Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1612: fighting


bang bang bang!

At this time, the door was knocked roughly, and before Ivan could say please come in, it was opened from the outside, and four men in black cloaks walked in. .

Ivan turned around and saw Antonin Dolokhov and Dolphin Roll who had gone back and forth.

Luo Er was limping when he walked, and he obviously hadn't recovered from the impact just now. He waited fiercely for Ivan, as if he wanted to pounce on him and tear him apart.

The two short men in front of them looked alike, with dark skin and black hair, one of them was a little fatter, the other a little thinner, the most striking thing they had in common was their crazy and haggard face The face of the girl is straight, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the facial features are particularly deep and prominent.

This is a characteristic shared by prisoners who have been imprisoned in Azkaban for a long time, and Ivan has seen it on Sirius countless times.

They are the Lestrange brothers!

Rodolph Slestrange and Labastan Lestrange.

The last time Ivan saw the two was in Dumbledore's Pensieve, when they were being tried with Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jr. because they tortured the Longbottoms with the Cruciatus Curse, thinking To press for the whereabouts of Voldemort.

However, compared to Bellatrix, who arrogantly mocked the entire Wizengamot Tribunal, and Barty Crouch Jr., who denied all charges, the Lestrange brothers were easily let down in that trial. Little characters that people ignore, they didn't even say a word during the trial, and the silent resistance seemed to show that they were not afraid of Azkaban, but the performance of Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jr. In comparison, the two are really inferior.

To some extent, it also shows that they are too nervous and weak, succumbing to fate.

If you are a fanatical Death Eater, then it seems to be a matter of course to shout a few cruel words such as believing that Voldemort will definitely return...

Of course, what kind of people the Lestrange brothers are actually, and how much loyalty they have to Voldemort, Ivan doesn't care, what he cares about is the Lestrange family's vault, that The treasury is now used by Bellatrix, but it still belongs to the Lestrange family in name. Rodolph Slestrange and Labastan Lestrange have the right to go in, which will leave Ivan A lot of trouble.

So far, there are very few pure-blood wizarding families that still have a vault in the deepest area of Gringotts, and the most suitable targets are nothing more than the brothers Bellatrix and Lestrange.

"It's him, he said he saw Ivan Mason and Harry Potter!" Dolphin Rohr yelled as soon as he entered the door, "Give him a good look and let him know..."

"Shut up, idiot!" Rodolph Slestrange roared, his voice sounded harsh, he turned to Ivan and looked at him suspiciously, "Are you from the Bulstrode family?"

"That's right!" Ivan said, shaking his wand gently.

"Impossible, we checked, there is no one in this family!"

"Oh, then you should go back and look it up again. My grandfather's branch immigrated to France from England at the time. You may have overlooked this. Seriously, I can recite my family's genealogy, all the way to a thousand Many years ago, doesn't this prove my identity?" Ivan said arrogantly, continuing to shake his wand, "But before that, you should introduce yourself first."

"I'm Rodolph Slestrange, and this is my brother Labastan." Rodolphs said still vigilantly, while the others pointed their wands at Ivan, "I heard from Antonin, you know Ivan Mason and the whereabouts of Harry Potter."

"I think so, I also just found out that the two boys were Mason and Potter. Lucky, isn't it? I heard the Dark Lord has been trying to catch them, and that's a big credit."

"If you can catch it, then you are dead!" Rabastan said.

"Tell us, where did you meet those two boys? You don't want to catch them yourself, do you?" Rodolphs continued, "We're doing this for your own good, if you're really Bulstroh De family, when we catch Mason and Potter, you will have a share of the credit, and no one can take it away. With this credit, you will be rewarded by the Dark Lord. If you continue to dawdle, let them run If you fall, you will definitely die a very miserable death."

"Well, I can tell their whereabouts, but I need something in exchange."


"For example, what about the Lestrange family's vault?!"

"You are joking!"

"No, I'm serious, because I'm the Ivan Mason you've been looking for!" After Ivan finished speaking, he lifted the wand in his hand vigorously.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

At the same time, the old-fashioned desk in the corner flew towards the four Death Eaters who were caught off guard.

Cursing was mixed with the impact, and red and green spell lights flew.

"Damn it, get out of here!"

"Bones to pieces!"

"Idiot, use the Killing Curse!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"No, no, flying sand and rocks!" Dolokhov roared, and the table that roared towards him was shattered by the spell, but it was too late, and the wreckage of the table hit hard with the huge impact force from the explosion. His long twisted face.

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew, and Dolohov passed out in an instant.

Ivan dodged the two killing curses flying towards him, and his petrification curse hit Rodolphs at the same time, and watched the Death Eater go down, waving his wand wildly.

Rabastan, who immediately hid behind the cabinet and prepared to fight back, was horrified to find that the cabinet in front of him began to fall towards him, and everything else became heavier and heavier. He wanted to escape, but his feet But he was firmly controlled by two ropes wrapped around his ankles at unknown times.

With a plop, Rabastan fell to the ground, hitting the cabinet hard on it.

The blond Death Eater roared and rushed towards Ivan, a flash of red light hit his face, and he fell to the side and passed out.

Because the power of the spell was too strong, his body flew backwards again and slammed into the wall fiercely. Dolphin Rohr, who was already in a coma, snorted again, as if waking up from the pain, but he lost it immediately. perception.

Aiwen got up from the ground and shook off the sawdust, glass shards and a lot of dust on his body. This battle was a bit thrilling. He could have ended the battle in an easier way, but the environment in the room prevented him from using a more powerful one. Magic, otherwise it will break through the spell limit he arranged before and be noticed by others.

However, the results are not bad, and the next step can be planned.

He came to the side of Rodolphus who had been hit by the petrification spell, and a black chain emerged from the end of his wand, trapping him tightly.

Then, Alvin pointed his wand at his forehead and said, "Forget everything!"

Rodolphus' eyes immediately became dazed and glazed.