Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1601: door of death


Where is Ron

No one could answer that question, he must have Apparated and left the Burrow and never returned. The members of the Weasley family and the Order of the Phoenix thought that Ron was with Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine, but the four of them thought that Ron was with the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

It wasn't until Sirius came over that everyone discovered that Ron was missing.

He might not dare to go back to the Burrow, fearing that it would be occupied by Voldemort and Death Eaters, but he couldn't find Ivan and Harry.

After all, Ivan and Hermione hadn't had time to tell Harry and Ron about the plan they discussed before.

Mrs. Weasley watched too closely to allow the few of them time to get together to discuss these matters.

Ron was probably hiding somewhere right now, and there was little chance of getting caught, as long as he didn't foolishly show up to the Death Eaters himself.

Sirius gave a few more instructions, telling them not to leave 2 Grimmauld Place, and left in a hurry to inform others to look for Ron.

"Where can Ron go?"

"It's possible anywhere, maybe just find a remote place to hide. After all, the situation was very chaotic at the time. The Dark Lord appeared, and the most important thing was to escape." Ivan thought for a while and said, "He probably knows our plan. Knowing we're going to Gringotts to find the Cup, maybe he went to Diagon Alley and waited for us there."

"Diagon Alley!"

"Fred and George's shop is over there, and he's probably hiding out there."

Speaking of Fred and George's small shop, according to Ivan's understanding, the Ministry of Magic placed a large order with them before, and it must all be ruined now. It was impossible for Fred and George to provide weapons and protective items to the Ministry of Magic controlled by Voldemort, and it was not clear what they would do with the fleeing house-elves.

"I hope Ron is okay, I should have been with him." Harry said worriedly, his scar was getting more and more painful, making him feel sick, "I saw Ephias Dorje sitting in the corner Here, I couldn't help but pass by, I want to know about Dumbledore too much, I shouldn't leave Ron behind"

"He was so happy. Not long after you left, a girl I didn't know came over, and the two of them left the tent together." Elaine said suddenly.

"Who is that girl?"

"I don't know, I don't know him, he must be French."

Alvin thought of the two French girls who disappeared with Fred and George shortly after the chaos began. They were all relatives of Fleur.

The girl who took Ron should be similar. I have to say that the French girl is quite open.

"Harry, are you okay, your face doesn't look well?" Hermione asked suddenly

"I'm fine!" Harry said palely.

But it wasn't true, and the pain in his scar was at its peak, burning like it had been in the Burrow garden that day.

He was worried about Ron and Ginny. Sirius had just said that Ginny was with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, being watched by Death Eaters, and hoped nothing would happen.

In a daze, he vaguely heard Hermione say, "They will find Ron soon and bring him here. Go to bed first, it's getting late."

Yeah, sleep, Harry thought he was going to pass out!

He wanted to leave here, but it was too late, another piercing pain hit the scar.

In the overwhelming pain he felt a strange emotion occupy his soul.

Not angry, but happy!

He was happy because of what was happening right in front of him.

Blinking, Harry saw a dimly lit, square room in which the center of the floor in front of him sank gradually, forming a huge stone pit, some twenty feet deep. Stone steps surround the entire room, like stone benches, gradually descending step by step, each step is very steep, like a lecture theater.


Harry had been here, in his fifth year, the night he fought Voldemort and the Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic.

This is the room of the Department of Mysteries!

Harry remembered well that there was a strange arched door in the middle of the room.

Before the arched door, he could hear voices speaking inside.

He had been here with Sirius when he was fighting the Death Eaters.

Sure enough, he looked up.

In other words, he raised his head in the phantom, and the picture in his memory reappeared in front of his eyes.

In the center of the hollow was a raised stone platform, and above it stood an arch, which looked old and dilapidated.

Harry wondered that it hadn't fallen over, there was no wall around the archway, a tattered black curtain or drapery hung over it, and although the air was cold and there wasn't a breath of wind, it was moving softly. Swaying, as if it had just been touched.

Harry just stared at the huge stone door, and then he spoke in a high-pitched, unfeeling voice.

"Are you sure it's this door?"

"Yes, Lord Dark Lord, they moved it here centuries ago, and it has remained here ever since."

A strange high-pitched voice spoke, and in the shadows behind Harry, Harry couldn't see the other person.

"Well, I finally heard some good news today. You are more trustworthy than my stupid servants, Natalia, now that this is the door, let's open it, I can't wait Look at the secrets hidden behind!"

"I can't do it, Lord Dark Lord. If you want to open it, you need stronger magic power. I'm afraid even you don't have it now."

"You are doubting the great Lord Voldemort, or you want to see my magic and anger." A strong anger occupied Harry's soul.

"I'm not doubting your magic, but to open this door and enter the world of that great existence, we need stronger magic power, magic power beyond imagination, this is not the power that any wizard can possess, The human body limits us. If you become immortal, then you will have these powers, and I am helping you to do this." The sharp voice replied, "I am here because I believe that you will become me. new masters, to bring order to this decayed world."

Harry snorted heavily, seemingly dissatisfied, but said nothing.

"To open it, we need the help of a magic item with powerful magic power. The wand you are looking for can help us. Besides, we need an ancient spell to open the door. They Should have left it where it was"

"I'll bring the wand. In the meantime, go find the spell and stop trying to challenge my patience, Natalia!" said Voldemort in a grim voice, "and don't play tricks, or you'll feel to Voldemort's power, and I will open the door in my own way"