Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1629: Gift of Salazar Slytherin


Harry's blood wasn't the pure blood that Salazar Slytherin liked, but it wasn't what he hated either.

From the selection criteria of Slytherin College, it can be seen that Salazar Slytherin hated those Muggle-born wizards extremely, but he could tolerate half-blood wizards, especially those with ancient wizard bloodlines, Some of these students were given the opportunity to enter that college.

For example, Tom Riddle back then, he was a mixture of Gaunt family blood and Muggle blood, an undoubted mixed blood, and Snape, they were all sorted into Slytherin College by the Sorting Hat back then, and Later, he showed a talent that is very suitable for Slytherin House.

Although Slytherin College values the importance of pure blood, it will also recruit some talented half-blood wizards.

But wizards who are purely Muggle-born, no matter how talented they may be, are not allowed into the house.

From the admissions standards of Slytherin College, we can more or less see Salazar Slytherin's attitude towards wizard blood. He does not dislike wizards like Harry, but he will not leave the treasure to him; as for Muggle-born wizards like Ivan and Hermione, in the eyes of Slytherin, exist as a kind of blasphemy and should be completely eliminated.

"Although I was not attacked by magma, I didn't get the treasure either. My blood is not suitable, and I am not a pure blood. My mother is a Muggle." Harry said in a natural tone, "Sirius or Ron should come, the two of them Both are pure-bloods, and both the Blacks and the Weasleys are ancient."

"Poor Ron, I don't know if Sirius has found him." Hermione said worriedly.

"He will be fine. If the Death Eaters catch Ron, there will be news. There is no news now, and Lestrange and the others are very excited when they know that Harry and I have disappeared, which means They don't know anything, where Ron may be hiding, maybe he has already contacted the Order of the Phoenix, and I will get news about him when I go out." Ivan turned around and said, "Okay, Elaine, what should I do?" is you!"

"No, my blood definitely doesn't match, and I'm afraid of pain." Elaine said, shaking her head all the time.

"It won't hurt, we'll leave here after you try it." Ai Wen said.

He couldn't say much about Elaine's lineage, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Blood is very important to vampires. My uncle said that blood should not be shed casually." Elaine still shook her head, "Unless"

"Ten bloody lollipops, you can't eat too much candy, it's not good for your teeth." Ivan said helplessly, he immediately knew what Elaine was thinking.

"Add three more bottles of dragon's blood mixed with your blood."

"A bottle!"

"Two bottles, no matter what, I don't expect anything from Slytherin's treasure anyway."

"Deal, come here!" Ai Wen said, raising a vampire is really difficult.

Elaine walked up to Ivan and stretched out her chubby little hands.

Ivan's wand slid across Elaine's white fingers, and a wound appeared out of thin air.

Just as she shed a drop of blood, Elaine quickly withdrew her hand and put it in her mouth.

"Enough, enough!" she said vaguely.

Ivan pointed his wand at the blood that stopped in mid-air, and controlled it to fly towards the magma in front.

Soon, that drop of blood disappeared into the billowing magma, as if it merged with the endless red.

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen.

Like Harry, Elaine's blood caused no change.

"Look, I just said it won't work. It's not like you don't know that our family has no blood relationship with Salazar Slytherin, and I'm also of mixed blood." Elaine said with her fingers in her mouth, staring at Calm Magma, "You Must Me"

"There is a reaction!" Ivan said suddenly.

As soon as his voice fell, the magma in front of him suddenly began to change.

Just like a potion that was about to be brewed, the magma below suddenly began to bubble rapidly.

gurgle, gurgle, gurgle

This characteristic will only appear when some potions are about to be completed. Generally, at this time, you need to put the wand into the crucible and stir clockwise to calm the potion. Without the need for Aiwen to stir, the lava below began to spin, and the speed gradually increased.

Soon, a light green steam rose from the bottom.

The color of the lava changed, rapidly changing from red to green.

"Success!" Ivan murmured, and he, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine stared blankly at the changes in front of them through the hole.

Elaine's blood is OK, approved by Salazar Slytherin.

When he was casting the spell, he once put the blood of Elaine's ancestors into the molten lava in front of him.

Now, a certain part of Elaine's blood has reacted, and the thousand-year-old treasure door is about to open. Since she is not a direct descendant of Slytherin, the blood is not so pure, but Elaine, who has been recognized, is still entitled to something from Salazar Slytherin.

The medium green color of the lava became more and more intense, and this touch of green was very obvious in the red world.

Aiwen observed carefully, and soon a green pillar of fire rose into the sky again.

But this time, the pillar of fire did not strike like Ivan and Elaine, but spewed upward at a slow speed.

At last, its tip came to rest firmly in front of the narrow opening at the end of the secret passage.

The position of the top of the pillar of fire is consistent with the opening of the hole, exactly corresponding to the open embrace of the relief on the opposite side.

The flame is still a flame, but it seems that there is no temperature, and there is still something floating on the top.

That's a huge slab of stone!

"Look, what's out there?" Elaine called. "Is it Salazar Slytherin's treasure?"

"It should be, something he left for you." Ivan said, his wand slightly raised.

In an instant, the slate in the flames flew towards them.

After the stone slab drifted away, the upward force of the pillar of fire began to become weaker and weaker.

It began to descend until it disappeared, and the magma below became what it was before.

At this time, no one cared about the magma anymore, and Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine all shifted their attention to the stone slab that suddenly appeared.

The stone slab is huge, and the surface is shining with a strange magical luster, which seems to be the reason for protecting it from being melted after being stored in the magma for thousands of years.

It is engraved with words, and there are several patterns that look like maps.

"Look at what's written on it." Elaine asked impatiently.

Although she had just said that she didn't care about Salazar Slytherin's treasure, when it came out, she was more positive than anyone else. 8)