by him, which is invaluable.

As long as you turn on the extinguisher and click it like a lighter, it can absorb nearby light sources, from flames to lights. All light sources are absorbed, including sunlight, and returned when needed, which is very magical.

The extinguisher only absorbs the light source and does not affect the object itself.

For example, if a candle is used to absorb the candle light with a extinguisher, the candle itself is not affected, it is still burning, and you will still feel the heat when you approach it.

Taking away the light source does not affect the operation of the luminous object itself. This design is very powerful. Ivan is very curious about the working principle of the extinguisher.

Of course, Dumbledore definitely did not give the light absorber to Ron to let him study the principles of alchemy or simply use it to absorb the light source. This kind of thing can be done with other magic, and it may be easier to use the light absorber. Wind, a little more advanced, but this is certainly not Dumbledore's purpose.

He probably cast other spells on it, thinking it would help Ron.

Dumbledore gave Ron the Deluminator, so what would he give Ivan, Harry, and Hermione

The gift for Harry, Ivan probably knew, was the resurrection stone.

After finding the ring and the resurrection stone, Dumbledore said that he was not qualified to keep the resurrection stone, so he gave it to Ivan for temporary storage, but before the last action, he took the resurrection stone back and planned to give it to Harry However, this Deathly Hallows cannot really resurrect the dead, but it can help Harry understand the true meaning of death.

And only when the three Deathly Hallows come together can they exert their true power. Harry already has an invisibility cloak, so it is also appropriate to give him the Resurrection Stone.

As for Ivan himself and Hermione's gift

Scrimgeour observed Ron carefully, and said in a questioning tone, "This Deluminator is a very valuable thing, and it may even be unique. It must have been designed by Dumbledore himself. Why did he make it so rare?" what is left for you?"

Ron shook his head, bewildered.

"Dumbledore must have taught tens of thousands of students." Scrimgeour asked stubbornly, "but he only left gifts for you four in his will. Why is that? Mr. Weasley, he thinks What are you going to do with his Deluminator?"

"Put the lights out, I suppose," murmured Ron. "What else could I do with it?"

Scrimgeour obviously couldn't make any suggestions either, he squinted at Ron for a while, and then turned to Dumbledore's will.

"My Tales of Beedle the Bard is left to Miss Hermione Jane Granger, in the hope that she will find it interesting and instructive."

Scrimgeour took out another small book from the bag, which looked as worn as the "Secrets of the Advanced Dark Arts" upstairs, the cover was spotted and peeled off in several places. Hermione took the book from Scrimgeour without a word, put it on her lap, and looked down.

"The Tales of Beedle the Poet" is a very old fable. The stories in it have been passed down for several centuries and there are many versions.

The edition that Dumbledore gave Hermione was also quite old, and Ivan noticed that the title of the book on the cover was compiled in ancient magic text.

He knew that there was a story about the "Legend of the Three Brothers" in this book, but he already knew the secret of the Deathly Hallows, this book was useless to him, Dumbledore should know this, but why did he Will give it to Hermione as a gift, is there any information hidden in it? !

Apparently Scrimgeour had the same doubts and doubts.

"Why do you think Dumbledore left you the book, Miss Granger?" he asked.

"He-he knows I like books," said Hermione hoarsely, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

"But why this book?"

"I don't know, he must think I'd like it."

"Have you talked to Dumbledore about ciphers and other ways of delivering secret information?"

"No!" said Hermione, still wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "If the Ministry of Magic hasn't been able to discover the code hidden in this book for thirty-one days, I'm afraid I can't either."

She suppressed a sob, and Aiwen hugged Hermione and comforted her in a low voice.

Scrimgeour snorted, didn't continue to ask, and obviously couldn't think of any better question, he turned to the will again, "I left Harry James Potter, who was the first at Hogwarts to remind him of the rewards of perseverance and skill."

Scrimgeour produced the little golden ball, the size of a walnut, and flapped its silver wings limply.

"Why did Dumbledore leave you the Snitch?" Scrimgeour asked again.

"I don't know." Harry said, "Probably because of the reasons you read just now, reminding me that as long as I have perseverance, what else can be gained."

"So you think it's just a token souvenir?"

"I suppose so," said Harry. "What else could it be?"

"I'm asking you." Scrimgeour moved the chair a little closer to the sofa, and he seemed to think that this was a breakthrough point worth digging.

At this moment, dusk was really falling outside, and the big tent outside the window, high above the hedge, was frighteningly white.

"I noticed just now that your birthday cake was in the shape of a snitch," Scrimgeour said to Harry. "Why?"

Before Harry could answer, Hermione laughed loudly, "Oh, it can't mean that Harry is a good Seeker, that's too obvious. If I had to guess, maybe the Ministry of Magic or Mr. Minister would think that Frosting There must be a secret message from Dumbledore in it!"

"I don't think there's anything hidden in the icing," said Scrimgeour, "but the Snitch itself is a wonderful place to hide small things, and I'm sure you know why?"

Harry shrugged, but Hermione replied, "Because the Snitch has physical memory."

"Correct!" said Scrimgeour. "The Snitch was not touched by bare skin before it was released, not even by its creators, who wore gloves. The Snitch has a magic that recognizes the first One who touches it with his hand, in case there should be any disputes about the catch. The Snitch will remember your touch, Potter. It occurred to me that Dumbledore, for all his faults, was a master of magic, and he Probably put a spell on this snitch, and only you can open it."

"I don't know," said Harry, clearly not interested in touching the Snitch, and he probably thought Scrimgeour was right.

Ivan guessed that the resurrection stone should be inside, and this thing is not suitable for him to hand over to Harry, so it can only be handed over by Dumbledore in this way. The snitch is naturally enchanted, and only Harry can open it. When he needs to use the resurrection stone to pass the test.

Now, the presents of Harry, Hermione, and Ron are all confirmed, and it seems that there is no change from before, which is a bit strange

Also, what will Dumbledore leave for Ivan