Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1628: blood test


The blood that falls will verify the truth, and the pure blood will receive the treasure.

Salazar Slytherin had left this final test in front of his vault, one that no pure-blood wizard could possibly pass.

Unlike courage, perseverance and wisdom, such things as blood are innate and cannot be changed the day after tomorrow.

Salazar Slytherin didn't just talk, he actually acted.

He will not leave anything to non-pure-blood wizards, even if you find the key left by Slytherin and enter his vault, but if it is not his descendants or the bloodline he recognized Wizard, then you can't get Slytherin's treasure.

Pure blood, Salazar Slytherin took it to the extreme.

The lava pool in front of Ivan and others is an unparalleled magic. It can verify the blood of the people who come here to judge whether their bloodlines meet the requirements of Salazar Slytherin. Ivan does not know that Slytherin What kind of magic was used, which sounds incredible, maybe the knowledge of potions was used in it.

In other words, the lava in front of them was actually a specially processed potion.

Then expand the association, the underground of Gringotts is actually a huge potion crucible

This magic is undoubtedly shocking, but for a wizard of Slytherin's level, it does not seem impossible to do it.

Everyone knows that Salazar Slytherin is very good at potion science. In the history of magic, many potion masters have also graduated from Slytherin House. It seems that when they are separated, certain qualities of Slytherin students are very suitable Developed in potions, but Ivan didn't expect Salazar Slytherin to be good at this.

He is using nature to brew potion, using heaven and earth as potion crucible, boiling rolling magma into potion.

This kind of ultra-difficult magic is simply incredible, even more shocking than when Gryffindor borrowed the power of the stars.

"What the hell is going on here?" Harry asked again.

"Harry, the magic left by Slytherin is to verify the bloodlines of the wizards who come here to see if their bloodlines meet his requirements." Hermione said, she observed the lava in front of him behind Ivan , "That is to say, we have to drip our own blood into the lava. If we meet Slytherin's requirements, then we may get the treasure he left in this vault; if we don't meet Slytherin's requirements , then he will be attacked by magma just like Aiwen just now."

"The magma can verify blood?" Harry said in surprise, turning his head in disbelief, "How did he do it?"

"No one knows. I guess it might be a kind of potion. Slytherin pre-fused the blood of the wizard blood he was looking for. You will get the treasure, just like a special lock." Ivan said, "I don't know which wizarding family the pure-bloods Slytherin sees belong to, but the blood of the few of us may not meet the requirements."

"Hmph, pure blood, Malfoy's blood must meet the requirements." Harry said disdainfully.

"In other words, we won't get anything?" Elaine asked.

"It should be like this. Nothing that Salazar Slytherin left in this vault was left to us." Ivan sighed and said, "Of course, there is another way to get his treasure, There is no need to verify any blood, but to destroy the lock and break in directly."

But this is impossible. Aiwen can use the remaining Cyclops' energy to detonate the lava again, but the treasure hidden inside may also be destroyed, and this is not a sea with nothing. Once the magma erupts , Diagon Alley outside will also be destroyed, which will undoubtedly be a catastrophe.

At that time, Aiwen will be recorded in the history of magic in another way, destroying the evil dark wizards in Diagon Alley and most of London

"Can you force your way in?"

"It's impossible." Ivan shook his head.

"Then why are we still standing here, let's get out of this damn place." Elaine said decisively.

She is not interested in the treasures left by Slytherin at all, although in name, these things left by Slytherin should belong to her.

"Wait a minute, don't rush away, the three of you haven't tried it yet." Ivan said, and hurriedly stopped Elaine who was about to leave.

"But you just said that none of our blood meets the requirements."

"That's right, the four of us are not pure-blooded, but there are no real pure-blooded wizards now." Aiwen said, "Thousands of years have passed, no matter which wizard's blood has become very mixed, regardless of this point , purely from the perspective of potion science, any kind of material may cause changes in the potion, our blood is now the material, maybe some of it will meet Salazar Slytherin's request, let him part of the treasure For us, it’s also impossible to say.”

Just from the perspective of potion science, the four of Aiwen and the others are not entirely possible.

Especially Harry and Elaine, whose ancestors were already wizards thousands of years ago.

The two of them should have some pure blood, it depends on whether they can meet the requirements of Slytherin.

"I'm asking for Potions!" Elaine muttered.

"Okay, you three have a try, Hermione, you come first, then Harry and Elaine." Ivan said, and he asked Hermione to come to him.

The two stood crowded at the exit of the secret passage. As before, Ivan cut Hermione's finger with his wand, and a few drops of blood fell into the magma below.

The magma boiled, bubbling like a potion being brewed.

Then with a bang, a pillar of fire rose into the sky.

It rushed towards Ivan and Hermione, and finally collided with Ivan's protective magic.

Accompanied by the roiling heat wave, magma splashed around, and this astonishing column of fire took more than a minute to stop.

Like Ivan, Hermione doesn't have any pure blood in her blood.

Obviously, both of them were of very pure Muggle descent, or that kind of blood that Salazar Slytherin didn't like.

After Hermione was Harry, and just like before, Ivan also slit his fingers.

The blood fell, and the magma pool below was still calm. There seemed to be no special reaction, and there was no pillar of fire rising into the sky.

"What's going on here?" Harry asked.

"Well, from the perspective of potion science, it should be that a certain part of your blood has neutralized a certain part of the potion in the crucible." Ivan thought about it and said, "It didn't cause any changes, just like a moderator or accelerator In other words, your blood does not meet the requirements of Salazar Slytherin, but he does not intend to punish you."