Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1642: spiritual value


Behind the "Gate of Death" of the Ministry of Magic is the world of the dead. People who have not experienced death can feel nothing in front of that door, and those who have witnessed death can hear someone talking in front of that door. . .

It was the whisper of the dead, and many scholars even believed that it might be a magical illusion. The "gate of death" has a special magical power that affects people close to it, causing them to have hallucinations, and their dead relatives or people who have witnessed death whisper in their minds.

These languages have no meaning by themselves, because no one can understand what they are actually saying.

This is also the wizards' understanding of the "Gate of Death", but from what Harry heard about the conversation between Voldemort and the Black Witch, it can be seen that behind this door is not just the world of the dead, and it does not have any special magical power to make people feel Illusion, its only function is to connect to the different space where the evil god once enshrined by the centaur is located.

The whisper heard in front of the door was actually the voice of an evil god. As for why only those who have witnessed death can hear the sound, it is because death will have a certain connection with the void in the real world, and those who have witnessed this process will also be affected, and their spirits will become sensitive and susceptible to the influence of evil gods .

The evil gods in the void are actually affecting the real world all the time. When a person's spiritual value drops to a certain level and he is in an extremely special environment, he will see many scary and strange scenes that come out of nowhere, or Witness first-hand the existence of little-known and unspeakable horrors.

Most of these beings are creations of evil gods, and they will haunt the person who sees them until the person eventually dies.

Because the "gate of death" is connected to the space where the evil god is located, it will make people who are close to it more susceptible to influence.

And through the "Gate of Death", you can reach the world of that evil god!

In fact, regarding the "Gate of Death", Ai Wen checked a lot of information and discussed it with Hermione and others.

Now it seems that the door is a very obvious coordinate, the connection between the real world and the void.

As long as you open it, you can cross the space barrier and enter the void. The method of opening the door seems to require a special spell and powerful force.

The spell is where the "gate of death" used to be, and Voldemort is sending people to find it. Great power does not necessarily refer to the Staff of Two Snakes, other magic items with infinite magic power can also play a role. Even if he didn't get the Wand, Voldemort could eventually find something else to replace it.

Legendary magic items with powerful magical powers are rare, but not impossible.

Of course, the Double Snake Staff is the best.

After mastering the coordinates, the scepter alone can cross space.

The Double Snake Rod is a magic item specially used to cross the space barrier and enter the void, but it is not the only one for opening the "gate of death". Voldemort went to get other magic items to replace it.

Whether or not the staff is lost, the end result is the same, Voldemort will open the "gate of death".

In this way, the effect of the Two Serpents being taken by Voldemort is almost negligible.

After turning around, the question finally returned to the far point, which is also the question that Ivan has been thinking about before.

Voldemort wants to enter the world behind the "gate of death", into the different space where the evil gods are, what is he going to do

The fact that the extreme sects of the evil god "Raven's Claw" and the Dark Witch are supporting Voldemort says a lot in itself. From the information Ivan found, the main purpose of this sect is to promote doomsday theory. They fanatically believe that in the near future, the evil gods will break the cages that the Titans and ancient warlocks imprisoned on them and return to this world to give this The world brings a brand-new order, which is the so-called Doomsday Judgment. Only those who believe in evil gods can survive the trial.

The purpose of the Raven's Claw is to release the evil gods, but this is definitely not Voldemort's purpose. To release a monster with infinite power to destroy the world. Even if the soul has been split many times, Voldemort will not do such a thing. He wants What I want to do is to be the devil king by myself, to rule the world.

Therefore, he needs to become a terrifying and immortal existence like the evil god.

It is also for this reason that he wants to enter the "Gate of Death" now, instead of releasing the evil god.

This is the most basic judgment on the whole thing. Ivan is not clear about the specific method of transforming a human body into an evil god, but one of the processes seems to require Voldemort to enter the world of the evil god to do something, which is why Voldemort is now The main reason to enter the "gate of death".

There is no doubt that this process is very dangerous, even for Voldemort.

But if you want to become an evil god, you must do so.

The whole incident seemed to be like this. Ivan thought about the ins and outs of the incident clearly, but these did not seem to be very important, because he already knew that Voldemort planned to become an evil god. "In the process of becoming an evil god, what can he and the Order of the Phoenix do

Stopping Voldemort seems impossible!

After Voldemort took the Staff, nothing could stop him. It is only a matter of time before the wizard of "Raven's Claw" finds the spell to open the door of death. In the process, Voldemort seems to still want to find the Elder Wand. Knowing that the Elder Wand is in Dumbledore's hands, but as long as the pursuit continues, he will know the news soon.

In other words, the Double Snake Rod was taken away by Voldemort, and all Ivan and the others can do now is to hurry up and find the key to the secret treasure.

Compared with the previous situation, the only change is that they have less time left.

This seemed to be the case, Ivan shook his head and stood up from the bed.

Now that he was talking about finding the key to the secret treasure of the four founders, he had to study and decipher the information on the gold cup and the land deed as soon as possible. Aiwen put on his clothes, thinking about this, and at the same time comforted Dobby, who was crying because he was moved, and asked him to go to the kitchen to see if there was anything Kerry needed to help.

More than ten minutes later, before Ivan left the room, Hermione and Elaine slipped in from the door.

"Don't go down now!" Elaine said, falling on Ivan's bed, "It's noisy down there!"

"What?" Ivan asked subconsciously, he was still thinking about something and didn't react.

"Sirius and Harry were arguing," said Hermione. "Sirius just told Harry about Ron's arrest, and they started arguing."