Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1635: Voldemort who went further


Voldemort paced among the corpses, gradually calming down. .

That Weasley boy would be his trump card.

Voldemort was sure of that, and not just because the boy was carrying his Horcrux.

He also needs that boy to help him complete a more important task, which will be the most important help on his way to immortality.

In addition to the Elder Wand, he needs the help of that item to complete that magic, and the boy will bring him

Voldemort gradually calmed down, yes, the current situation is still under his control.

It doesn't matter if those two boys really knew something or not, and it doesn't matter if Dumbledore left any plans behind.

One thing is certain, that is, the two Horcruxes in his hand have not been destroyed.

Even if one of them will be destroyed in the end, this is the result of his active choice. To complete the final black magic, Voldemort must do this, incarnate as a new god in the name of evil god, and wait until the statue is truly destroyed At that time, it will also be the time when he truly becomes a great existence.

As for the other Horcruxes, Voldemort could also be sure that they had not been destroyed.

But to be safe, completely safe, he must return to each hiding place, and he must fortify the defenses of each Horcrux...

Yes, he had to do it alone, second only to the search for the Elder Wand and that magic item.

Before truly becoming immortal and gaining eternal life, Horcruxes are Voldemort's greatest reliance, and any negligence and mistakes cannot be tolerated.

Voldemort knew how difficult and crazy the magic he wanted to accomplish was, and he wasn't sure.

Now that Dumbledore had been killed, the trouble those two boys had caused would not stop him, and he now faced a greater challenge.

Voldemort also knew that his great ancestor Salazar Slytherin seemed to have left some kind of magic or some kind of clue to stop him, just like Slytherin left the magic of how to become a god, he also left The way to defeat the evil god, that's why those two boys got into Gringotts Vault One, but Voldemort didn't care, he was confident that when he really became a god, he would become invincible.

He will become powerful, even stronger than the evil god that the despicable Hai Erbo turned into.

Just like the horcruxes he made, the despicable Haierbo invented the horcruxes, but in the end he only dared to make one horcrux, but he, the Dark Lord Voldemort, made a total of seven horcruxes. The soul has been split seven times. This is something that other dark wizards dare not even think about. He has gone farther than all the wizards of his predecessors on the road to immortality. He has completed unprecedented black magic, and he is still able to do it.

When he becomes a god, he will be much stronger than the semi-finished product that the despicable Hai Erbo turned into.

Even his great ancestor would no longer be his opponent.

Voldemort was sure of this, and now it was a race against time to see who could go faster

Although he lost two Horcruxes, Voldemort still had the upper hand in this battle.

Voldemort was thinking, and Harry was thinking hard, too.

Or more accurately, he was concentrating on sensing Voldemort's mind.

Harry couldn't fully feel the other person's thoughts, even though he was in Voldemort's head now.

As Voldemort's mood fluctuated, only some broken fragments of information came intermittently.

Voldemort seemed to be worried about his Horcruxes, and Harry could sense that he was thinking about the Horcruxes, and then he thought about the fiend statue.

Well, the statue of the evil god is also a Horcrux!

Harry had heard from Ivan, and he knew this, but to his surprise, Voldemort thought of another Horcrux. This Horcrux was different from the others, and it was an item left by Voldemort in Gryffindor. above, and appears to be being carried by someone.

This is impossible, Gryffindor left only his sword and scabbard, and was not made into a Horcrux by Voldemort.

Could it be that Voldemort found some other Gryffindor item to make into a Horcrux? What could it be

Also, who is currently carrying that Horcrux

Harry tried to perceive, but couldn't get any clear information.

Immediately afterwards, more shocking information came from Voldemort's mind, and Harry knew Voldemort's ambitions.

He wanted to become that monster, the monster called the evil god, and he was about to succeed!

Although Ivan said before that Voldemort had this idea, Harry didn't have a specific concept, and he didn't know how powerful the so-called evil god was. He hadn't faced it directly until that night when he was in Az Caban saw the brain of the evil god who was once a dark wizard and despicable Helbo

Seeing that monster with his own eyes, Harry was deeply shocked. Even the dementor he was most afraid of before was only made by that monster.

While being shocked, Harry also had a more intuitive understanding of the monster Voldemort wanted to become.

In his opinion, it was madness to want to become such a horrible monster.

Unexpectedly, Voldemort actually had such a crazy idea.

As Voldemort's violent mood swings gradually calmed down, the scene before Harry's eyes began to shake.

The connection between Harry and Voldemort was about to break, and he had to pay more attention to sensing.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps at the door of the room.

Voldemort woke up with a start, and his red eyes turned to the door, and Harry looked there too.

The scene in front of him was shaking more and more violently. He couldn't see the face of the other party clearly. He could only see a black shadow. The intruder was covered by a black cloak. She seemed to be in harmony with the darkness in the room. Melted into one, all light seems paranoid there.

It was the kind of deep dark magic Harry had seen in Elaine's uncle Keresis.

Although he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, he still recognized the intruder's identity immediately.

Not the Death Eaters, but the woman, the Black Witch!

Not long ago, in the room of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, Harry had met each other, and it was the same way.

"The corpses of wizards and goblins are really good magic materials." She said in a low and hoarse voice, looking at the dead bodies in the room.

"They paid for their stupidity!" Voldemort's voice was still indifferent, without any warmth, and he gently raised his wand to his chest, "I hope you brought good news, otherwise you will know soon The consequences of appearing before Voldemort at this time. Tell me, have you found the spell?"