Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1603: Choose and wait


"Remember, I told you before that in the deepest part of the Department of Mysteries, the door is huge, as big as half the size of the Quidditch field..." Harry tried his best to describe it, and he stretched his hands laboriously for a moment. .

The stone arch in the Hall of the Dead in the Department of Mysteries? !

Aiwen knew which door he was talking about, the door of death, an ancient magic artifact collected by the Ministry of Magic.

That door leads to death, and behind the door is the world of the dead.

Only those who have witnessed death can hear the voice of someone talking behind the curtain in front of the door. It is the voice of the undead in the past. No living person can clearly hear what the voice behind the door is saying, and can only vaguely feel it. Voices are their lost loved ones.

The voice behind the curtain is very nostalgic and friendly, making people want to go and have a look, but this is just an appearance, the owner of the voice is actually the god of death, and it is deliberately luring the people in front of the door.

Therefore, only those who have actually witnessed death can hear the voice at the door.

If you can't resist the temptation and cross the curtain, then you will see the relatives you will never miss, and the only thing waiting for you is death.

This door is a bit like the resurrection stone, which is a magic item left by the god of death to lure people to death.

Perhaps, in the world of the dead, the person who crosses the curtain will finally be reunited with his deceased relatives and friends.

Under the watchful eye of death, as usual.

But at that time, you will also die, so what's the point of getting together...

Anyway, that door is extremely dangerous.

Over the centuries, the Ministry of Magic has invested a great deal of research into this door, trying to unravel the mysteries of death.

No one knows what the research results are. Ivan speculates that the Ministry of Magic should not have figured out the secret of the death door, nor opened it. The only thing that is certain is that this door leads to death.

The method is very simple, if someone steps over the curtain, that person is dead.

This is a more powerful and thorough death than the Avada Kedavra Curse. The soul and body disappear from this world. Maybe they, like Dumbledore, go to another world to start a great adventure.

In any case, Aiwen is not interested. He has always kept a respectful distance from this dangerous magic item left over from ancient times.

After trying his best to avoid the fate of Sirius' death from this door, he didn't study this thing again, but now, Voldemort and the Black Witch want to open it, explaining that this door is not only related to death, but also related to evil gods.

Voldemort has the statue of the evil god in his hand, he can contact the evil god inside, and knows a lot of information that Ivan and the others don't have. He wants to go through that door and enter the world of the dead, he must be planning to get something in that world.

Ivan is not clear about the plans of Voldemort and the Black Witch, but it is undoubtedly not a good thing, he has a bad premonition.

Since it is impossible to confront and stop it head-on, the only way left is to seize the time to increase its own strength as soon as possible.

Be as fast as you can, and unlock the secret treasures of the Hogwarts Four before Voldemort turns evil.

"What should we do now?" Harry finally asked, he felt a splitting headache, as if there were many questions for him to think about, and he remembered that he hadn't confirmed to Sirius just now that Aunt Muriel said at the wedding Ivan said he would tell himself about those things, but Harry doubted whether he had the energy to listen to them now.

As the mysteries piled up, Harry almost fainted from the pain of the scar on his head.

"Harry, what you see shows that there must be something the Dark Lord wants behind the door of the Ministry of Magic, and there is a dangerous dark wizard helping him." Hermione said seriously, "It's really bad. Seriously, we don't know what the black witch looks like, how powerful they are, what they plan to do with that door, or even how to open that door, we don't know, maybe we should... "

"Tell the news to the Order of the Phoenix and ask them to send someone to investigate what the Dark Lord is planning to do. The rest of us will go to Gringotts to find Hufflepuff's gold cup according to the original plan, but we must hurry up, it is best to do it now." Go." Ivan paused, looked up at the pale Harry, "Harry, are you really okay? Otherwise, let's set off tomorrow morning."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, you can act anytime," Harry said weakly, "If you need to now..."

"You need to rest now, Harry! Ivan, do we have to go to Gringotts in such a hurry? Didn't we agree to stay here for a while, study what Dumbledore left us, and wait for the situation to clear up by the way? On the move? Seriously, I haven't read that book yet. Sirius told us to stay here, and besides, Ron hasn't been found yet..." Hermione frowned, and she turned to look at Ivan, her voice getting louder The weaker, "Well, it's important that the Dark Lord wants to open that door? Ivan, do you know something?"

"Not sure, I just have a bad feeling." Ivan said, "The plan has changed, Hermione, there is no time to stay here and wait for Ron, he will be fine, if Sirius and the others find him, He will be sent here. As for what Dumbledore left us, we can study it slowly. We will sleep here today and leave for Gringotts tomorrow morning. Come on, Hermione, Elaine, you can go to The bedroom upstairs, Harry and I go to the room upstairs, call me if you need anything."

Hermione seemed to be a little worried, as if she was about to say something, but she looked at Ivan and Harry, who had an ugly face, and finally said nothing; on the other hand, Elaine kept breathing indifferently, Obviously very sleepy.

After a hasty good night, Ivan helped Harry go to sleep.


Article 2 Early in the morning, Ivan woke up, his head was groggy, and it hurt even more when he shook it vigorously. His condition was much worse than yesterday. He seemed to have had a terrible nightmare, but I couldn't remember anything, and Ivan even wondered if he was connected to Voldemort's brain like Harry, otherwise why would he be so tired.

The sky outside could be vaguely seen through the gaps exposed by the thick curtains. The pre-dawn sky showed faint water-blue ripples, accompanied by bursts of coolness. Everything was so quiet, and Harry was still asleep on the bed next to him.

Ivan didn't wake him up, he stared at the dark ceiling for a while, then got up from the bed.

He felt that he couldn't bear to continue lying here, and he couldn't think of the terrible nightmare last night, and he didn't understand what conspiracy Voldemort and the Dark Witch were planning. There was only one road in front of him at present, and that was to get Hedge Patch's gold cup, this is the only clue, the only thing that can be done proactively, all the rest seems to be waiting...