Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1637: new destination


Then, it is extremely possible for Voldemort to split his soul again to create a new Horcrux.

After all, he didn't know about Harry's existence. In his opinion, counting this split, he had just produced seven Horcruxes.

Rings, Journals, Lockets, Cups, Tiaras, Magic, Statues

As for why he chose to use a piece of magic to make a Horcrux instead of a magical item with a special historical background like other Horcruxes, there are many possibilities. Maybe Voldemort was planning to make a new attempt at that time, maybe he saw something Something that made him irresistible, but couldn't get that thing.

Or, the magic item that he values is very special, very powerful, possesses extremely strong magic power, and cannot be made into a Horcrux.

Or even say that there is already a soul inside? !

Putting these speculations together, Ivan thought of Gryffindor's Philosopher's Stone again.

The Philosopher's Stone satisfies all his speculations about why Voldemort used a spell to create a Horcrux.

Imagine, as a student, Voldemort saw this powerful Philosopher's Stone in the centaur temple in the Forbidden Forest.

It is a test for Gryffindor to stay there. This Sorcerer's Stone not only has a special historical background enough to arouse Voldemort's interest, but also has powerful magic power. The soul left in the Sorcerer's Stone made it impossible for Voldemort to get it, so he cast the magic and a curse attached to his soul on the Sorcerer's Stone. The magic power in the Sorcerer's Stone can make this magic and curse last forever.

There is only one obstacle for Voldemort to do so, and that is the soul of Gryffindor in the Philosopher's Stone

If he really did, then Gryffindor must know about it, but he didn't stop Voldemort, and he didn't tell Ivan anything.

Gryffindor didn't stop, doesn't mean Voldemort didn't do it.

Ivan still remembers that when his consciousness left the illusion at that time, Gryffindor once told him that the real test had just begun, and then Ivan was cursed by Voldemort as soon as he got the Sorcerer's Stone. The test that Ryffindor said, the curse was resolved only after he found another Philosopher's Stone.

However, if the curse at that time was not all the magic left by Voldemort, then the test that Gryffindor spoke of was not over.

The real test is not the curse, but Voldemort's Horcrux magic.

By the way, there is also the prophecy of Professor Trelawney, everything is very consistent with the Moon Temple at that time, except for the second half of the prophecy

A true prophecy, if the first half is fulfilled, there is no reason why the second half should not.

"Harry, did the Dark Lord remember where the magic Horcrux was?" Ivan asked.

"He thought about it, but" Harry shook his head, "it seems to be on someone, but I don't know who it is."

on someone? !

In addition to Ivan and the centaur, Sirius, Harry, Hermione and Ron were present the night Ivan got the Philosopher's Stone.

Will Voldemort's Horcrux be among these few people? ! That was bad enough!

"Any other details, Harry? Like is that person a man or a woman? Is it a Death Eater?" said Hermione, trying to enlighten Harry.

"I don't know, but the identity of that person surprised the Dark Lord! Yes, it was a surprise. He didn't expect that Horcrux to be on that person." Harry recalled, and then thought of what he saw before The sight, the sight that frightened him, he hesitated, thinking it best to say, "Remember? I entered his mind before, before he knew the cup was taken, He was interrogating someone at the time, and the Horcrux seemed to be on that person."

"So, you saw that person? The person who surprised Voldemort?" Ivan asked softly, who could it be? !

It wouldn't be a Death Eater, and it shouldn't be someone from the Order of the Phoenix, but someone Voldemort didn't even think of.

Sorcerer's Stone, Horcruxes, Magic, Centaur, Sirius, Harry, Hermione, Ron, what Voldemort didn't expect

"As I said, it's very dark in there, and I can't see anything." Harry paused, then continued, "But is it possible?"

"who is it?"

Harry was silent for a long time, then said slowly, "I don't know, I seemed to think of something just now, but it's over again."

In fact, he wanted to say Ron, but the idea was too scary, and it couldn't be Ron at all.

That person can't be Ron, Harry repeated silently in his mind.

"Okay!" Ivan said with a prolonged tone, he was also thinking about the identity of the person with the newly appeared Horcrux, "A new Horcrux, a special Horcrux made by magic, this is considered Bad news, but we can always find clues. Did you see anything else, Harry?"

"Also!" said Harry bitterly, his scar aching again, "I saw the Dark Witch again at the end, and she told him she had found the spell, and he couldn't wait to enter the door of the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic." Inside, the terrible magic has been completed, which will allow him to gain great power and true immortality"

"It's becoming an evil god!" Aiwen snorted disdainfully, "What power and immortality are just a more terrifying curse, transforming oneself into a monster."

But even if Voldemort hadn't done that, he wouldn't be a person now!

"We have to take action now." Harry said suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and he finally remembered what he had overlooked just now.

"What are you talking about, Harry? We have already taken action. We have obtained the gold cup and the title deed. As long as we decipher the above information, we can find the home of the house elves and the lair of the despicable Helbo." Hermione said in surprise. , "This is an important clue about the key to the secret treasure of Hufflepuff and Slytherin."

"Well, this is the most important thing we have to do right now!" Ivan nodded.

"No, I'm not talking about this, we must take action immediately!" Harry said firmly, "I know where that man is, the man with the Dark Lord's Horcrux, who is being held in Malfoy right now In the dungeon below the manor, we're going there to find him and destroy that Horcrux."

Harry's tone became more and more urgent. He had to go to Malfoy Manor to make sure that the person who was caught was Ron? !

If it is, then he will rescue him.

If not, they also need to destroy the newly discovered Horcrux.

The next destination, Malfoy Manor, the stronghold of the Death Eaters!