Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1614: Honest Probe


A group of people came to the bottom of the marble steps leading to the tall bronze door. There had been a change here. The uniformed goblins who usually guarded the sides of the entrance were replaced by two wizards from the new Ministry of Magic. Thin metal rod.

Several wizards were queuing up there for inspection, waiting to enter Gringotts.

"Honest Probe!" Ivan whispered, slowing down, "I didn't expect them to set this up."

"What is this thing?" Elaine asked.

"An instrument that can detect hidden spells and magic items."

"How do you use this thing? Do you insert a metal rod from below?" Elaine's voice carried a hint of teasing.

"No, Elaine, that's what the metal rod is for when doing other things, it's just that the test doesn't have to be inserted in, they only need to move the probe over you once, and they can detect whether you have hidden spells or I have dishonest thoughts. This instrument is ineffective against compound decoction, and if Occlumency is good enough, it can't detect anything." Aiwen said, "But to be on the safe side, we'd better use a small means. Hermione, are you sure you can use the Confusion Charm on them?"

"No problem!" Hermione said. While following Aiwen and approaching, she took out her wand from her pocket and pointed at the two guards outside the gate of Gringotts, saying, "Confused!"

Hit by the spell, both guards froze for a moment.

"Beautiful, Hermione, great confusion spell, many wizards can't do it so perfect!" Ivan admired, and stepped up the last step.

He didn't pause at the door and was about to enter Gringotts.

"Excuse me, sir!" said a guard, holding up a slender metal rod.

"You guys have just checked!" Aiwen said condescendingly, in the arrogant voice of Rodolphus Lestrange, "Or do you think that my brother and I, the most loyal servant of the Dark Lord, entered Gringotts?" Additional inspections required?"

"No, of course not..." The guard explained in a panic. He seemed a little confused, looked down at the slender metal rod in his hand, and then looked at his colleague who was also dazed.

"Yes, you've checked them!" said the man. "Lord Lestrange, you can go in."

"I have doubts about the attitude of the two of you. I will go and talk to Mr. Minister about this in person..." Ivan said to the two guards who were scratching their heads. He let Harry go first, and he didn't Immediately went in, but paused by the gate for a while, buying time for Hermione and Elaine to pass, "The Ministry of Magic sent you here, not for you..."

"What's the matter, what's going on, Rodolphus, have you been offended by these two scumbags?"

At this time, an indifferent woman's voice sounded behind Ai Wen.

Ivan turned around, his heart skipped a beat, he saw the pale and haughty Bellatrix walking towards him slowly along the marble steps, behind her, a house elf struggled to hold a Follow her footsteps with the long sword.

This is... the sword of Gryffindor!

It's just a fake, because Ivan didn't feel the unique violent magical power of Cyclops on the scabbard.

He glanced at the counterfeit sword, then returned his gaze to Bellatrix.

Ivan opened his mouth, not sure how to call Bellatrix who suddenly appeared.

Damn, how did this one appear! ! !

Should Aiwen call her by her name now, or a nickname like "Dear"

His current identity is Bellatrix's husband in name, so it is only natural that he should be called more intimately? !

By the same token, shouldn't he be kissing Bellatrix? !

But according to Ivan's understanding, the relationship between Rodolphus and Bellatrix seems to be very ordinary, in fact, it exists in name only, and he probably doesn't need him to take the risk of doing any intimate moves!

The two of them were originally married in a family style, without any emotional basis, and the long life of imprisonment in Azkaban made the two of them have little actual contact. Not to mention, Bellatrix's crazy admiration for Voldemort made her see no other men in her eyes. The existence of Voldemort's daughter is enough to explain the relationship between her and Rodolphs!

But meeting Bellatrix here is still bad, too bad.

Ivan never expected to meet Bellatrix at the gate of Gringotts by such a coincidence. Harry, Hermione, and Elaine, who were about to enter Gringotts behind him, all stopped and looked worriedly. Alvin and Bellatrix.

"Some garbage is like this. I haven't learned to accept the reality. There are too many mudbloods on this street. We should clean them up as soon as possible." Bellatrix said in a supercilious tone. He pointed his wand at the two guards, "As for you two, if you don't respect the Dark Lord's servants, you don't respect the Dark Lord. So, Cruciate!"

The guards screamed horribly, and they fell to the ground shaking and struggling violently.

Bellatrix laughed contentedly amidst the ghastly screams of the guards.

"Okay, Bella!" Ivan couldn't stand it any longer. He swung Rodolphus' wand sharply and stopped the magic. Almost gone.

"They didn't disrespect me, they just..."

"Too weak, Rodolphus, you seem to be afraid? It's shameful, it's always been like this, I've reminded you many times, or you think it doesn't matter, because the reputation of the Lestrange family is worth nothing, But don't forget your identity, we are Death Eaters, the most trusted servants of the Dark Lord, you can only get his honor if you perform better." Bellatrix stopped suddenly, her face His face suddenly approached Ivan, "Wait, you look a little strange?"

"Really? I might be tired. I didn't have a good rest last night, you know." Ivan moved forward a little further, staring into Bellatrix's eyes at close range, and began to try to use the Imperius Curse As well as Soul-hunting, Aiwen is not very good at using these two magics through this kind of casting. He dare not directly control the other party, nor dare to go too deep into Bellatrix's thoughts, but give her some misleading and hints It can still be done, "I didn't sleep well, I was too tired last night, I was really tired..."

"Stay away from me, idiot, you're making me uncomfortable!" Bellatrix shrieked, "That crap will tie your performance to mine, and your and your brother's stupidity will I, like the self-righteous Malfoy's recent unforgivable failures, the Dark Lord has begun to disappoint us. That old woman he brought back from Germany dared to give orders to me this morning. We have to do something What, regain his trust! I heard that you got information on the whereabouts of Mason and Potter? Did a guy claiming to be from the Bulstrode family see them both?"

"No, that kid is talking nonsense, and we made him pay for his nonsense!" Ivan said softly, he was very interested in what Bellatrix said about the black witch giving orders to her.