Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1608: continuation of the story


"We can imagine that during those days, Dumbledore and Grindelwald studied magic and talked about their ideals together. They both felt that the other was the person in their destiny. They even sneaked out to adventures in ancient magic ruins around the world. "Ivan said, "When Sirius and I sent out the key to find the secret treasure of giants and Ravenclaw, Dumbledore mentioned to me that he had gone to Sicily with Grindelwald. At that time Under such circumstances, this kind of risky behavior is very reckless for Dumbledore. Considering Ariana's physical condition, even if Dumbledore has not been away for a long time, it is very inappropriate. For this reason, Arianna is ignored, and Grindelwald may also think that Ariana is a burden. We all know that Grindelwald has never been a good person. He is a black wizard through and through. Imaginary black magic research. His attitude towards Ariana who hindered him and Dumbledore can be imagined, or maybe he hoped that she would die early. But Ariana's condition at that time was inseparable from human care, even Unable to bear any stimulation, under such circumstances, her physical condition will definitely get worse."

"Didn't Dumbledore know what you said?" Harry asked after thinking for a while.

"I think he didn't know, or knew but ignored. At that time, Dumbledore was thinking about how to realize his and Grindelwald's great ideals for the greater good, while ignoring his sister. , This was also the thing he regretted the most in his later life.” Ai Wen said, “In fact, I suspect that Dumbledore didn’t know Ariana’s situation very well at that time, and he probably didn’t know about the obscurity. Think Ariana is magic out of control"

"If you have read Mr. Newt Scamander's biography, yes, it is Mr. Scamander, the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". He gave Hagrid and us a lot in Buckbeak. If you read his biography, Harry, you will find a very interesting description." Ivan continued, "As a magic zoologist, the young Mr. Scamander once followed the ancient According to the tradition of wizards, he conducted a round-the-world journey mainly to research and rescue magical animals. His first stop was the United States. At that time, Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts and Grindelwald rose rapidly. Mr. Scamander met Grindelwald while traveling in America. In fact, I think Scamander was able to choose to go to America, and Dumbledore played a big role in it."

"Where are they going?" Harry couldn't keep up with Ivan's jumping thinking. He was still talking about Ariana just now, and now he is going to discuss Newt Scamander's adventures in the United States. Even so, but It has to be admitted that Harry is intrigued by such shocking things.

"Grindelwald was expanding his power at the time. He was already very powerful, but not enough to conquer the world. At least, he was not sure enough to defeat his old friend Dumbledore, nor did he find all three Deathly Hallows, so Grindelwald began to hope to obtain other powers." Ivan said, "I think he must have witnessed the scene of Arianna's magic riot, and even the situation when she silently awakened in her body, and left How can a wizard like Grindelwald ignore such a powerful force beyond imagination? He has studied it and discovered the secret of the Obscure. He must have got the news when he went to the United States , want to find a new Obscure, and Dumbledore appeared there just to stop him."

"Of course, with the help of Mr. Scamander, Dumbledore successfully stopped Grindelwald in the end. They fought all the way back to Europe from the United States, and finally had that amazing duel in Nurmengard. These things You can ask Mr. Scamander in person, and I think you can also visit him. After all, Grindelwald occupies an extremely important position in Dumbledore's life. If you want to know Dumbledore, you can't bypass it anyway. This black wizard." Ivan said, "If necessary, we can even go to Nurmengard to meet Grindelwald himself, where he has been imprisoned since he failed in the duel."

"Is that dark wizard still alive?" Harry said in surprise.

"Dumbledore just defeated him, not killed him. The relationship between the two of them is very good, beyond imagination. Rita Skeeter is not wrong about this, but it doesn't mean that the personal relationship is good, just Will not become an enemy, especially for wizards with the status of Grindelwald and Dumbledore, ideas may be more important to them." Ivan explained, "Okay, Harry, let's continue the topic back to Ali On Anna, as we just said, Grindelwald went to the United States to find the silent person because he witnessed the power that erupted in Ariana's silent awakening, and the reason for Ariana's magic riot was because of Dumbledore's When the younger brother Aberforth came home from Hogwarts on vacation, he found that Dumbledore had not taken good care of Ariana. He had a fierce quarrel with Dumbledore. Well, if there is no accident, Aunt Muriel’s family was with the family yesterday The quarrel we were talking about was the follow-up to this quarrel. In short, they had a fierce quarrel that time, and Grindelwald also participated in it. They should have moved their hands in the end. Ariana next to her was stimulated. The silent awakening in the body, in that chaos, the magic of Dumbledore, Grindelwald or Aberforth hit Ariana, or because the magic riot was too powerful and exceeded Ariana's body's ability to bear, in short, she died."

Harry didn't speak or ask questions, and it seemed that it was difficult for him to accept what Ivan said for a while.

"Grindelwald thought he killed Ariana, so he ran away after that quarrel! And because Dumbledore was the one who killed Ariana, he has changed a lot since then, and he no longer has those ideas before. , but gradually became the professor we are familiar with." Ivan finally said, "Okay, Harry, these are the stories about Ariana, we can blame Dumbledore for making mistakes in the process, but everyone makes mistakes Well, Dumbledore is no exception, what matters is what we do when we make a mistake. We all know what kind of man Dumbledore was, Rita Skeeter and Aunt Muriel's slander doesn't have any credibility. "