Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1622: Control the dragon


Ivan, Harry, Hermione, Elaine, and the old goblin quickly climbed up the spiral staircase in the tunnel, where the trolley stopped.

The giant dragon's head can just be seen on the outside of the protruding platform not far away. It looks very violent, and the huge and dangerous head shakes wildly.

The dragon is roaring, spouting flames.

At this time, the entire cave suddenly began to vibrate slightly, making strange noises.

"What's that noise?" Hermione paused.

"It's the siren, they found us!" Ivan said, his heart sank.

There are too many protective magics in the vault of the Lestrange family. On the lower floor of the tunnel, the ever-increasing gold, silver and jewels are rapidly spreading from the vault. If this happens, the goblins of Gringotts will It would be really strange not to find someone breaking in.

In about a few minutes, hundreds of goblins and wizards in full armor will rush down.

"We must leave here quickly, there is no time to go to the No. 1 vault below."

Indeed, thinking of the intricate track in front of the No. 1 vault, Aiwen doubted whether they would have a chance to get up after they got on the trolley.

It is really unwise to go to Vault No. 1 without running away under the current situation.

They have already won the gold cup, and the main purpose of this trip to Gringotts has been achieved. There is no need to take the risk of going to the No. 1 vault, but Ivan is a little bit unwilling to leave like this. This is a rare opportunity to break into Gringotts , and even if he escapes, how to escape is also a big problem.

Back along the way, waiting for them is also the Gringotts tunnel maze and guards with all the defenses open.

Just going back like this is looking for death!

Because of the vibration of the cave, the restless dragon began to roar and spew flames again.

At this time, an inspiration or crazy idea flooded into Ivan's mind, he could control the dragon.

That's right, control the dragon!

The Imperius Curse can control creatures. Although almost no wizard has successfully controlled a magical creature with powerful magic power like a giant dragon, it is theoretically feasible, and Aiwen knows that there are wizards who can control dragons in China.

They use trained fire dragons to guard magic schools or other important places, and have summed up many unique and effective control methods.

Aiwen has read such books before. For example, Chinese wizards will burn some tea powder to make the dragon feel happy; for another example, they will feed the fire dragon with chili peppers, so that the dragon's breath will be more vigorous; and, Whip the skin of dragons with a whip, massage them to enhance their relationship, and more.

Although Aiwen doesn't know these control methods, he can still use the Imperius Curse to directly control them.

And his strength is the magic power far beyond that of ordinary wizards, powerful enough to control the magic power of giant dragons.

Thinking of this, he pointed his wand at the dragon and shouted, "Out of body!"

Aiwen increased the magic power of the spell, and a green light flashed and hit the dragon, but was immediately thrown out again.

The dragon's head turned to Ivan, roaring angrily and spewing out a burst of flame.

The roiling heat wave hit head-on, and Aiwen and the others hurriedly retreated.

The dragon's skin has a strong magical defense against almost all known spells, only the eyes are the weak point.

"Evan, what are you doing? Using the Imperius Curse on the fire dragon?" Hermione asked panting, looking at him in disbelief.

"I'm trying to control it"

"You're crazy!" Harry said in shock. "It's not going to work."

"The Imperius Curse can control the fire dragon. As long as the magic can penetrate its skin, it will be successful. Maybe I should aim at his eyes, which are the most obvious weakness of the fire dragon." Aiwen waited until the flame was a little smaller, and he took He raised his wand and aimed it into the dragon's eyes, and shouted again, "The soul is out of the body!"

In the next second, a green spell hit the dragon's gray eyes.

The spell was not bounced off, and nothing seemed to happen, but in an instant, a tingling feeling poured from Ivan's brain into the wand.

It succeeded, Aiwen successfully used the Imperius Curse on the fire dragon.

Unlike the situation when he controlled Bellatrix and the old goblin just now, he also felt a powerful, strange, and violent idea rushing into his mind. Stimulated by this thought, his head ached violently, and because of the huge impact, his blood vessels even jumped up and down.

The crazy thoughts that flooded into Aiwen's mind were fleeting, and Aiwen felt a huge oppression, which made him almost out of breath.

But he did succeed, he managed to control the fire dragon!

If this matter is known to other wizards, it will definitely cause a sensation, just look at the expressions of Harry, Hermione, and Elaine.

"How about it, Aiwen? It's impossible to succeed. The fire dragon has very strong magic power, and almost no magic can cause damage to it." Hermione said, "It's written in the book that dozens of wizards need to use magic on it together. Only by using the Imperius Curse can it cause damage to the dragon, I have never heard of a precedent for using the Imperius Curse to control a fire dragon, even if "

"I succeeded!" Ivan said calmly.

"Even in China, where there is a legend of dragon control, it's not that you succeeded? You succeeded in controlling this dragon? My God!" Hermione opened her mouth uncontrollably.

Harry and Elaine also looked at Ivan in disbelief, they had never heard of such a thing.

"Yeah, I succeeded, go up, climb on its back, let's hurry up and get out of here." Ivan said.

He jumped down and climbed onto the dragon's back by stepping on the crook of the dragon's hind legs.

The dragon didn't resist, it didn't seem to feel Ivan, or it was really under control.

It is no longer as irritable as before, but controlling a giant dragon consumes a lot of energy for Aiwen, so he suppressed the pressure and asked others to come up quickly.

The scales on the dragon's back were as hard as steel, Ivan stretched out an arm, and Hermione grabbed it and jumped up.

Then he pulled Elaine up again, and Harry climbed up to sit behind them.

"Hold tight!" Ivan leaned out and shouted at the giant beast's heavy shackles with his wand, "Let your strength loose!"

The chains that held the dragon were broken, and it was free!

With a roar, the dragon stood up, spread its wings, and rose into the air.

Aiwen clamped his knees tightly, grasping the jagged dragon scales desperately, and the dragon roared and flew into the air, its huge wings flapping and snorting.

"Evan, where are we going?"

"Go down, the No. 1 vault." Ivan shouted, he still didn't give up on Salazar Slytherin's vault.

He controlled the dragon to turn around and swung his wand wildly.

Rumbling, rumbling, amidst the huge noise, Aiwen blew up the tunnel.

The dragon also opened its mouth and spewed flames to help him, and the whole tunnel was collapsing