Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1606: Talk to Harry


The content of the letter is so far, it is hard to believe what Dumbledore said, the letter did not say, but things are obvious, maybe Bathilda Bagshot told Lily about Dumbledore's past, which is what Rita Skeeter is going to expose These, do not need the second half, the content already on the letter paper can touch people's nerves very much, no wonder Harry is so lost, this is his mother's letter, it mentions the funny things about Harry when he was one year old, Lily and Jen Tom's quiet life while hiding from Voldemort, and the traitor Peter Pettigrew.

All of these, while hiding some important information, also affected Harry's sensitive nerves.

He desperately wanted to know this, but no one told him, neither Dumbledore nor Sirius.

These most important memories for Harry are so ordinary that they are easily overlooked.

"Harry" Ivan said, as if he had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

"I've looked everywhere, but I can't find the missing letter, and I can't find the photograph," said Harry, still hoarse.

"Maybe it was taken by Sirius."

"Maybe, somehow, the room up there is a mess, someone went through it before me, I'm not sure if Sirius did it, but he has no reason to do it, maybe Snape, he might I came back to find news about the Order of the Phoenix."

Harry didn't know that Mundungus Fletcher was stealing things from this house. Although Ivan had warned Mundungus when the buyer kept the elf corpse last time, he was very suspicious. How much warning would go, for a thief the allure of the old Black family home was too great.

Sirius didn't care about it at all. The only house-elf watching was still in the house, which was full of silver and priceless antiques.

In order to steal, Mundungus can even pretend to be a ghost, and the possibility of letting it go is almost zero.

No wonder Kreacher wasn't in the right state this morning, he kept whispering about Sirius' prodigal son, obviously very irritated.

There was no need to tell Harry about these things, he was in a bad enough mood now, there was no need to be angry about it.

"Harry, if you want to know the second half, you can ask Sirius." Ivan said, giving an acceptable suggestion.

"I'll ask him, and I'll have a deep talk with Sirius, but I'd rather see Bathilda Bagshot before that," Harry said. "She was mentioned in the letter, and Ron My Aunt Muriel mentioned her at the wedding, and she also knows the Dumbledores, so it would be interesting to talk to her, wouldn't it?"

"In a sense." Ivan said, he knew what Harry was thinking, "Are you still planning to go to Godric's Hollow?"

When discussing the plan during the summer vacation before, Harry said that he wanted to visit the place where he was born and his parents rested, which is the famous wizard gathering place "Godric's Hollow", but this idea was rejected in the ensuing discussion , it doesn't make sense for them to go to Godric's Hollow now.

Whether it is looking for the treasure key of the four founders of Hogwarts, or Voldemort's Horcrux, it does not involve that place.

On the contrary, Voldemort may guess where Harry is going, and the Death Eaters will lie in wait for them to pass there. It is extremely unwise to go to Godric's Hollow at this time. In fact, Ivan doubts that even if they go , it is also a big question whether I can see Bathilda Bagshot.

"I want to know the truth, Ivan!" Harry said, seeming to be afraid to look at Ivan, but his voice became louder and louder, "Bathilda Bagshot knows a lot, and it is necessary to meet her. I think To find out for myself, to figure out all the things, not what you've always wanted me to do: choose what to believe."

Indeed, knowing it in person is much more credible than listening to what Ivan said, Sirius said, Aunt Muriel said, and Rita Skeeter said.

Even if nothing was found, it was a great relief to Harry to see his parents' graves.

In the end, it will be Harry himself who will face death. Even if Ivan knows a lot, he can't replace him, and he can't even give him much help.

"I'm not suspicious of you and Sirius, Ivan, but do you think I can remain indifferent after knowing these things?" Harry continued, he still didn't look at Ivan, "I know you and Hermione have always opposed I'm going to Godric's Hollow, it might be dangerous, but it's important to me."

"Well, we can go there after we find Hufflepuff's treasure key." Ivan finally said, "I will convince Hermione, and I will tell you everything I know about Dumbledore. You judge the truth of these things yourself. First, you can read this article first."

"What is this?" Harry asked in surprise, and took the newspaper that Ivan handed over.

"The latest issue of the "Daily Prophet" has the latest policy of the new Ministry of Magic. They seem to plan to interrogate Muggle-born wizards, but this is not the point. The point is the excerpts from the third edition of Rita Skeeter's new book , about the past of Dumbledore’s family.” Ivan said, “Before you came, I was reading this report, which mentioned Dumbledore’s parents, sister, and Bathilda Bagshot, if you want To investigate and understand the past, I think we can start here."

He said and pointed that passage to Harry. After Dumbledore's father was arrested, the Dumbledore family moved from Fertile Land to Godric's Hollow. No one there knew about the past of the Dumbledore family. Don't care about the eyes of people around you and the bad influence of Percival, you can start over there.

In Rita Skeeter's words: Like Fertile Land, Godric's Hollow is home to many wizarding families, but Dumbledore's mother, Candra, doesn't know any of them, so it won't be as common as in the original village. Someone is curious about her husband's crimes.

She repeatedly rejected the friendly overtures of her new neighbors, and soon isolated her family from the outside world.

"I brought a batch of homemade pot cakes to welcome her, and she closed the door in my face," said Bathilda Bagshot. "The first year they moved, I only saw two Boy. I never would have known that Ariana had a daughter if I hadn't picked weeping berries in the moonlight one time in the winter and saw Kendra leading Ariana into the back garden. Her mother took her for a walk around the lawn and held him tightly, and then led him back into the house, not knowing what was going on."

It seemed that Kendra saw a move to Godric's Hollow as an opportunity to hide Ariana, something she'd probably been planning for years.

Timing is important. Ariana was just seven years old when she disappeared, and many experts believe that seven years old is the age at which magical abilities should be revealed.

No one alive remembers Ariana ever displaying the slightest magical ability, so Candela decided to hide her daughter's existence and was ashamed to admit that she gave birth to a Squib. Of course, it was much easier to imprison Ariana without the friends and neighbors who knew her.

Since then, there are only a handful of people who know of Ariana's existence, and they are all able to keep the secret, including her two older brothers. They use the words taught by their mothers to block embarrassing questions, "My sister is too weak to go to school."