Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1616: Is there anything wrong?


It succeeded, Ivan controlled Bellatrix with the Imperius Curse!

He can now order Bellatrix to do anything, but these things cannot be too outrageous or strongly violate his own wishes, otherwise Bellatrix's resistance will become stronger and stronger until he breaks away from the magic control. .

In fact, Ivan can feel Bellatrix's strong resistance now, and his Imperius Curse won't last long.

The effect of the Imperius Curse is not only affected by the strength of the magic power and the level of casting, but also the evil thoughts of the caster. The more evil and full of hatred the caster is, the stronger the spell will be. This applies to all black magic. One of the original forces of black magic.

Ivan really hates Bellatrix and hates her, but this does not mean how evil he is, nor does it mean that he is willing to use the Unforgivable Curse to hurt her, so even if his magic power is strong enough, But the power of the Imperius Curse cast was mediocre, not powerful enough to control Bellatrix for a long time.

But enough time to get into Gringotts and take the cup!

The current situation is very troublesome, not just the strength and duration of the Imperius Curse.

After the magic was successful, Ivan kept holding Bellatrix and did not let go, and the two snuggled together, even though doing so made him feel sick, he smelled a faint smell from Bellatrix. The smell of blood, which is different from the smell on Elaine's body, makes people sick, but Ivan chooses to ignore it. He needs more time to think about it.

As for whether other people will wonder why the two of them hugged each other for so long, Ivan can't take care of it for the time being.

Is it wrong to embrace affectionately between husband and wife

Is it wrong to show affection in public in broad daylight

Even if there is a mistake, does anyone dare to take care of it

Death Eaters have a reputation for viciousness, and Bellatrix is even more lunatic, killing people at the slightest disagreement. Even most Death Eaters are afraid of her, and anyone who dares to meddle in her business will shoot her to death.

As long as Voldemort, the last party in the triangle relationship, does not appear, as long as the effects of Polyjuice Potion and the Imperius Curse are still there, Alvin and Bellatrix can hug for as long as they want.

This feeling of doing whatever I want is really... too bad!

The problem now is that Ivan doesn't want Bellatrix to know that they entered her vault to take the gold cup, because then Voldemort will know that they are collecting Horcruxes, although this matter itself can't be hidden for long, But the later Voldemort knew, the better for them. Ivan has just dealt with the Lestrange brothers and the other two Death Eaters. After they wake up, they will not remember what happened during this time, but only the false memory that Ivan wants them to know .

He also needs to deal with Bellatrix's memory, but it cannot be operated at the gate of Gringotts. It is not the best choice to let Bellatrix just leave or kill her. Maybe he can take it directly to The underground vault gets rid of...

Ai Wen suddenly thought that as long as there is compound soup, Hermione can play Bellatrix in a while.

In this way, even if Bellatrix disappeared in the end, the Death Eaters would not be able to investigate Gringotts for a while.

Even, they can play Bellatrix for the next period of time, and use this identity to go to Malfoy Manor and the place of death where the black witch Ivan saw just now is located. As long as he went to the underground vault, there weren't so many people watching, and he could continue to delve into Bellatrix's memory to get more useful information.

Thinking of this, Ivan doesn't plan to let Bellatrix go!

"Bella, Rabastan wants to go to the vault with me." Ivan said in a whispering voice, and he was giving Bellatrix an order, "You also go with us and take the sword of Gryffindor yourself Put it in, this sword is very important... "

As soon as the words fell, Bellatrix in Aiwen's arms shook violently again. She was resisting Aiwen's order, but she did not break free, and the resistance was quickly suppressed by Aiwen.

"You're right. Those filthy goblins are not trustworthy at all. I want to go with you. There are other important things that the Dark Lord entrusted to me in the vault. I want to go down and make sure." Latrix said blankly, "Let go of me, idiot, let's go faster, I don't want to waste all my time in a dirty crypt."

Ivan slowly let go of Bellatrix, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine watched them nervously, and the other wizards and goblins also looked at them intently.

Everyone seemed relieved to see Bellatrix not overreacting.

In this way, the new team set off!

Bellatrix led the way, and she entered like a gust of wind.

Ivan and Harry, holding Gryffindor's sword, hurriedly followed her. He couldn't be sure if Hermione and Elaine had followed, but there was no space around them, and no wizard dared to approach, so there was no need to worry about being discovered because of the collision.

Inside the gate, at the door of the inner hall, stood two goblins, their heads bowed deeply.

The striking silver door is engraved with a poetic warning to malicious thieves of the dire consequences of stealing, and engraved with magical runes that activate if necessary Magic protects Gringotts, which is obviously not a skill that goblins should master. It should be made with the help of ancient alchemists.

Everyone who passes through this door will stop and admire for a while, but Ivan has no time to stop now. He followed Bellatrix, and after a while, he stood in the bright marble hall of Gringotts.

The goblins sat on the stools behind the long counter, serving the first guests of the day, the ones who came in before Ivan and Harry, all of them looked at Bellatrix in fear, One of the wizards couldn't help but knelt down, and Ai Wen judged from the terrified expressions on their faces that this group of people were not pure blood and belonged to the objects to be cleaned up.

Maybe they just wanted to come to Gringotts early in the morning to take all the money in the vault, and then flee far away from this increasingly crazy country, but they didn't expect to meet Death Eaters here.

Normally, their fate would be miserable, but Bellatrix ignored them and walked straight to an old goblin who was looking at a thick ancient gold coin with glasses.

"Mrs. Lestrange!" the goblin shouted, obviously shocked, he seemed to have just noticed the group of people in front of him, even though Aiwen and Bellatrix hugged affectionately at the door for so long just now, "still There are two Lords of Lestland, my God, what can I do for you?"