Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1600: What about Ron?


"Deadly angry? Of course, he captured the Ministry of Magic and cracked the Burrow's magic, but he didn't find us there." Ivan said softly, and fell on the sofa with his hands in his hands, looking at the dim ceiling, " His Death Eaters once again failed his plan. If I were him, he would be furious, but this is good news for us. Maybe Sirius and the others have left and are coming with Ron. "

"I don't know, I don't think it's because of this." Harry said suspiciously, "Maybe I can"

"You must Occlumency!" shrieked Hermione. "Harry, Dumbledore didn't want you to use that link, he wanted you to break it, that's why you're using Occlumency! Don't forget What you see is not necessarily real, he puts false thoughts in your head."

"I remember, thank you very much!" Harry gritted his teeth, but didn't listen to Hermione's words.

The connection with Voldemort made him feel bad, but it was the most direct way they could learn about Voldemort, and Harry wanted to try again.

He closed his eyes, but felt nothing this time.

The pain in the scar was still growing, and Harry fought back the nausea.

An atmosphere of inexplicable panic and anxiety spread in the silence, and time became extremely slow.

Aiwen couldn't help thinking, Sirius' speed is too slow, so there won't be any problems, right

They're just wasting their time waiting here, Voldemort can't find them, but there's nothing they can do, maybe he can

At this moment, there was a sudden sound from downstairs, the loud sound of metal hitting when the door was opened, and the rattling sound like a chain.

Someone came in!

Ivan jumped up from the sofa, and Harry and Hermione also hurriedly pulled out their wands.

Tension occupied every nerve of the three of them, and they heard heavy footsteps entering the hall.

The visitor seemed to be looking around, and then he walked quickly to the second floor without hesitation.

"Who is it?" Ivan shouted, and his wand shot a ball of light towards the corner of the dark stairs, dispelling all the darkness.

He saw the figure of Sirius appearing there, looking tired but not hurt.

"It's me, Sirius!"

"Oh, thank goodness!" said Hermione weakly, putting down her wand.

But Ivan and Harry didn't lower their wands, and Harry shouted, "Prove it!"

"I'm Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, known as Padfoot, one of the four authors of the Marauder's Map, and Animagus, a big black dog," said Sirius, whose body changes Transformed into a big dog, then back again, "I guess that should prove my identity."

"That's right, it's you, Sirius, you're finally here!" Harry rushed over and hugged Sirius.

Sirius hugged Harry hard too, looking happy.

"I've been worrying about you getting caught, coming here as soon as I left the Burrow."

"How's the situation now?" Ivan asked.

"It sucks, but you should be safe here, don't leave just yet."

"Sirius, what happened to the Ministry of Magic? It was captured just like that?" Hermione asked.

"I was in the Ministry of Magic and saw what happened. You know, Scrimgeour called all the Aurors last night. He seemed to have a premonition, but it was too late. The Dark Lord controlled too much The number of people is far beyond our imagination, and they even control Pierce Thicknesses."

"Pierce Thicknesse?"

"One of the powerful figures in the Ministry of Magic, he has served as Barty Crouch's deputy for a long time. After Amelia Bones was murdered, he was appointed as the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He is very popular with Skrein. Jie trusted, no one thought that in short, it was easy for them to kill Scrimgeour, Scrimgeour was finished, and the other Aurors were even more unrelenting, surrendering with almost no decent resistance!" Sirius disdain Said, "You didn't see what happened, when the Dark Lord appeared, no one resisted, the entire Ministry of Magic, led by Piers Thicknesse and Dolores Umbridge, just surrendered! "

"It's her again, I knew it all along," Harry said disgustedly.

"Not surprising, is it?! Thanks to our early warning, most of the wedding guests Apparated and left."

"I saw a lot of Aurors with the Death Eaters"

"They're actually the same thing, those guys can't wait to join their new masters, there's no Ministry of Magic now, or the Ministry of Magic under the leadership of the Dark Lord." Sirius continued, "They took They seem to be planning to interrogate those who did not have time to leave at the wedding, and are still frantically breaking into the homes of all wizards related to members of the Order of the Phoenix, looking for the whereabouts of the two of you. But judging from the current situation, they still don't know what happened to you At the wedding, the people who were taken by them didn't know. Scrimgeour didn't betray us, even before he died, I heard some bad news at the Ministry of Magic."

After a moment of silence, Scrimgeour protected Ivan and Harry at the last moment.

He is trustworthy, not an enemy.

"How about the people they captured? You just said that they are still capturing more people, and they can break through those protective spells?"

"Yes, after taking the Ministry of Magic, they can break through all the protective spells we cast. They can use cruel magic without fear of being discovered and arrested." Sirius said, "Moody and Remus are The people who helped us transfer, as for the people who were taken away, don't worry about it for the time being. The current situation is a bit interesting. I heard that the Dark Lord doesn't seem to intend to let the public know that he controls the Ministry of Magic. He probably won't Let's kill."

A wizarding world that is actually under control is more in Voldemort's interest than a chaotic wizarding world.

"In short, don't worry too much, they will be fine, and the Order of the Phoenix will find a way to rescue them. You just stay here and wait for the news. This house has a lot of ancient protective magic, not in the Ministry of Magic. Under control." Sirius said, "If there is any news, I will come to inform you as soon as possible, and if you plan to do something, please notify me as soon as possible, don't act alone. By the way, where is Ron? Why haven't I been here?" See him?"

"God, Ron didn't come out with us, he wasn't in the tent."

"What?" Sirius said, stunned for a moment. "He didn't stay at the Burrow, and he Apparated away. We always thought Ron was with you."