Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1632: Attacking dragon


The dagger that was thrown was extremely sharp, and I don't know what metal it was made of. It could easily pass through Aiwen's magic and the protection of the dragon skin, and cut the dragon.

Because of the pain, the dragon let out a mournful roar.

The goblins shook and jingled their bells, making the dragon extra cranky.

It hovered in the air, not daring to get too close to the corridor.

Aiwen frowned, this is not going to work, he swung his wand again and cast a strengthening spell on the dragon's skin.

Surprisingly, this non-damaging magic worked quickly.

The skin of a dragon can resist most spells, but obviously buff spells are not among them. Seeing this, Aiwen turned to use various buff spells on the dragon, such as strengthening spell, sharpening spell, increasing spell, gravity spell, boosting spell, barbaric spell, bloodthirsty spell...

Under the blessing of Aiwen's various buff magics, the dragon seemed to have taken a tonic and became extraordinarily vigorous.

Its body was bigger than before, its rough skin became stronger, and its claws became stronger.

The temperature of the sprayed flame increases suddenly, the spray length can reach hundreds of feet, and the flame burns longer.

The dragon's eyes were red, and it breathed fire again.

Flames exploded and burned the entire tunnel.

In order to avoid the flames, the goblins and the guards fled in all directions. Facing the rain of sharp swords, the giant dragon tore through the road with its claws along the way. The shattering of stalactites.

The already short goblin fled like ants at the feet of this terrifying human monster.

Countless gravels fell, and the clinking sounds of the goblins seemed to be muffled, and they could no longer block the path of the dragon.

Passing through the level, the goblins cleared the tunnel before, but now they make it easier for this terrifying monster to pass through. Under the savage and terrifying power and the multiple power of the spells of Ivan, Harry, Hermione and Elaine, they rushed out up the tunnel.

The dragon flew higher and higher, broke through the rock, and entered the marble halls of Gringotts with unprecedented momentum.

In the hall, the goblins and wizards who were doing business were all dumbfounded at the giant dragon that suddenly rushed out from the depths of the ground. Some screamed, some turned and fled, and some fainted. Their expressions seemed to be the end of the world in advance. Same as coming.

Wizards and goblins, trembling and pleading, ran for cover.

The whole Gringotts is collapsing, the dragon stretches its wings, and spouts flames again. It seems that it wants to kill everyone and goblins within its sight. It wants revenge. This is why it has been imprisoned underground all its life. The vengeance of hatred in that small space deep within.

Aiwen stopped it, the dragon spread its wings, and stretched its horned head towards the cool tone of the exit.

Then, it took Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine, who were still clinging to their backs, through Gringotts and into the sky.

The Diagon Alley beneath them became smaller and smaller, and the dark and dangerous underground time and the magma that melted everything seemed to have been a long time ago. They flew higher and higher in the air, and London spread out below them, looking like a Two-color map in gray and green.

Ivan panted, trying his best to suppress the joy in his body from escaping from the desperate situation.

The magic lost its effect, and the size of the giant dragon gradually became smaller. It seemed a little tired, but the joy of escaping was still supporting it to fly forward and move quickly in the direction controlled by Aiwen.

Ivan sat on the broad back of the giant dragon, curled up low under the monster's neck, clinging to the metal-like skin.

The cool breeze soothed his blistered skin from the magma just now. The dragon's wings flapped the air like a pair of windmill blades. Behind him, Harry, Hermione, and Elaine were also shouting out of excitement. .

After flying forward like this for about five minutes, Ivan looked down, looking for a suitable landing place.

They are going back to No. 12 Grimmauld Place to study the gold cup and title deed they just obtained, while the dragon continues to fly. It is best for the following Death Eaters to think that they are still sitting on the dragon's back, misleading them to chase further and further away .

The uproar in Gringotts just now was bigger than expected. Aiwen originally planned to sneak in quietly and leave quietly after getting the things. He didn't want to make such a big scene, and he didn't know when Voldemort would know They broke into the Lestrange family vault? How long would it take the goblins of Gringotts to find Bellatrix under the ruins of the vault

Also, how long will it take for them to find out what Aiwen and the others stole

As long as Bellatrix wakes up, it should be clear soon that Ivan and the others took the gold cup.

Eventually, Voldemort would know that they were looking for Horcruxes.

He would then soon discover that all of the Horcruxes he had made had been destroyed, except for the Cthulhu statue.

Voldemort would certainly be furious, but what use would he need Horcruxes when he became the evil god

Thinking of this, Ai Wen raised the dragon a little higher, and covered the dragon's figure with wisps of cold clouds, so as not to let the Muggles in the tall buildings see them.

Behind Ivan, the excitement in Harry's body gradually passed.

He looked around, vaguely feeling that the scar was stinging.

For a while, he seemed to see a new vision. It was a dark room, a leaky and moldy room.

He stood in the middle of the room, his wand raised lightly, in total darkness.

"Don't know anything?" he said in a grim voice, "but even trash has its uses..."

In the darkness ahead of him stood a huddled figure, trembling, as if it had just been tortured by Voldemort.

who is this

Harry opened his eyes wide, trying to see the person opposite him clearly. The figure of this person made him very familiar. Fear oppressed him in the darkness. Harry felt more and more worried. He had a feeling of uneasiness. The least expected, worst thing happened.

Just as he passed through the dense darkness and saw clearly the figure opposite Voldemort, a burst of hurried footsteps came from a distance.

Voldemort turned quickly, there was a violent shake, and Harry opened his eyes again.

He found himself lying on the grass, the cool night wind was blowing slowly, and the sound of insects rang in his ears.

The dragon had disappeared, and Aiwen, Hermione, and Elaine were surrounding him with expressions of concern.

"Does he know?" Ivan asked.

"Not yet, but it should be soon. I heard footsteps. Someone must have informed him of this." Harry panted.

"Then what was he doing? Just when you got inside his head…"

Harry stared at Ivan blankly, as if he felt that his question was particularly terrifying.