Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1597: The battle by the coffin


Because of Aunt Muriel's words, Dorje seemed about to cry, but Muriel seemed very happy, and snapped her fingers for champagne again.

Harry stared blankly ahead, and then he looked back at Ivan, as if asking if there was any other explanation.

But before Ivan had time to respond, Harry turned his gaze back to Aunt Muriel.

When he thought about it, as Muriel said, Ivan should not be aware of this kind of thing.

These are all secret stories about Dumbledore's past that no one alive may know.

The Dumbledores had treated that girl the same way the Dursleys had locked Harry up and locked him up, they wouldn't let anyone see him because he was a wizard. Dumbledore's sister suffered the same fate for the opposite reason: imprisoned for lack of magic.

If that's true, it's downright scary.

Could Dumbledore really be indifferent to her fate, just to prove how good and talented he is at Hogwarts

Seeing Harry turned his head in disappointment, Ivan sighed, not sure how to explain it. The situation was a bit troublesome. Of course, what Aunt Muriel said was not the truth of the matter. Although he didn't know everything, he could confirm that Deng Mother Bullido did this to protect Ariana.

Aunt Muriel's guesses were all nonsense, and her starting point was wrong.

Because Ariana isn't a Squib, she's a Obscure, a dangerous wizard who's been abused by Muggles and incapable of casting spells.

If Dumbledore's mother had sent her to St. Mungo's, she would have been imprisoned there for life.

Dumbledore loved his sister, and he had every reason to hate and take revenge on Muggles, but he didn't turn out to be that horrible person.

But now, Muriel's malicious speculation that she doesn't understand the truth is really infuriating, and her behavior of maliciously defaming Dumbledore just to satisfy herself is really disgusting. Although Aunt Muriel has always been unlikable, but The malice she is showing now is disgusting, and Ivan really doesn't want to listen to it anymore.

If Muriel wasn't Ron's aunt, if Muriel wasn't over a hundred years old, Ivan really wanted to cast a curse on her.

That's it, Aunt Muriel is a downright annoying fellow.

But I have to admit that what she said may represent the thoughts of a large part of wizards.

People fear and hate Voldemort, but they don't respect the greatest White Wizard as much as they seem.

Be a hero when you are needed, and pin all your hopes and fantasies on a savior who turned out to be a savior.

But when this savior did something wrong, many people wanted to come out and step on it.

Perhaps this is the complexity of human nature.

"Let's go!" Ivan said, turning his head to look at Harry, "We have no time to waste here, this is not the case at all. If you want to know more about Dumbledore or know more, you can ask me, although there are It may not be appropriate for me to explain, and it may not be completely right, but it is better than staying here and listening to these things."

"Cough, poor thing, it seems that Dumbledore has successfully brainwashed you, just like poor Elphias, who worships Dumbledore crazily. It's not your fault, because many people are like this." Aunt Muriel giggled again when she heard Ivan's words, "You must think I'm talking nonsense, but I have other evidence, which is irrefutable evidence. If I remember correctly, Effia Well, you were at Ariana's funeral too, weren't you

"Yeah, that's right, I went!" Dorje said with trembling lips, he seemed uneasy to deny, but finally admitted, "I went to that funeral, I remember it very well, that's my memory The saddest scene ever, Albus' heart was broken"

"It wasn't just his heart that was broken, did Aberforth break Albus' nose in the middle of the funeral?" Aunt Muriel said proudly, she noticed that she was about to follow Ivan, Harry, who had left Hermione and Elaine, stopped again and turned to look at her.

This guy is really endless, let her talk all at once, these things are very attractive to Harry.

Ai Wen turned his head and saw that the expression on Dorji's face changed drastically.

If the expression he showed just now was terrified, it was nothing compared to his expression now, as if Muriel had stabbed him.

Aunt Muriel giggled and took another swig of champagne, which trickled down her chin.

"You want to ask me how I know, don't you? You think these are secrets that you alone know? No, no, poor Elphias, you know, my mother is on good terms with Bathilda Bagshot. said Aunt Muriel cheerfully. "Bathilda told my mother the whole thing, and I heard it at the door, the fight by the coffin! Bathilda said Aberforth yelled that Ariana's death blamed Albus, and then punched Albus in the face. Bathilda said that Albus didn't even try to resist, which was strange enough in itself, even though Albus had his hands tied behind his back and Albus A duel with Forth can also kill him."

Muriel gulped down some more champagne and recounted the scandals of the past, scaring Dorje and entertaining herself.

"Come on, let me tell you one more thing." Aunt Muriel put down her glass and hiccupped softly, "I guess Bathilda revealed the secret to Rita Skeeter, Skeeter The interview with the Dumbledore family hinted that someone close to the Dumbledore family provided important information! God behold, Bathilda witnessed Ariana from beginning to end, it must be her!"

"Bathilda Bagshot?" interrupted Harry. "The author of A History of Magic?"

He had seen this name on the cover of his textbook, but what really made him remember Bathilda Bagshot was because Ivan had written with him.

It was still in the early days of the publication of the "Hogwarts Magic News". Ivan once discussed with her an article about the history of Hogwarts that was published in the newspaper. Harry remembered her name, a well-known historian of magic.

"Yeah, that's her. I heard that she has been very confused recently." Aunt Muriel said happily, completely ignoring Dorje who was on the opposite side as if she was about to drown because of her shortness of breath, "But her words are still persuasive, and there are There are many methods of recalling memories, and I'm sure Rita Skeeter is well versed in them all, and even if Bathilda were a complete old fool, she would still have old photographs and even old letters. She knew Dumbledore Family for years... yes, totally worth a trip to Godric's Hollow. She's been living there, Bathilda's been their neighbour, ever since the Dumbledores moved there after Percival's imprisonment."