Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1631: crack


"Look at this map, Hermione!" Ivan said, pointing to the area.

Following the direction of Ivan's finger, Hermione froze for a moment.

Then she immediately reacted, opened her eyes wide and looked at the map on the land deed, and immediately raised her head to look at Ivan.

"My God, this map is exactly the same as the map on the slate you brought back from the giant eight-eyed spider's lair."

"To be precise, except for the difference in the monster's eyes, the rest of the pattern is exactly the same. This is basically the same place." Aiwen took out the stone slab he got from the acromantula lair, and compared it with the one on the land deed. The patterns are compared, and the two maps completely overlap.

This time, even Harry and Elaine, who were confused at first, were amazed.

"What is this place?" Elaine asked, "What is the eye you just took out of this slate?"

"This eye represents the evil god, the evil god transformed by the despicable Helbo, the most evil attempt by a wizard to gain immortality in the history of magic. Fortunately, this evil god was defeated by Salazar Slytherin. Break it down into four parts and seal them separately, among which the body of the evil god is the nightmare that has troubled your family for thousands of years, and I got this slate at the place where the eyes of the evil god were sealed." Ai Wen explained, for those who don’t understand the whole thing Li and Elaine reorganized their thinking, "As for the place where this map is located, it is the lair of the despicable Haierbo, where his soul is sealed, and now it is a different space independent of the real world, Salazar There Slytherin left his final test. Pass it, and we shall have the key to his secret treasure."

"Where did Dumbledore go?" Harry asked.

"Yes, this is very important information. As long as we follow the description on the land deed, we can find out the actual location of this place."

"Then as long as we find there, we can find clues to enter that space?" Harry continued to ask.

"It's possible, Harry." Ivan nodded, "It's very likely, Slytherin can't just leave a message."

In fact, he suspected that Dumbledore had already been there, so he knew how to use the staff and how to enter the world of evil gods.

He had said the night he left that death would be necessary to enter that space.

But he didn't tell Ivan and Harry how to do it.

Without enough information, Ivan and the others couldn't go to that world even with the Double Snake Staff.

This seemed to be Dumbledore's plan, and he was determined to complete this dangerous challenge alone, without involving Ivan and Harry.

In Dumbledore's plan, he would take care of this trouble alone.

He would destroy the soul of wretched Helbo and bring back the key to the Slytherin secret treasure.

Or wait until he really fails, that is, after he dies in the true sense, before he will tell the relevant clues.

But by then, it was too late, Ivan didn't want Dumbledore to die.

Dumbledore's thoughts are understandable. For a long time, he has been used to planning everything.

Whether he is facing Voldemort or the evil god, he has his own plan, and usually leaves the most difficult tasks to himself, even if he dies. Whether it is Ivan or Harry, as long as he follows his plan Just complete it step by step.

But this time, Ivan had to say that Dumbledore underestimated his and Harry's strength.

In the fight against evil gods, Ivan can help a lot, and Dumbledore does not need to sacrifice.

Now, find the location of the despicable Haierbo's lair in the real world, and go there to find a way to enter the different space. Ivan is going there, not just to completely defeat the despicable Haierbo to complete the challenge left by Salazar Slytherin, but also to save Dumbledore.

"Let me take a look." He said, looking at the description of this area on the land deed, "It seems to be at the northern end of ancient Greece, um, I have never seen this place name before."

"Wait a minute, Ivan, I remember that I brought ancient Greek materials, which I rubbed from the school library last semester, we just need to compare and search based on the description above." He Min said excitedly, and quickly took out a lot of books and materials, leaving Harry and Elaine dumbfounded.

In other words, isn't it inappropriate to study these things in this place at this time

"I know you are very excited, this is indeed a very important clue, but should we get out of here first?" Harry reminded.

"You're right, Harry, I'm so excited!" Hermione said, as if she had just realized, "Now is really not the time for research, um, let's go, we should find a quiet place to decipher this map , to find the location of the despicable Haierbo lair. There are many key hints in the description on this title deed. Although they are all ancient place names thousands of years ago, they are no longer called this name, but as long as I give me time, I will definitely be able to found that place."

"Not only the lair of the despicable Haierbo, but also the home of the house elves, all need us to find." Ivan added that entering the Slytherin's vault this time was very rewarding, although he and Harry, Hughes Min didn't get anything, but the title deed to Elaine alone was worth a lot.

Elaine got the nominal inheritance right of the Slytherin family's land and became a wealthy vampire who didn't need Ivan to support her. There is also the information on the title deed, about the location of the despicable Haierbo's lair in the real world, there may be a way to enter the different space where the soul of the evil god is located.

Ivan didn't know if this was part of Salazar Slytherin's arrangement, but he couldn't get anything if he stayed here.

When it was time to leave Gringotts, the four returned along the road and boarded the dragon again.

Roaring, the dragon spread its wings again and rose into the air.

They kept going up, and a few seconds later they saw a horde of panicked goblins and wizards guarding the entrance to the central area.

Seeing the giant dragon flying up, dozens of red lights hit them.

Amidst the surge of magic power, screams and roars, Ivan swung his wand vigorously, and the energy shield blocked the flying spells.

The dragon spewed out flames, breaking up the encircling net.

It swooped past at breakneck speed, and the screaming goblins were knocked aside like bowling pins.

Under Aiwen's control, the dragon began to rush towards the exit of the corridor. Aiwen, Harry, Hermione and Elaine lay on the dragon's back and rubbed their bodies against the top of the aisle. Seeing that magic didn't work against the dragon, the goblins who were chasing them began to throw daggers at the dragon one after another, brushing against its body and passing by.