Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1623: The Craziest Gringotts Thieves


The giant dragon roared and spewed out flames, its powerful body rampaging through the narrow tunnel.

Amidst the loud bang, the underground tunnel of Gringotts was rapidly collapsing, large rocks fell, and the entire space was shaking violently.

Ai bombarded with magic, and the dragon spewed fiery flames again and again, and the two of them worked together to blast and melt the hard rock barrier ahead.

Along the way, the dragon tore the road with its claws and moved towards a deeper tunnel.

It tore a vault from the side. It is not known which wizard family’s vault suffered such a catastrophe. The gold, silver, jewels and magical objects that had been treasured for centuries were scattered all over the place. The huge body of the dragon came from these The exquisite gold ornaments rumbled across, throwing the crushed gold, silver and jewelry everywhere.

Under the trampling of the giant dragon, the exquisite jewelry turned into gold cakes without any sense of beauty in an instant.

Soon, they destroyed all the way to the upper vault area.

Ai saw that outside the vault of the Lestrange family, the gold, silver and jewels continued to expand, quickly occupying all the space.

He swung his wand forward, controlling the dragon to rush over.

The giant dragon took a deep breath, sprayed flames, and the gold, silver and jewels that had caused trouble for Ai and the others quickly disappeared.

But under the effect of magic, the whole space became even hotter, and the temperature rose rapidly, as if to melt the air.

Going forward is the tunnel leading to the deeper part of Gringotts. The heat and dust made Ai squint his eyes.

He endured the falling stones and the roar of the dragon, clinging to the dragon's back to prevent it from being knocked off, while swinging his wand, and using the explosive spell to help the dragon open the way, Hermione, Harry and Elaine were also helping, non-stop Using the splitting spell and the digging spell on the rock, the group of people accelerated forward.

The dragon stepped out and squeezed through the metal door, Ai, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine still clutching its back.

They rushed through the narrow checkpoint with the dragon and entered the wider cave. In front of them was the truss in the air, the rusty and intricate network of trolley tracks, and the tracks extended densely from the cracks in the rock wall to the cave. Extending below, sometimes intertwined with each other, and then separated quickly, with no end in sight.

The giant dragon finally found a space to spread its wings. Just now, because the wings bound by the rock wall in the tunnel were fanned, a hurricane was brought about.

Ai drove the dragon all the way down, flying towards the depths of the earth.

Nothing can stop them. Compared with the hard rock walls, those rusty tracks are simply vulnerable.

Under the impact of the giant dragon, they were quickly crushed and fell into pieces.

Without the rails, the fairies couldn't stop Ai and the others from entering the vault in a deeper area in a short time.

These were originally Gringotts' strictest defenses, but now they blocked the guards.

The goblins who designed and built Gringotts probably never dreamed that someone would break into the underground vault in this way.

For thousands of years, Ai, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine were also the only intruders who entered here by driving a dragon.

No matter what, they will leave their names in the history of magic, which is enough to be recorded in history.

The wildest, wildest, wildest Gringotts thieves, they broke into Gringotts today, in such a stunning fashion.

Soon, that touch of bright red appeared below, which was the color of the magma deep in the bottom crust.

The temperature continued to rise and continue to fall. In this huge bottomless pit, the red magma deep in the crust became more and more obvious.

The round, crimson magma pool below is like a gate leading to the depths of hell.

Roar! ! !

As if stimulated by the magma, the giant dragon spewed out flames again.

Responding to it was a billowing heat wave and jumping and sputtering magma, and it seemed that there were countless dragons spewing fire upwards from below.

The lava, the giant dragon, and the flame all merge together to form a rare fantasy landscape, which is extremely shocking.

Amidst the loud noise, it seemed that some monster was waking up, feeling the boundless anger, and let the flame purify everything!

This is a world of flames, even the hard rocks have been roasted and turned red, and some of them have even begun to crystallize.

Although the temperature was unbearable, Ai still controlled the dragon to continue downward.

Soon, they found the small islands in the magma pool. There were ancient stone carvings in various shapes on the small islands. They were the emblems of the oldest pure-blood wizard family. They were The last imprint left by these prominent families thousands of years ago is also the entrance to the family treasury.

"What's with these vaults?" Elaine yelled, looking in shock at the islands, stone carvings, and vaults in the lava.

"They were all early treasuries established when Gringotts was founded. There were a hundred of them, and they belonged to the most powerful wizard or the most powerful pure-blood wizard family in the world at that time." Ai explained, "But because they are too old , the wizarding families here are basically extinct, and all the treasures they left behind remain here and become part of Gringotts. In fact, in a sense, this is the real Gringotts. Ah , Vault No. 1 is there, let's land."

Ai controlled the giant dragon to land on the small island in the center of all the islands. In front of them, many statues inlaid with emeralds were emitting soft green light. They combined together to finally form the familiar capital S letter, Crest of House Slytherin.

There is a number "one" above the letter s, which means that this vault is the first vault built in Gringotts.

In a sense, Gringotts was created because of this vault. At that time, goblins were still enslaved by wizards like house elves, and they were a subordinate race of wizards. Salazar Slytherin ordered his goblin servants to build this vault in the deepest part of London's underground to preserve his treasures.

This is also the original origin of Gringotts, but later because of resistance and rebellion, goblins gained independence and became a magical race independent of wizards.

Gringotts also gained independence at that time, and the greedy nature of goblins made them continue to expand Gringotts based on this place. After thousands of years of development and growth, Gringotts has already become an indispensable part of the magic world, and it is the most trusted place for wizards to keep their wealth.

As for the original secret, it has long been annihilated in the long river of history and forgotten by the world.

If Ai's reasoning is correct, then Gringotts Vault One is where the key to Salazar Slytherin's secret treasure is kept.