Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1604: New Ministry of Magic policy


Ai Wen tiptoed out of the room, the stairs were dark and there was no light at all.

This dilapidated old house is like a sleeping monster, ready to be swallowed by someone at any time, but in fact, the house is not as quiet as Ivan imagined. With slight noises, the air is filled with a sweet smell. The two mixed together came from the kitchen downstairs, and it seemed that someone was preparing breakfast below.

Ivan was a little curious, he shook his wand at the top of the stairs, and walked down the stairs with the faint light from the end of the wand.

A dreamy scene in the kitchen, no longer the cold picture of last night, the house-elf Kreacher is running around, the rose-colored copper pots and pans have been taken out, wooden The tabletop, too, was wiped clean and shimmering, and the dishes set for breakfast on the table shimmered against the cheerful fire, and the frying pan on the fire was crackling cheerfully, and the air was full of joy. The aroma of toasted bread and fried eggs makes people salivate.

This place is completely different from the dilapidated scene upstairs. As soon as Ivan appeared at the kitchen door, Kreacher hurried over, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Good morning, Master Ivan, it's a pleasure to see you again, after breakfast Wash your hands before."

"Good morning, Kreacher, did Sirius ask you to come?" Ivan asked, while sitting at the dining table.

The house-elf brought him stacks of plates from which a good breakfast had been laid, and asked if he would like milk or coffee.

"Milk!" Ivan wiped his hands with the towel handed by Kreacher, and continued to ask, "By the way, Kreacher, I remember you were with Dobby at Hogwarts, how about it, during the summer vacation, Is there anything going on there?"

Ivan ordered Dobby to stay at Hogwarts and keep an eye on Dumbledore's tomb.

If Voldemort went there to take the Elder Wand, he would know first.

"It's nothing special, except that the rude big guy found a few fluffy monsters from the woods and raised them, and it stinks everywhere. Kreacher doesn't like Hogwarts, there is no Black in that castle The family’s ancestral house is good, but the young master usually doesn’t let old Kreacher come back, he is still such a prodigal, completely disregarding the family business of the Black family.” Kreacher said, took out a copy of the latest issue of "Daily Prophet" and handed it to Ai Wen, "This is what the young master told Old Kreacher to give to Master Ivan."

"Sirius just wants you to live with other house-elves, so...you won't be so lonely!" Ivan explained in vain, Kreacher didn't seem to listen to his words, he shook his head and opened the newspaper to read up.

Today is the first day that Voldemort controls the Ministry of Magic. The headline on the front page of the newspaper is quite interesting. First, there is a photo of a huge head of Dumbledore, and then the photos of Ivan, Harry, Sirius and others surround Dumbledore in turn. .

The headline read: We need to ask questions about the death of Albus Dumbledore!

Whatever you ask, the answer is self-evident.

Ivan took a quick look. Although he didn't see everything that happened on the Astronomy Tower that night, as a direct participant in the incident, he can be sure that none of the things said in this report and the so-called questioning are true.

They attempted to distort the death of Dumbledore so that the entire wizarding world would no longer oppose Voldemort, but oppose Ivan, Harry, and Sirius, at least making people suspicious of the three of them and the Order of the Phoenix.

That's enough when the seeds of distrust start to germinate!

This situation is not surprising. Voldemort has already controlled the Ministry of Magic, and the "Daily Prophet" will naturally fall to him. For example, Ivan's "Hogwarts Wizardry" has become the target of banning.

In fact, at the bottom of the front page, he saw the impatient "Daily Prophet" announcing a new list of prohibited publications, and the first one marked in red was "Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry".

There is no mention of Voldemort throughout the entire article, which is exactly what he intends to do, to quietly take power.

Now, most wizards don't even know what happened.

Through the newspapers, they will only know that Dumbledore's death has a lot of inside information. It was a conspiracy jointly planned by Ivan, Harry, and Sirius, and that Rufus Scrimgeour died of an accidental illness. Pierce Thicknesse replaced.

The new Minister persuaded the Dementors to agree to return to Azkaban and work more closely with the Ministry of Magic.

It seems that a breakthrough has been made to convince the dementors, but people will not know that the Ministry of Magic is no longer fighting against Voldemort. Instead, the puppet minister Thickness will handle daily government affairs for Voldemort according to Voldemort's will. Outside the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort could expand his power with impunity.

However, as long as they are smart people, they can guess what happened from the dramatic changes in the Ministry of Magic's policy, but these people dare not say, they only dare to talk quietly. Now everyone in the magic world is in danger, and there is a lack of trust among each other. .

Aiwen flipped backwards, and the latest policy of the Ministry of Magic was published on the second page. They were really impatient!

"The Muggle-Born Register, the Ministry of Magic is promising to take action to investigate so-called Muggle-born populations to better understand the magical secrets they hold. More recently, a Department of Mysteries investigation has shown that the Ministry of Magic can only Reproductive succession, people who have not been proven apprentices to wizarding families, so-called Muggle-borns, may have acquired magical powers through theft or force."

Ivan stopped, he saw that the Ministry of Magic used him as an example.

His most famous performance was his transformation magic in the last Quidditch World Cup, which prevented the entire playing field from collapsing. Of course, in the eyes of most wizards, this was extremely abnormal and unbelievable. There is magic.

People don't know Slytherin's locket, "Book of Abraham" and the magical magic on it. Using Ivan's case as an example, it will arouse the suspicion of wizards just right, even the wizards who support them. to refute.

The report didn't get too entangled in this matter, and continued to talk about the decision of the Ministry of Magic.

"The Ministry of Magic is determined to find people who usurp magic power like Alvin Mason, and will soon send invitations to every Muggle-born person to attend a meeting organized by the newly established Muggle-Born Registration Committee."

Well, they have already been determined to be the one who stole the magic power, so one can imagine what the so-called meeting would be like.