Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1621: Opportunity


Hearing Harry's shout, Ivan, Hermione, and Elaine also pointed their wands there.

The little golden cup, illuminated by beams of light from four directions, was made by the ancient house-elf and once belonged to Helga Hufflepuff, and her descendants passed it down from generation to generation, and later to Hepzibah Smith, until she was stolen from her by Tom Riddle and made into a Horcrux.

Eventually, Voldemort gave it to Bellatrix for safekeeping.

"Is that it?"

"I think so, all the features correspond." Ivan said, looking at the golden cup on the shelf.

"Great, we found the cup, but here comes the question, how do we get it without touching anything?" Harry asked, "Evan, can you fly? Like the devil?"

"No, that's very special magic, and normal wizards can't do it." Ivan looked at the piles of gold and silver treasures between himself and the gold cup on the shelf, and it was impossible to directly pass them, and said, "Because of the Iron Fire Curse and the Unforgivable Curse, we can't go directly there, but we can use other objects to touch these things to reach the golden cup. Let me see what I have."

As he said, he rummaged through his cloth bag. Aiwen and Hermione stuffed a lot of things into it before they set off, but they never thought that they would encounter such a situation, and they were not prepared for such a thin and long s things.

Ai Wen rummaged for a long time and found a fire stick.

He put on this thing purely because his parents heard that they might be going camping in the wild. The Masons thought that Aiwen and his classmates were going camping, so they specially prepared a set of camping equipment for him. This is one of them.

The fire stick was long enough, but too thick to fit into the handle ring of the mug.

"Well, that's all. According to the basic spell rules, the contact and collision between objects should not trigger the Splitting Curse. Let's try it." Ai Wen said, trying to touch a silver flagon with a stick. On top, it didn't turn out to be many.

"Ivan, this stick is fine, but isn't it a bit too thick to fit in?"

"You can try to use the Transformation Charm. The Transformation Charm will not change the nature of the object, it should..."

"It's all right, can you hurry up, it's too hot here." Elaine protested dissatisfiedly, the heat emitted by the enchanted treasure set off a wave of heat, and the hole penetrated into everyone's body. Sweat profusely.

"Elaine, you and Hermione go out and wait for us first. Be careful, you two, don't get too close to the dragon, Harry and I will finish the job soon." Ivan said, he controlled the goblin to open the vault door.

After Hermione and Elaine went out and the vault door closed again, he waved his wand again.

The fire stick in Aiwen's hand began to change, the fire stick became thinner and longer...

He aligned it with the handle ring of the gold cup, and the elongated stick went right through it.

"Very good!" Ivan lifted the stick up carefully, and the gold cup slid down the stick.

It succeeded, but just as the cup left its original position, the gold, silver and jewels in the entire cave suddenly emitted an astonishing temperature, and the replicas exploded out in piles like white-hot corpses, quickly filling the narrow space. space.

In addition to the Disintegration Curse, Iron Fire Curse and Cruciatus Curse, there are other magics in the vault!

Now, almost all gold is rapidly replicating itself, burning red hot.

Treasures are pouring in from all directions to overwhelm Alvin, Harry, Bellatrix and the old goblin.

Amid the roiling heat and Harry's screams, Ivan raised the stick in his hand to speed up the slide of Hufflepuff's gold cup. At the same time, he swung his wand vigorously, and a magic barrier surrounded the treasure All pushed around.

The splitting speed of the jewels became faster, densely squeezed together outside the barrier.

They collided and squeezed against the walls and the vault door, making an astonishing creaking sound.

The treasure kept duplicating, which quickly made Aiwen's magic useless, and the scorching temperature came from all directions.

Ivan narrowed the range of the magic barrier to protect himself and Harry.

"Take the cup, Harry, let's get out," he yelled, trying to maintain the magical barrier protecting him and Harry.

Harry grabbed the golden cup violently, he felt his flesh was being roasted, and even countless Hufflepuff cups burst out of his fist, but even so, he did not let go, he and Ivan quickly Backwards, the door of the vault opened again, and Ivan, Harry, and the old goblin slid to the outside room together along the expanding scorching gold and silver tide.

"Alvin, Harry, are you two okay?" Hermione yelled, as she and Elaine flocked to more and more treasures.

"Hiss, it's hot, I'm fine, Harry, have you caught the gold cup?" Ivan stood up from the still crazily expanding treasure, trying to stand still, he felt as if his whole body was scalded, and the unbearable pain tormented him body and mind.

"In my hand!" said Harry, crawling out of the fiery pile of gold and jewels. "It's still falling apart."

"Give me the gold cup!" Ivan said, coming to Harry's side, raising his wand and hitting the gold cup vigorously.

With a buzzing sound, the trembling Hufflepuff gold cup stopped and did not continue to split.

Ivan turned the golden cup upside down, and at the bottom of the cup, he saw the emblem.

Not surprisingly, it contains information about the home of the house-elves.

Ivan was a little excited, but this is not a good place to check.

"Let's leave here first and move on, to the trolley on the lower floor, to the No. 1 vault." Aiwen carefully put the gold cup into the cloth bag, looked around, "Where is that goblin, we need him .”

"Here he is!" said Elaine, holding up her wand to control the leprechaun to float from inside the jewel.

"Very well, come on..."

"Evan, that woman is still inside." Hermione said, pointing to the inside of the vault,

"Leave her alone, the vault door is open, she can't die, there's no time to find her out and cast a spell, these gold and silver jewels will continue to split, we can't control it at all, the goblins above will soon find out what's going on here." Ivan said, "Hurry up, before they come down, I want to take a look at Salazar Slytherin's vault."

Gringotts has not discovered the accident here, it can only be said to be a miracle.

As for Bellatrix, Ivan thinks that Voldemort's daughter Delphi should be given a chance to be born. Although she wants to change the time, in any case, in the future that Ivan returns to, That girl helped him once.