Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1599: after the battle


Having said that, when Harry thought of Ginny, he immediately felt a kind of heart-wrenching fear.

"Ministry of Magic"

"The Ministry of Magic is over, let's go, I don't think we should stop," said Hermione hurriedly.

"But Voldemort"

"Don't mention that name, Harry!" Ivan said hastily, preventing Harry from talking about Voldemort, "Remember what I told you on vacation that he cast a spell on his name, and if anyone mentioned his name, he would Will sense it. He did it during the last war, which is one of the main reasons why people call him You-Know-Who. It didn't matter at the Burrow because of the magical protection of the Ministry of Magic, but from now on, we You have to be careful."


"The Dark Lord only knows we're here?" Elaine said vigilantly, looking at a group of men walking past singing, "Is he here?"

"He should have noticed it, but he didn't come." Aiwen said, "The battle at the Burrow may not be over yet, and he can't be sure that we mentioned his name, but he will definitely send Death Eaters to check, after all There are not many who dare to do so, and they must be his enemies. Come on, we'd better get out of here. As planned, we will go to Grimmauld Place, where we will meet Sirius and the Order of the Phoenix. If he brings Ron will go there when he comes out."

Although some people in the Order of the Phoenix were worried that Snape might go there, or tell Voldemort about that place, Ivan knew he wouldn't.

Judging from the current situation, Grimmauld Place is still very safe.

Countless spells have been cast on the house by successive masters of the Black family, most of which are not under the control of the Ministry of Magic. After Sirius and Moody cast a few more spells on Snape, and changed the secret keeper again, Ivan set the place where they occupied when they moved.

Except for Grimmauld Square, other places may be more dangerous now, and besides, Ivan doesn't plan to stay there for a long time.

At this time, the three men across the road saw Hermione and Elaine in the alley, and began to whistle to kill them. As for Ivan and Harry, they were ignored by the three men. Perhaps in their eyes, the newly grown Harry and Ai Wen is just two boys, the threat level is almost zero.

"Come here, baby, I'll buy you a drink!"

"Drink some wine, and do some happy things by the way, so that you can see what a real man is!"

"Do you need to give them a curse? Let them see what a real vampire is!" Elaine suggested, she was very dissatisfied with the man's **.

"We can't let Muggles see us casting spells," Hermione reminded, "It's just an Oblivion Charm"

"Let's go, there's no need to waste time, you don't have to abide by the laws of the Ministry of Magic now, before the Death Eaters come." Ivan said, and he squeezed Hermione's hand tightly.

Seeing Ivan and the others holding hands, the men laughed, but immediately they saw a shocking scene.

In a blink of an eye, the boy and the two beautiful girls in the alley disappeared, abruptly disappearing into the air.

"God, he, did I see a ghost just now? Or did I drink too much?" a man muttered.

His question was not answered by his companion, and he turned around to see two figures standing behind him covered in black hoods and cloaks.

A few seconds later, four people stood in the middle of the familiar, dilapidated small square.

Surrounded by tall crumbling dilapidated houses, the four ran towards number 12.

As Ivan ran, he checked carefully to make sure that no one was following or supervising them.

Everything around is as calm as usual, and the uproar in the magic world has not affected this place yet.

Harry was the first to run up the stone steps. He knocked on the front door with his wand. There was a series of loud clangs of metal and a rattle like a chain. Then the door creaked open and they hurried through. threshold.

Ai Wen was the last to go in and close the door behind him, and the old-fashioned gas lamps were lit up at once, and the flickering lights illuminated the long hallway.

The house elf Kreacher didn't seem to be there, and the house was unusually quiet, a bit like Ivan's appearance when he came here for the first time.

Strangeness and weirdness enveloped the house, and the short-lived happiness and brightness seemed to be drifting away.

The heads of house-elfs on the walls cast strange shadows on the stairs, and long dark curtains hid the portrait of Sirius' mother. The big umbrella stand made of the broken leg of the troll is still in the hall, and it was knocked over and fell to the ground. Ivan can be sure that the umbrella stand did not fall when he came a few days ago.

Someone has been here again in the past few days, maybe Sirius, or the reckless Tonks.

Of course, it would be interesting if it was Snape!

"Where's the house-elf?"

"Maybe at Hogwarts with Dobby." Ivan said, "Keep down, don't wake up Mrs. Black. Let's go upstairs and wait for Sirius."

They walked cautiously through the foyer and up the creaking stairs to the living room on the second floor.

With a flick of her wand, Hermione lit the old-fashioned gas lamp. There was a draft in the room. She shivered slightly and sat down on the sofa, wrapping her arms tightly around her body.

"Well, let me reorganize the situation. The Ministry of Magic is over, which is to be expected, but it's terrible," she said. Together, the Death Eaters would be afraid to attack the Ministry, or be able to resist for a while."

The rapid downfall of the Ministry of Magic and the short duration of the battle really exceeded many people's expectations.

"Resistance? The premise is that those Aurors are willing to fight for the Ministry of Magic." Ivan said, "How many people are still loyal to the Ministry of Magic is a big problem. Scrimgeour miscalculated the situation. If you want me to say, definitely Many of the guys he trusted had already been controlled or defected, so the battle ended so quickly."

"Well, I hope Sirius and Lupine are all right, what should we do, Harry?" Hermione asked worriedly.

At this moment, Harry let out a cry of pain: something flashed through his mind, like a bright light flashing across the water, and his scar burned violently again. He saw a large shadow, and felt a kind of anger that didn't belong to him boil at the end, as strong as an electric shock, fleeting.

"What did you see, the battle at the Burrow?"

"I don't see The Burrow, I don't see anything, I'm just angry, he's pissed off" Harry felt confused and overwhelmed.