Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1598: get away


"The Dumbledore family lives in Godric's Hollow?"

"Yes, I just said it." Aunt Muriel said impatiently.

Harry felt a sudden emptiness out of his mind, even more than just knowing that Dumbledore might have abused his sister.

Not once in six years had Dumbledore told Harry that they had both lived and lost loved ones in Godric's Hollow.


Were Lily and James buried next to Dumbledore's mother and sister

When Dumbledore visited the grave, did he pass Lily and James' graves

And he didn't tell Harry once, never once...

Why this was so important, Harry couldn't explain himself, but he felt that Dumbledore was lying if he didn't say a word to him about their joint ownership of this place and these experiences. He stared blankly ahead, barely noticing what was going on around him until Hermione gave him a gentle tug.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked softly.

"I'm fine!" Harry said subconsciously, he looked up and saw Ivan, Hermione, and Elaine looking at him worriedly.

Aunt Muriel was still chattering away, showing off the secrets she knew about Dumbledore, but Harry didn't say a word into it.

"Godric's Valley is a very famous place. A long time ago, it was a gathering place for wizards, and there were many ancient wizarding families." Ivan hesitated, and began to explain Godric's Valley to Harry, who was a little depressed. History, "Since Ignotus Peverell from Death"

He stopped, his heart beating violently.

Aiwen saw Sirius rushing into the tent with a look of haste, looking into the crowd.

People greeted him, but he ignored them, chasing them away impatiently, panting heavily.

"Sirius!" Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine jumped up and ran to the entrance of the tent.

"Thank God, you are all here, hurry up and follow me, there is no time!" Seeing Ivan and Harry, Sirius said happily.

"what happened?"

"Voldemort and the Death Eaters are attacking the Ministry of Magic. They won't last long. We must leave here immediately."

Before he could finish his sentence, a big silver thing fell through the canopy above the dance floor.

Elegant and gleaming, the lynx lands lightly among the frightened dancers. People turned their heads, and those closest to it froze hilariously. The Patronus opened his mouth wide and spoke in Kingsley Shacklebolt's loud, deep, slow voice.

"The Ministry is down, Scrimgeour is dead, here they come."

Everything seemed so slow and blurry.

No sooner had many people realized that something had happened than the silver lynx disappeared and people still looked back.

Silence spread like a cold river in waves from where the Patronus landed, and then someone screamed.

"Damn it, Scrimgeour and his Aurors lasted less than five minutes," said Sirius, drawing his wand.

In just one second, the scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

Guests fled in all directions, many were Apparating, and the protective spell around the Burrow had been broken.

At the same time, figures wearing black cloaks and masks appeared, they were Death Eaters.

Then, Lupine, Tonks, and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix also appeared, fighting with the Death Eaters with their wands raised.

"let's go!"

"But Ron"

"I'll find him, get out of here at once!" Sirius yelled, waving his wand and casting a spell on a newly manifested Death Eater.

Alvin also shot two spells, knocking a Death Eater into the air.

He followed Sirius and rushed two steps forward, trying to join the Order of the Phoenix, but stopped immediately.

A black flame appeared out of nowhere in the center of the stage, and just where the Patronus had just disappeared, Voldemort's figure appeared in the flames.

The flames swirled rapidly to form a black whirlwind, mixed with the mournful cries of the guests.

Ivan opened his eyes wide, and through the flying flames, he saw Voldemort's scarlet eyes.

Although he had seen these eyes many times, this time was different.

The scarlet eyes shone dangerously, and the magic power flowed in them, but there was no trace of humanity in them, just like the eyes of a monster.

Voldemort in the flames showed a cruel smile, and he directly raised his wand to Ivan in the distance. Voldemort's aura and powerful magic breath came together, and an unprecedented sense of danger rose from the bottom of Ivan's heart, and he couldn't move under the pressure. , watching helplessly the world in front of him was filled with green light

Just as the Killing Curse was about to hit Ivan, Hermione grabbed him from behind, and a huge darkness struck.

Ai Wen's eyes were blurred, and his voice could not be heard. The only thing he felt was Hermione who was holding him tightly behind him.

They were squeezed through time and space, away from the Burrow, from the Death Eaters who fell from the sky and Voldemort himself from the flames.

Also, the Avada Kedavra curse that could have hit and killed Ivan.

Although it is also an Unforgivable Curse, Voldemort's power has indeed improved, and it has become stronger than when Ivan fought him a few days ago.

Did he already know about the Elder Wand? ! Or gained more forbidden powers? !

No one could tell Ivan the answer, he opened his eyes and saw Hermione holding him tightly.

On the other side, she held hands with Harry and Elaine.

The sky had already dimmed, and the air still carried the sultry heat typical of a summer evening, with no wind at all.

They were still crowded with people, and noisy voices kept coming and going.

"Where are we?"

"Tottenham Palace Road, I've been here before." Hermione gasped, "Come on, let's go, I need to find a place for you to change."

The four of them were running and walking on Broad Street, surrounded by revelers, and the Muggle nightlife had just begun.

Many people were staring at them, Ivan and Harry were still wearing dress robes, and Hermione and Elaine's clothes were too gorgeous.

A few minutes later, in a secluded narrow alley in the shadows, Ivan and Harry hurriedly changed their clothes.

"We shouldn't have left the Burrow, Sirius was still fighting there, and we never found Ron," said Harry worriedly.

Now he began to carefully recall everything that happened just now, and his mind was still in a mess.

"Ron will be fine, most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix are there, they will successfully retreat, his target is you and me!" Ivan said, "He has found me just now, unfortunately, his power has changed Stronger, thanks to Hermione's Apparation. If we go back, we're only going to make things more dangerous for everyone."