Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1618: Gringotts Vault One


But nothing happened, the old goblin was obviously an old driver, that's why he dared to drive so fast!

The goblins in Gringotts drive very fast. The experience of going to the underground vault of Gringotts a few times before has made Aiwen understand this. The speed of the car is only one, which is why wizards generally don't like to go to the Gringotts vault. Few people can stand the feeling of spinning around, but compared with the old goblins, those young goblins drive at a relatively slow speed Yes, Ivan understood it today. .

There is not only one speed, there are faster speeds, but those young elves didn't realize it.

There is no limit to speed, but every goblin has its own limit, and if you break through the limit, you can surpass yourself.

Maybe even faster

Driving may seem simple, but young goblins still have a lot to learn when it comes to driving.

But for the riders, they definitely don't want the speed to become faster, and now it's okay.

Ivan hugged Hermione and Elaine tightly, and he felt that he was about to reach his limit.

If he encounters a mechanism at this time, he has no way to crack it in advance.

Fortunately, no defensive measures were encountered.

They went all the way down like this, and after turning a sharp corner quickly, the speed of the car gradually slowed down.

The friction between the wheels and the track gave off dazzling sparks.

Finally, the cart came to a slow stop in the dark.

Ivan still remembers this place. When they went to the Black family’s vault with Sirius last time, they passed by this place. After walking forward and crossing a fire dragon, they had to go deeper to change cars until they reached the magma deep underground. It is the core area of Gringotts, and the vaults of every ancient wizarding family are located in the magma.

In this way, these vaults located in the magma will be fully protected, and there is no other way to enter except for opening the vault door.

The methods to open the doors of those ancient vaults are different, some are keys, some may be spells, or other things. The heirs master it by themselves.

If there are no descendants in the family, the method of opening the door will also be lost, and the contents will remain there forever, becoming part of the Gringotts wealth.

As for other people who would get the method to open the door by chance and want to take away the things in the vault, there is no such possibility.

The goblins will not agree. Just knowing the method is not easy to use. First of all, you must be the descendant of this wizard family.

The vault of the Lestrange family is not in the most central area, and it can be reached by bypassing the fire dragon in a while, without changing cars.

Thousands of years ago, the Lestrange family was not an overly prominent wizarding family, and the location of their family treasury was not that deep, but Ivan was still very interested in the internal situation of this treasury. In addition to the family treasures and Bellatrix's personal collection, there should be piles of gold there.

Because Sirius had told them that the Black family's coffers were full of gold.

But when they went there last time, they didn't see any gold or valuables. They only saw a lot of strange black magic items and miscellaneous things inlaid with the emblem of the Black family, and then the goblin Griphook told them that in the small Sirius' mother, Mrs. Walburga Black, had distributed all the treasures in the Black family vault to Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy before her death.

Because there were too many things, they moved for two full days before emptying the vault.

So, you can look forward to the Lestrange family's vault.

Aiwen followed the old goblin forward in the dark while controlling Bellatrix. In fact, this is not the only vault that he was looking forward to. In the deepest part of the Ling Pavilion is the No. 1 vault: the vault of the Slytherin family!

When he came last time, he was very curious about the vault.

It's not just a question of what a powerful wizard like Salazar Slytherin would keep in the vault, but also the key to the secret treasure.

Shrewd Slytherin, from that quagmire! He only believes in wizards with the purest blood, and the Mudblood can't get anything from him! The key to the treasure is a mighty force, kept in the deepest part of the earth by his sinister and cunning servants!

Think about the reminder that Salazar Slytherin left on the wall. It is very likely that the treasure key he left behind is in the vault underground at Gringotts. Although the clues Ivan found so far do not point here, the final result Not sure, no one can determine the exact whereabouts of the treasure key.

The test left by the shrewd Slytherin was as difficult as expected, and it was all related to the evil god.

After destroying the evil god's eyes, body, and brain, there is still a soul in a different space waiting for them.

In addition to the danger in the whole process, there is no clue about the treasure key at all.

Perhaps, Slytherin intends to tell the heir who successfully passed the test the clue at the end, and ask him to go somewhere to get it.

For example, Vault 1 under Gringotts is the most suitable place.

Thousands of years ago, the goblin did serve Salazar Slytherin for a period of time, and it could correspond to the insidious and cunning servant.

As for the depths of the ground, is there any place deeper than this

Many tips can be matched here. If Aiwen has a little luck, he will save a lot of trouble.

In addition to the double snake staff, he now carries all the magic items left by Salazar Slytherin. Maybe there will be a key to open the vault door. The most important point is that he also has Elaine, she is Slater The nominal heir of the Lin family, calculated from the genealogy, is more pure than Voldemort's identity.

Aiwen knew that this was an unplanned action, but he had no reason not to go to Vault No. 1 and try his luck.

Thinking of this, Aiwen quickly re-formulated the plan to enter the Gringotts No. 1 vault.

"Be careful, Mr. Lestrange, don't go any further!" the old goblin reminded.

It was only then that Ivan noticed that they had come to the fire dragon.

Everyone else stopped, only he was still leading Bellatrix forward because he was thinking about entering Vault No. 1.

The fire dragon with bad eyes seemed to smell them, and stood up staggeringly.

Its eyes were cloudy pink, and its hind legs were heavily shackled with thick chains attached to huge stakes driven deep into the stony ground. Its huge spiked wings are gathered on both sides of its body, and if it is unfolded, it will fill the entire basement. Then, the dragon seemed to have finally identified the intruders. It turned its ugly head towards them, let out a roar that made stones tremble, and opened its mouth to spew out a burst of fire, forcing everyone to retreat along the aisle. .