Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1617: The driving speed of the old goblin


"Take me to my vault, leprechaun, and put my new stash there," said Bellatrix haughtily.

"No problem, Mrs. Lestrange, we will assign a goblin to serve you, and help you deliver your things. You just need to..."

"I'm going into the vault, don't you hear?" Bellatrix said impatiently.

"Then I need to see your wand, ma'am." The old goblin seemed a little shy, he hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand slightly trembling, and explained in fear, "Everyone who enters the vault in that area needs to verify their identity , there are some special regulations in the vault of the Lestrange family, I have to make sure..."

"What are you talking about, verifying your identity? You want to check my wand, don't you?" Bellatrix slowly pulled out the wand, did not hand it over, but waved it inadvertently, the goblin A deep scar immediately appeared on his face.

The old goblin yelled. He covered his face and shrank back. The other goblins also stopped their work and looked at Bellatrix. Their terrified eyes contained hatred and fear that could not be concealed.

"Lady Lestrange..."

"Dirty goblin, you are doubting me, the most loyal servant of the Dark Lord!" Bellatrix shrieked, pointing her wand at the old goblin, "and you want to use your dirty Dirty hands on my wand! You're courting death!"

"No, no, no, ma'am, I just follow the rules..." the old goblin hurriedly argued.

"That's the rule, Cruciatus!" Bellatrix yelled cruelly, without giving him too much chance to defend himself.

The old goblin slid off the tall chair and fell to the ground, screaming heart-piercingly.

Ai frowned, he could feel Hermione touching him from behind, this was not his order, Bellatrix really liked to torture people, even under the control of the Imperius Curse, they It's an extra problem, a few goblins have already come over, it would be bad if it caused the goblins to resist, suspect or cause other unnecessary troubles.

Ai hurriedly ordered her to undo the magic and stop the torture.

"Shut up, goblin, I repeat one last time, take me to my vault, or I'll take your head in with me," said Bellatrix, waving her wand at Ai's order Unlocking the magic, "The Dark Lord is too kind to you, you ugly brains are not even qualified to decorate the walls of my house."

The old goblin lay on the ground panting violently and said nothing.

He straightened up and clapped his hands tremblingly, and a young goblin walked over tremblingly.

"Bring me the key," he told the young goblin.

"But sir, the regulations require that..."

"I know the rules, Lady Lestrange is going to her vault!" the old goblin raised his voice, showing the young goblin the face with the deep gash, "bring you the key below, Hurry up!"

The latter looked at the wound and nodded, and ran away with a gust of wind.

Without much effort, he brought a feather bag full of clanking metal tools, and handed it to his superior.

"Please, please come with me, Lady Lestrange!" said the old goblin, getting up from the ground, "I will take you and the two Lords Lestrange to your vault."

With something clanking, he hurried to one of the many doors at the end of the hall.

Ai glanced back and saw that almost all the goblins in the hall were looking at them, and then he followed into the door, which was a tunnel, and the door was closed behind him to block everything.

"Have we been discovered?" Hermione's voice sounded in Ai's ear.

"I don't think so, that woman is like that, she scares them." Ai replied in a low voice, "But fortunately, if it's just me and Harry, we don't know the special nature of the Lestrange vault. What are the rules."

There is no doubt that these so-called special regulations must have been established by Bellatrix herself, and of course she does not have to abide by them, or in other words, the goblins think she does not need to abide by them, and they are all afraid of her and dare not make demands.

"Why are we taking her to the vault?" Hermione continued to ask.

"In order to avoid more trouble!" Ai said, "I will explain the specific situation to you later, follow up."

They walked along the dim tunnel for a while, and came to a narrow track.

The old goblin whistled and summoned a small cart to come along the track out of the darkness, Al motioned for Harry to get on first, then Hermione, Elaine, and finally he controlled Bellatrix to climb into the car .

"Drive!" Ai said to the old goblin after he sat down, "I know that Gringotts has some special anti-theft measures, such as reincarnation tracks, Xianzhen Waterfall, etc. My wife and I don't want to go to our family's You have to accept these meaningless inspections when you are in the vault, and you don't want to waste time underground or soak in water, you understand? Go straight to the vault!"

"As you wish, Mr. Lestrange," said the old goblin, without looking back at them. "I will try to bypass the traps, but you know that some traps cannot be bypassed."

"That's it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the car started off with a vibration, gradually picking up speed.

They roared into the cracks in the wall, and the speed of the car increased, and it began to wriggle and drive through the maze of winding tunnels, tilting all the way down. After thousands of years of excavation and design by goblins, the underground tunnels of Gringotts are beyond imagination. There may be countless roads leading to a destination, some of which are the fastest, and some are difficult to choose, or simply lead to The dead end of death is one of the main reasons why no one dares to steal from Gringotts.

Without the guidance of the goblins who knew the magic traps arranged that day, few wizards could find the right path without touching the traps, and even on the right path, the goblins would arrange many magic traps as needed.

Through these magical organs, they will defend against all possible ways of intrusion.

The intruder only needs to touch one of the traps, and there will be endless traps and chasing fairies waiting for him...

Now, in the labyrinth tunnel, Ai can hear nothing except the rattling sound of the friction between the wheels and the rails. As they rush to the depths of the formation, he even feels that he is weightless, and the stalactites are being quickly crushed. Leaving his head behind, his hair blown on end by the wind, he sat at the end of the stroller, holding Hermione and Elaine tightly so they wouldn't be thrown out.

Forward, backward, forward!

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

Forward, backward, forward!

The speed of the trolley was much faster than when Ai and the others followed Griphook to the Black family's vault last time. Ai once wondered if they had been discovered, that's why the old goblin drove so fast...