Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1596: The way to deal with squibs


Dorji, who was originally calm because of Aiwen's explanation just now, became flustered and angry again, and his face was now as red as a carrot.

"A crow's mouth made out of nothing," he said aloud.

"Whatever you say, Elphias!" Aunt Muriel giggled, "I noticed that your obituary left out the difficult parts!"

"It's a pity that you think so." Duoji said more coldly, "I assure you, what I write is from the heart."

"Oh, we all know you adore Dumbledore. I bet you've always considered him a saint, even when it turns out he actually killed his Squib sister!"

"Muriel!" Dorje exclaimed, "What did you say?! How dare you say that?! Who said his sister is a squib? Isn't she sick?"

"Then you'd be wrong, Barry!" said Aunt Muriel, who seemed very pleased with the effect she had produced. "You probably don't know, yeah, how could you possibly know that? My dear, You weren't even a shadow when it happened, in fact, those of us who were alive didn't even know what was going on. That's why I can't wait to see what Skeeter unearths! Dumbledore He didn't mention his sister for a long time!"

"False words!" Duoji said angrily, "Purely false words!"

"Wait, you said Dumbledore killed his sister?" Harry said suddenly, with a chill in his heart.

"Who knows, as I said just now, no one alive knows exactly what happened, but we can infer from many follow-up clues that Dumbledore killed his sister, which is very likely Big, maybe he thinks she's a big problem if you've done what Dumbledore has done"

"Dumbledore didn't kill him, but he was responsible. He didn't take care of his sister very well." Ai Wen said, interrupting Muriel, "This is his fault that can't be shirked, but everyone Everyone will make mistakes, Dumbledore has always blamed himself for the death of his sister, the key lies in his regrets and actions."

"Oh, Barry, you seem to be very understanding and great, but how much do you know about Dumbledore?!" Muriel looked at Ivan with disdain, she shook the wine glass in her hand, and even Ai Wenwen The name used behind the makeup is all wrong, "You defended him, but you must not know how Dumbledore treated his sister cruelly, a Squib You may not know that she is a Squib, right? Poor child, How do you know about these pasts that even Dumbledore's best friends don't know? You, like those guys, have been deceived by the disguise that Dumbledore has put on for a long time. What happened back then."

Ivan knew very well that Dumbledore and Ivan talked a lot about his unknown past in Gaunt's cabin and the night he went to visit Grindelwald.

Things were not as Muriel maliciously speculated at all, but Ivan couldn't make it clear that his current identity was not Ivan, but a distant relative of the Weasley family. How could he know these things? ! And then again, why was he arguing with Muriel about this? !

It's pointless to talk to someone like her, just explain it to Harry and Hermione alone later.

In this matter, Dumbledore did make a mistake, but he has atoned for it all his life.

This is enough, at least Ivan thinks it is enough!

"Maybe, but I don't think a person's life can be denied because of past mistakes, and many things are not as we imagined. Even if we see it with our own eyes, it may not be true, let alone it is time to speculate." Alvin said, "Okay, I'm a little hungry, I think we should find something to eat"

But Harry was unmoved, he seemed to care about Muriel's words, and murmured in frustration, "He never told me that his sister is a Squib."

"Why should he tell you?" Muriel shrieked, swaying in her chair, trying to get her eyes on Harry's face.

She is not looking at Ivan now, and Harry's question is just right to move the topic back to the track she wanted to say.

"Albus never mentioned Ariana, not to anyone, not on purpose, my boy." Elphias said in a voice tense with excitement, "I think the reason is that Obviously, her death has left him heartbroken and you should go enjoy the feast instead"

"Why has no one ever seen her, Elphias?" Muriel asked gruffly, interrupting Dorje, "Don't shy away, can you answer me why half of us don't even know about her This person existed until they brought the coffin out of the house and held her funeral? Where was the saint Albus when Ariana was locked in the cellar? He was so big at Hogwarts that he didn't care about his own family what happened!"

"What did you say, locked in the cellar?" Harry asked immediately, "What's going on here?"

Dorje looked distressed, and Aunt Muriel giggled again.

"Dumbledore's mother was a horrible woman, very scary, Muggle-born, but I've heard she lied about not being"

"She never lied about anything like that! Kendra's a nice woman," Dorje whispered pitifully, but Aunt Muriel ignored him.

"Very proud, domineering, the kind of witch who gave birth to a Squib must feel ashamed"

"Arianna is not a squib!" Dorje gasped, he was only arguing, and he had forgotten to drive Ivan and the others away.

"So, Elphias, can you explain why she hasn't been to Hogwarts?" Aunt Muriel said, and then she turned to Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine, "You may not Well, in our day, a Squib in the house used to be covered up, but I've never heard of one that went so far as to imprison a little girl in a house and pretend she didn't exist"

"I'm telling you, there's no such thing!" Dorje said, but Aunt Muriel kept on trying, overwhelmingly.

"Usually send Squibs to Muggle schools and encourage them to assimilate into Muggle society... which is much kinder than giving them a place in the wizarding world, where they'll always be second-class citizens. But, of course. , Candela, Dumbledore would never have dreamed of sending his daughter to a Muggle school"

"Arianna is not in good health!" Dorje said desperately, "She is in poor health and cannot"

"Can't leave the house?" Muriel giggled. "She never went to St. Mungo's and never had a therapist come to see her!"

"Seriously, Muriel, how could you possibly know?"

"I'll tell you, Elphias, my relative Lancelot, who was a therapist at St Mungo's Hospital at the time, told our family very confidentially that he never saw Ariana go to the hospital, never, they didn't Haven't been to St. Mungo's, which Lancelot thinks is very suspicious!"