Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1607: Ariana's story


"As Aunt Muriel said, Dumbledore's mother imprisoned Ariana because she was a squib." Harry asked, his mood seemed to be worsened by the contents of the newspaper, He looked at the newspaper photos of the seemingly happy Dumbledore family and couldn't believe it was real.

"There is nothing to deny. Candela did do this, but she did not imprison Ariana, but to protect." Ivan said.

"Protection?" Harry looked at Ivan in disbelief, and said loudly, "A seven-year-old girl is locked up for protection?!"

"Yes, because Ariana isn't a Squib who can't use magic, she's an Obscure."

"What difference does it make! Also, what is an Obscure?" Harry asked.

"The Obscure, like wizards, Muggles, and Squibs, is a title that distinguishes people by magic." Ivan patiently explained, "When the minds of young wizards are greatly traumatized, they will lose control of their own magic. Sometimes, a dark magical force slips in and takes refuge in the mind of a young wizard. This dark force is so powerful and so evil that wizards who know it call it obscurity, and you can think of it as A parasite with dark powers, Harry."

"Silently!" Harry repeated in a low voice, as if trying to convince himself of the concept.

"According to my guess, Moran is related to evil gods. They are creations of evil gods, just like dementors." Aiwen said, "Of course, no wizard knows this, and the magic world has not yet researched Moran. Sources, Moran is generally regarded as a dark energy creature free from space."

"You mean, a silent person resides on Arianna, making her a silent person instead of a squib." Harry said very slowly, "Arianna is controlled by evil gods?! This sounds really unbelievable Already!"

"It's unbelievable, but the truth is, Rita Skeeter's article didn't say why Dumbledore's father Percival asked to kill the three Muggle boys, or mentioned it, but it was just a brushstroke." Ivan said, "You can investigate, Harry, this part is very important. As far as I know, it's because Ariana was accidentally seen by those three Muggle boys when she was using magic when she was a child, and they did terrible things to her." The thing that caused her heart was greatly stimulated, and since then she lost control of the magic, and the magic was in her body, driving her crazy, in fact, she became a silent person."

"But even so, why did the Dumbledore family lock her up? They should take Ariana to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries."

"There is no way to treat it. Until now, wizards have believed that the silent person is ominous and will bring disaster and misfortune. After discovering and confirming the silent person, the Ministry of Magic usually kills it. This can prevent other attempts. The dark wizards use the silent ones to do bad things.” Ai Wen said, “The silent ones are very rare, and they are very powerful, stronger than most wizards. The silent people in the body will wake up. We can call it awakening. In the awakened state, the silent people will become a black mist with no substance, and the destructive power is extremely powerful. If they do not use magic all the time, silent Then it will eat back the host, and eventually take over the host's body and get out of control, which will bring disaster."

"Momoran's ultimate goal is to control the silent people to summon evil gods and let them come to this world, but so far, no one has succeeded in Momoran, because their power is too dark and powerful, far exceeding the limit that the human body can bear. A burst of magic is a great harm to the obscurity itself." Ivan continued, "This is the main reason why most of the obscurity are children, and they can't live for too long. In fact, most of the obscurity can't survive. Over ten years old."

"But Ariana lived past ten years old!" Harry immediately caught Ivan's speech impediment, "I remember she was killed after Dumbledore graduated."

"Yeah, this is the best proof that the Dumbledore family took good care of Ariana, not captivity and abuse as it was believed. They took care to protect her emotions and magic, so that the silence in her didn't have a chance to awaken , This is the best way to protect the obscurant, although to outsiders, Arianna is like a squib, locked in the house and never allowed to see outsiders, but this is better than being stimulated, doing a lot of things after silently awakening Terrible things are stronger, isn't it?" Ai Wen said, "Dumbledore's mother was careful to protect her, so she was able to live past the age of ten, and if there was no accident, she could continue to live."

"About that accident, it's probably another gimmick in Rita Skeeter's book!" Without waiting for Harry to ask, Ivan took the initiative to say, "Although Mo Ran, who lives in Ariana's body, has not awakened, but It still affects Arianna all the time, as long as her mood fluctuates slightly, it will trigger a magical riot. When Dumbledore was about to graduate from Hogwarts, Arianna accidentally killed her mother because of a magical riot. Dead! Oh, yes, that's how Candela died, and you can look into that, or ask Bathilda Bagshot, she should know something."

"After Candela died, Dumbledore, who had graduated from school, began to take care of Arianna." Aiwen said, "But he was very unwilling to waste his time and life on such things, although Dumbledore loved her very much. sister, but he is also a talented wizard at the same time, like every young wizard, he has his own ideals and revenge, and wants to do his own big business, but he has to stay at home, this state And it went on until he met Gellert Grindelwald."

"Gellert Grindelwald?! You mean the dark wizard who was defeated by Dumbledore?" Harry asked, "Krum also mentioned him to me at the wedding yesterday, and he said he has many relatives The friends were all killed by Grindelwald, and said that the strange triangular emblem on Luna’s father, Mr. Lovegut, was the symbol of Grindelwald, and the two of them quarreled over this.”

"That emblem represents the three Deathly Hallows, Harry, three extraordinary supermagic items, said to be directly given by the God of Death, as long as the person who gathers all the Deathly Hallows can conquer death, Grindelwald has been looking for them , He was able to appear in Godric's Hollow because of this reason." Ivan said, "Remember, we discussed the Deathly Hallows before, if you want to know more, you can go to see Dumbledore left In the collection of fairy tales for Hermione, there is a story about the legend of the three brothers, which is about the Deathly Hallows, but this is not the focus of our discussion this time, let’s continue to talk about Dumbledore’s past. Grindelwald has We don't know if there is no clue to find the Deathly Hallows in Godric's Hollow, but there he met the young Dumbledore, two talented wizards, who have an extraordinary understanding and research on magic, and the same Ideals and revenge, once they meet together, they will naturally be very speculative."