Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1605: letter


The remnants of the Dementors who had rejoined the Ministry of Magic could once again be useful in these meetings of verdict.

Intimidation, violence, persecution, the new Ministry of Magic and Dementors all rolled into one.

It is no longer an existence that maintains justice and order in the magic world, but a source of evil and chaos.

Ivan could imagine what the magic world would be like next. He finished his share of bread and flipped through the newspaper again.

He was intrigued by a family photo with the words: The Dumbledore family, from left: Albus, Percival (holding newborn Ariana), Kendra and Aberforth.

This is the promotion of Rita Skeeter's new book, and the new Ministry of Magic seems to like her new book very much, giving her such an important promotional page.

Judging from the photo, Dumbledore's father Percival was a handsome man, with eyes that still seemed to shine in this faded old photo.

This was the first time Ivan saw him. The man eventually died in Azkaban for killing Muggles.

People who don't know the whole murder incident will think that Percival is a despicable criminal, like those most conservative and stubborn pure-blood wizards, who abuse and kill Muggles at will, just to satisfy themselves or for fun. Of course, he It's still very stupid. It was not uncommon to kill those Muggles so openly. Such things were not uncommon at the time, but like Percival, he did not hide or run away with a mask, but openly confronted the laws of the Ministry of Magic and was arrested. It's rare.

This murder case caused a sensation in the magical world at that time. Among some people, the murderer Percival was regarded as a hero by them. He did what they always wanted to do but dared not do, especially Percival. This was done to avenge his daughter, and it also endowed him with a strong sense of heroism.

It is difficult for Aiwen to evaluate Percival's behavior, but he has to admit that he is a great father.

He just chose the wrong way to take revenge, and responded to violence with greater violence. What he got was not relief, but endless pain.

Percival's choice affected his family's life, and to some extent even affected the development of the entire magical world.

He's just an ordinary wizard who did a wrong thing in extreme rage.

He paid the price with his life for this, and his wife, son, and daughter bear the consequences of the incident.

Percival's fate has long since come to an end, but the impact of the murder incident that year has not ended. After so long, many wizards still agree with what Percival did, and even worse, they are now legalizing the persecution Muggles, just because they can.

Magic is power, and having power is superior.

There are many people who yearn to gain power, to become stronger, and to abuse those who are less than them, finding pleasure in the process.

Of course, they will put on many guises for their behavior, such as revenge like Percival.

Ivan has no way of judging whether this kind of thing is correct, but the whole process has undoubtedly been distorted, and no matter how righteous the reason is, it is just a despicable excuse.

In the photo, baby Ariana, in Percival's arms, was not much bigger than a loaf of bread and showed no more facial features.

Mother Candela's jet-black hair is tied into a high bun, and her facial features are carved like knives.

Although she was wearing a satin gown with a high collar, her dark eyes, high cheekbones and straight nose reminded Ivan of Indians.

Albus and Aberforth wore the same lace-collared jacket and had the same shawl hair. Albus looked a few years older, but otherwise the two boys looked very similar, as this was before Dumbledore's nose was broken and he started wearing glasses.

Baby Ariana's arms waved vaguely outside the swaddle, and the family looked quite happy, smiling serenely at the newspaper.

The text under the photo is an excerpt from Rita Skeeter's new book, and Ivan read it: Kendra Dumbledore is self-respecting and proud. After her husband Percival was arrested and imprisoned in Azkaban, she I can't bear to continue living in Wotuyuan. So she decided to move her family to Godric's Hollow, a village that later became famous because it was the place where Harry Potter miraculously escaped the clutches of You-Know-Who

At this time, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded from outside the kitchen.

Ivan looked up and saw Harry appearing at the door, his face was still pale, and he didn't seem to have slept well.

The house elf Kreacher went up to meet him, and Harry froze for a moment before coming to sit beside Ivan.

He was holding something in his hand, and his expression was a little downcast.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Ivan asked.

"I just went upstairs, Sirius' room, I've never been there," said Harry, his voice a little hoarse. "I found this there."

He handed over the note he was clutching in his hand, it was crumpled and Harry smoothed it out.

"Sirius never told me, and I don't know," Harry whispered.

Ivan squinted his eyes and read it. This is a letter from Harry's mother Lily to Sirius.

Dear Padfoot:

Thank you, thank you for Harry's birthday present!

This is his favorite toy. He can fly around on a toy broom at only one year old. He looks so happy.

I'm attaching a picture to show you, you know the little broomstick only goes two feet off the ground, but Harry nearly killed the kitten and almost broke an ugly vase that Petunia gave me Christmas present (not complaining). Of course, James had great fun saying the kid was going to be the next Quidditch star, but we had to put all the decorations away and keep watching him as he flew.

We had a very quiet birthday tea, just old Bathilda, who had always been very kind to us, and especially doted on Harry.

It's a pity you can't come, but the Order of the Phoenix comes first, and Harry is too young to know birthdays!

James was a little bored here, and he tried not to show it, but I could see that the Invisibility Cloak was still with Dumbledore, so there was no chance to go out.

How glad he would be if you could come.

Bug came over last weekend and I think he was down, but maybe it was because of the news from the McKinnons that I cried all night too.

Bathilda came over often, she was a funny old lady, and she told a lot of Dumbledore stories, it was incredible.

I don't know if he himself will be happy to hear that!

Honestly, I don't know how much to believe, it's hard to believe Dumbledore