Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1602: The Black Witch and Death's Gate


While the flames were jumping, Harry turned around. He concentrated, and he was about to see the person who was talking to Voldemort. .

Who is that Natalia? Why did they open this arch deep in the Department of Mysteries

All these are questions. Harry originally thought that the answers to these questions would be revealed along with the other person's appearance, but he couldn't see anything clearly. He only saw a figure covering his whole body under a black cloak, and he couldn't see the other person clearly. The appearance, black cloak and invisibility merged together, and finally became that deep darkness.

The darkness swallowed Harry, and he sank in the darkness.

A few seconds later, Harry gasped heavily as if emerging from deep water, and opened his eyes.

He was lying on the cold black marble floor with his limbs spread out, and Ivan, Hermione, and Elaine were looking at him with concern.

"You're okay, Harry, you should close your brain." Hermione said worriedly, "This can't go on like this"

"You connected with him again?" Ivan asked, "What did you see?"

Harry's situation was very wrong just now, his face was terribly pale, and he fell to the ground as soon as he stood up.

It must have been Voldemort's change of mood that made him reconnect with Harry.

Since Voldemort took the initiative to connect with Harry that night a few days ago, the contact between the two has become more and more frequent.

Voldemort's soul is increasingly unstable, and he may no longer be able to control himself.

"They're in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. Lord Voldemort and another person. I don't see each other's face clearly, but he calls her Natalia."

"Natalia?!" Ivan narrowed his eyes, this strange name was not very pleasant.

Back in time three years ago, in the dangerous underground cave where the Cyclops was hiding, Alvin and Sirius took control of a dark wizard of the cult organization "Raven's Claw" who preached the Doomsday Judgment, and he mentioned the name at that time.

The lunatics had tried to use the power of the Cyclops to summon some sealed ancient demon, and had almost succeeded.

Raven's Claw is an evil organization that believes in evil gods and searches for ancient ruins all over the world, hoping to summon the evil gods to the real world to destroy everything. It originated in Hogwarts several centuries ago. At that time, several wicked wizards found the description about the evil god left by Ms. Ravenclaw. They got in touch with each other, gained great power from it, and have since regarded the words of the evil god as the truth.

They believe that in the near future, the evil god will break the cage that imprisoned them and return to this world to bring a new order.

This process is what they call the Doomsday Judgment, and the dark wizards who believe in the Raven's Claw of the evil god will gain a new life in this process.

After the evil god descends, they will receive the promised great benefits and even become the only survivors.

All in all, in Ivan's view, they are a group of dangerous lunatics, mentally abnormal, but they have powerful magic power.

Because of the help of evil gods, they are even stronger and more evil than ordinary dark wizards, they are very difficult to deal with, and the things they do are even more terrifying.

After Voldemort's resurrection and return, many dark wizards and evil organizations outside the UK declared their allegiance to him, including the unwilling Raven's Claw.

So when Harry mentioned Natalia, Ivan thought of this high-ranking member of Raven's Claw.

Three years ago, under the influence of Veritaserum, the dark wizard who was captured by Ivan and Sirius told all the secrets he knew about "Raven's Claw". At that time, he mentioned the black witch Na Thalia, a senior member of "Raven's Claw", was a wizard who was active in Italy more than seventy years ago.

To be more precise, he is the most notorious dark wizard in the Italian magic circle in modern times.

She used to be Grindelwald's supporter and important ally, doing many evil things. In the Nordic regions such as the United Kingdom, few people have heard of her name. They may think it is an ordinary Slavic female name, but in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean coast, the name of the Black Witch is almost comparable to that of Voldemort.

When she was the strongest, she used to be Grindelwald's supporter and ally, ruling the entire Italian magic world and surrounding areas.

But after Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, the black witch Natalia quickly disappeared.

No one knows where she went, some people think she was afraid of Dumbledore, so she ran away and hid.

Some people thought she was dead, after all she was that age, she was already a very famous wizard before Dumbledore.

Through the many stories and rumors that have been handed down, we know that Natalia was once a beautiful witch. She was born in an ancient pure-blood wizard family in eastern Germany. Graduated from Durmstrang successfully.

Shortly after graduating, she obeyed the arrangement of the family and married another pure-blood wizard.

But her husband died soon after, on the wedding night.

And that's not all, it's just the beginning of a terrifying nightmare.

It is said that within a few years after that, Natalia, relying on her alluring beauty and ingenious concealment, married the only descendants of twelve ancient pure-blood families successively, and kept them all like a black widow mother spider All traces of it were removed, and thus gained notoriety.

By inheriting her late husband's estate, she quickly became one of the wealthiest women in the entire world.

Although her reputation is not good, there are always many male wizards who are attracted by their beauty and are willing to serve her.

Before the rise of Grindelwald, she already had a lot of power.

After taking refuge in Grindelwald, she quickly gained attention and became Grindelwald's most important supporter.

Not long ago, Voldemort went to Germany in person. Ivan thought he was going to explore the secrets of the Elder Wand and find the wand maker Gregovich, but now it seems that this is not the whole purpose of Voldemort. He also found the black witch Na Thalia came to his aid.

One of the most important believers of the evil god, and a dark wizard who wants to become the evil god, it is self-evident what the two plan to do together.

With the addition of Raven's Claw, things seem to be starting to take a more interesting direction.

Ivan briefly introduced what he knew about the black witch Natalia, and asked, "Harry, you just said that they are in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. What are they going to do?"

"They're going to open that door, that very large stone archway in the Department of Mysteries, with a curtain on it, and people talking in it"