Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1625: open


The magma was tumbling, and the hot temperature made everything around it burnt red, showing a bright red color. .

Ivan carefully looked at the pattern on the vault door, and Slytherin's locket and wand had the same pattern.

This is not a simple pattern, nor a magic rune, but a text composed of Parseltongue!

Parseltongue, as the name suggests, is to speak in the language of snakes, to communicate with snakes, this is a very rare gift, only a few Parseltongues can use it, this language sounds like a bunch of hissing exhalations , and the Parseltongues sounded like their usual language.

The most famous Parseltongue in the history of magic is Salazar Slytherin, who was also the first wizard to be definitively confirmed to be able to speak Parseltongue.

Before him, there were also many wizards who could talk to snakes in legends, but none of them had been confirmed, and there was not enough evidence to show that they could use Parseltongue. The reason why they could talk to snakes may be because they used Magic similar to the Imperius Curse can control snakes or read their minds with magic.

Because of this, many wizards believe that Parseltongue originated with Salazar Slytherin.

In fact, Parseltongues proven after Salazar Slytherin are almost all descendants of the great wizard.

They are more or less related to him by blood, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Parseltongue is a unique talent of Slytherin.

So it's no surprise to see Parseltongue on the door to the Slytherin vault.

As far as Ivan knows, Parseltongue did not originate from Salazar Slytherin, and it is not as simple as communicating with snakes as many people think.

Like ancient rune, it is a special magic language.

Not long ago, when he went to Azkaban with Dumbledore and Harry to destroy the brain of the evil god, Ivan had seen the magic used in the Parseltongue, and it appeared on the "Book of Abraham" that was the same as the door of the vault in front of him. The pattern, that is the words composed of Parseltongue.

Those words finally constitute a magic, the magic that controls the staff of the two snakes.

You must use the Parseltongue when using the Two Snakes to cast spells. Only the magic recited in the Parseltongue can be understood by the two snakes on the Two Snakes. The Two Snakes once belonged to Salazar Slytherin, but not him. Made by Lin, this scepter has an even older history, dating back to the last era of the wizarding world.

It can be deduced from this that Parseltongue is a magical language of the ancient magic age.

Like other ancient runes, but much older, it is a rune contemporaneous with the Book of Abraham and the Staff of the Two Serpents.

This kind of rune itself has special magic power, even if no one can recognize it because of time, it can still be passed down through the power of blood. The Slytherin family has this kind of blood, and they are the descendants of a powerful ancient warlock , and this ancient warlock can use the Parseltongue to control the Double Snake Staff.

In fact, almost all prominent pure-blood wizarding families trace their ancestry back to a powerful ancient sorcerer.

It is precisely because of the power of blood magic that Salazar Slytherin can use the Parseltongue to drive the Double Snake Rod, and he can easily defeat the despicable Helbo at a young age, not to mention the famous dark wizard He is the last ancient warlock himself. After becoming an evil god, his power has multiplied exponentially. It is impossible for ordinary wizards to be opponents. Only those who also master the powerful magic mysteries of ancient times can defeat him. Therefore, Salazar Slytherin's insistence on maintaining the purity of the bloodline is also understandable in a sense, because only such wizards can inherit the magical power in the bloodline

And only wizards who have inherited blood magic can use that powerful magic.

To defeat evil when the need arises, or to be evil itself.

In any case, in Salazar Slytherin's opinion, it is better to maintain the power of pure blood to inherit blood magic than to let the power die

Aiwen did not have such an ancient and prominent ancestor, nor did he have blood talent.

He doesn't know Parseltongue, let alone read characters written in Parseltongue.

But Harry could, because of the fragment of Voldemort's soul inside him, he could speak Parseltongue, and he could read the text.

Now, this kind of writing appeared on the door of the vault in front of him. Do you need to use Parseltongue

"No, goblins can't open this door, we don't have the key"

"We have!" Ivan said quickly, he took out Slytherin's locket and showed it to Hermione, Harry, and Elaine, "The shape of the locket is exactly the same as the groove on the door, I think it should be Put it in, and, do you see the patterns on it?"

"It's exactly the same as the pattern on the door!" Hermione said after careful observation.

"That's right, this locket and this door are originally one, it is the key to open the door of the vault." Aiwen said excitedly, he licked his dry lips, "And that's not all, if my The deduction is not wrong, this is actually an ancient rune, a text composed of Parseltongue."

"You said the pattern on it is Parseltongue!" Harry looked at Ivan in surprise, then turned his head to look at the vault door.

He stared at the pattern for a few seconds, trying to imagine the curved lines as a snake.

Soon, Harry found that the messy and meaningless patterns in front of him had turned into words he could understand. He didn't know what the words meant, but he just knew them, just like the day he read "The Book of Abraham" Same as the magic spell above.

"Harry, can you read what's written on it?" Hermione asked.

"I can!" said Harry, the writing on the door now feeling familiar to him.

"Elaine, take out Slytherin's wand. Together with the locket, it is the key to open this door." Ivan said, putting the locket in the groove on the door, and the locket is completely intact. Embedded in, reconnecting the disconnected text, "Harry, read the text in Parseltongue, that's the spell to open the vault."

Elaine also took out the white wand. After solving the family's troubles, Keresis gave the wand to her for safekeeping.

Although she always carries it with her, under normal circumstances, Elaine does not use this wand, she prefers to use her own.

She put her wand in the lower groove and rolled it down a bit.

There was a crisp click, and the wand was completely embedded in it.

This seemed to be an activated switch. When the wand was put into the groove, a dark golden light lit up from the center of Slytherin's locket, and quickly passed along the lines to the sides. Soon, the entire vault door was glowing with a faint golden light.

Harry chanted the magic on the vault door in Parseltongue, and with the strange hissing sound, the whole space began to vibrate again.

The giant dragon that had calmed down flew up again frantically, flying with it was the surrounding molten lava.

Like a volcano that is about to erupt, the magma is boiling and bubbling, and it seems to be ready to erupt at any time