Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1624: The breath of Slytherin


The magma was tumbling, and the heat wave hit. Aiwen controlled the dragon to continue down, as close as possible to the island where the No. 1 vault was located.

The huge emblem of the Slytherin family on the top of the vault became more and more clear. The capital S letter composed of countless emeralds exuded a hazy green light. It hovered there like a real snake, and it seemed to be able to attack at any time. Come alive and gaze upon the intruder with a unique majesty.

It is the tallest of all the vault buildings in the magma, and the snake sits in the center, commanding its domain.

As far as the eye can see, it is its territory.

This is the world of flames, and it is also the territory of the Slytherin family.

Staring at the two largest emeralds at the top will give people an illusion, like looking at a king cobra, that creepy danger will rise from the bottom of the heart, and it seems that there is a A powerful wizard is watching your every move, which makes people have an impulse to surrender and dare not act rashly.

Because once there is any untimely move, the "snake" in front of him will pounce on him without hesitation and give him a fatal blow.

All the people who came to the emblem would consciously hold their breath and become cautious, not daring to wake up the sleeping beast.

As the distance got closer and closer, Ai Wen keenly felt that this dangerous feeling was only the imposing manner of the building itself, and there was also a strange magical atmosphere, which was not enough to constitute any magic, it was just a simple A breath of magic that belongs to someone.

Aiwen is very familiar with this magical atmosphere. He has seen it in other powerful magics, and he will never forget it in his life.

This is the magical breath of Salazar Slytherin himself.

As the oldest wizarding family, the Slytherin family did reach its peak in Salazar Slytherin's generation.

Salazar Slytherin was the most powerful wizard of his time, and legends about him are still told around the world today.

He has enough strength and enough qualifications to make all wizards submit to him.

Even if there is only a trace of his magic power left behind, it is enough to make people surrender.

Just like in front of the Egyptian temple and the Great Pyramid, the wizards will be in awe, even if they know that the once powerful pharaohs have disappeared with their dynasty, but only the gods and pharaohs who are closest to the top of power The momentum and aura left by the priests also made future generations dare not act rashly.

"Salazar Slytherin!" Ivan murmured.

Although he didn't agree with Salazar Slytherin's ideas, he was also full of awe for this powerful wizard.

In fact, for the perception of this breath, powerful magical creatures like giant dragons are much more sensitive than humans.

After getting close to a certain distance, the dragon refused to continue going down, no matter how Ivan urged it, it was useless.

He could feel the violent fluctuation of the dragon's spirit.

Its soul trembled, it was terrified, and surrendered to the magical breath of Salazar Slytherin.

"That Slytherin crest makes me sick," Harry said suddenly, feeling his scar prick.

"That's the magical breath left by Salazar Slytherin, it will scare intruders, don't stare at it." Ivan explained, turning his head to look at Harry with a painful expression, "Wait, Does your scar hurt any more, Harry? If it doesn't feel right to you, then don't go down."

"It hurts, but it's not because of him. I can't say what it feels like, as if something inside is calling me." Harry said, clutching his scar vigorously, then as if he had sensed something, he pointed to number one below treasury.


"In this vault, I can feel a voice speaking to me, I want to go down!" Harry repeated, "I want to go down!"

Ivan and Hermione looked at each other, not sure if this was a good sign.

They heard nothing, but Harry couldn't have been hallucinating.

Heard someone talking to him, it's kind of like the evil god

Harry's scar is actually Voldemort's Horcrux, which contains a fragment of Voldemort's soul.

Had Salazar Slytherin left something in the vault that would have some sort of strong attraction to the souls of his offspring? This had never happened before, and it wasn't the first time they had ventured into the ruins left by Salazar Slytherin, but neither had it happened.

So it seems that there is indeed something remarkable in the vault.

Probably not the key to the secret treasure, because Dumbledore had said before he left that the key to Salazar Slytherin's treasure and the clues about the evil gods were all in the place where the soul of the dastardly Helbo was, and there was the dastardly Hyle Bo's old lair has become a different dimension after he became an evil god.

The Slytherin vault is certainly not connected to another dimension, nor is it the lair of the dastardly Helbo.

In fact, Ivan didn't feel any breath of evil gods.

"Harry, the last time we came here, when we went to the Black family vault to find the title deed, didn't you feel anything?" Hermione asked.

"No." Harry recalled, "It seems a little uncomfortable, but no one should feel comfortable here, right? We were far away from here last time, and I didn't stare Looking at the emblem of the Slytherin family, it doesn't mean anything."

Indeed, the Black family's vault is deep in the magma, far away from No. 1 vault

"Elaine, what do you think?" Ivan asked, turning to Elaine who was also pale.

"It's hot and uncomfortable," Elaine said. "Vampires hate places that are too hot, but Elaine is fine!"

This should be a normal reaction. After all, Elaine is not a real descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and it is not surprising that she is not like Harry.

In fact, Voldemort is the only person related to Slytherin so far.

If Gaunt's ring is still there, you can ask Riddle inside to confirm it, but that ring also disappeared with Dumbledore.

At this moment, Harry repeated, "I want to go down!"

"Okay, let's go down, but be careful, if anything happens, leave here immediately." Ivan said.

He cast the Levitation Charm with a flick of his wand, then jumped off the dragon and landed slowly on the island.

Harry, Hermione, Elaine, and the old goblin also jumped down one by one and landed beside Ivan.

In front of everyone, under the emblem of the Slytherin family, was a dark gate with exquisite patterns.

The gate is made of unknown metal, but it looks very similar to the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

The overall outline is generally similar, with the same architectural style.

The most striking thing is the exquisite pattern on the vault door. When Ivan came last time, he couldn't see it clearly because he was too far away. This time, he can confirm that these patterns are similar to those on Slytherin's locket. Like those incomprehensible lines, they are all Parseltongue characters.

When the group came to the door of the vault, they could see two grooves in the center of the door.

Above is a polygon, below is a long slot
