Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1643: quarrel


The day began with a heated argument between Sirius and Harry. .

Ivan, Hermione, and Elaine stayed in the room, leaving space for Sirius and Harry to talk, but when there was a loud crash below, the three of them had to go down!

Ivan walked down the stairs, only to see the corner of Sirius' cloak disappearing by the door, and then the door was closed heavily, and because of too much force, it woke up the sleeping Mrs. Black, and her shrill screams resounded throughout the house.

"Quiet!" Ivan walked over quickly and cast a powerful stun spell on the old woman in the portrait.

Then he quickly drew the curtains, and the house fell into a sudden, eerie silence.

The kitchen was in a mess, the chairs fell to the ground, the house-elf Krietcher and Dobby were nowhere to be seen, it seemed that there had just been a fight here, Harry stood there with his wand in his hand, his body was still full of anger, and he was trembling.

"Harry, you used magic on Sirius?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"He deserves it!" Harry snapped at Hermione. "Don't look at me like that!"

"Enough, Harry, are you going to start fighting with her?" Ivan asked.

"No, no, we can't fight," groaned Hermione, stepping between the two of them.

"It's wrong to fight." Elaine said flatly, jumping directly onto the table.

"What exactly is going on?"

"He still treats me like a child, and doesn't let me participate in anything, not even let me participate in saving Ron..." Harry was silent for a while, and continued, "He has clearly said many times before that he wants me to participate in During the operation, he wanted to take me on an adventure, but it was all a lie, he was a complete liar. I asked him, if he was captured by Voldemort, would my dad stand by and watch?"

"I don't think so!" Ivan lifted the chair up, let Elaine get off the table, and then raised his head and said seriously to Harry, "Also, don't mention that name. Remember, that name was given It's magical, and he senses it when we say it. Although the Dark Lord may not see the house, he should already know that his name is spoken around Grimmauld Place, and many Death Eaters know it This is the old house of the Black family, and they will soon associate this place with us, knowing that the four of us are hiding here."

"I don't want to hide like this anymore!" said Harry bitterly, seemingly indifferent to the fact that Voldemort and the Death Eaters might already know where they were hiding. Can't you save Ron?! Does he think I'm a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death?!"

"We both know you're not…"

"But I am playing such a role. I have been like this before, and I am still like this now. I have always been a role protected by others. Others can sacrifice for me, and I can only watch there." Harry said, "I Enough is enough, I don't need Sirius, I don't need the Order of the Phoenix, I'll get Ron back myself."

"What are you going to do? Go alone against nearly a hundred Death Eaters?"

"You don't even know where Malfoy Manor is."

"There's always a way," said Harry.

"What we need now is time, Harry, not a head-to-head confrontation with the Dark Lord. Then we have no chance of winning. We have talked about this many times before, and you should be very clear." Ivan changed his tone , trying to persuade Harry, "You are asked to stay here and be protected because you are important enough, because only you can defeat the Dark Lord, and no one else can replace you, but it is not yet time for a decisive battle. We still have a lot of things to do now, unraveling the secrets on the gold cup and the title deed, as well as the relics left by Dumbledore."

"Are these things more important than Ron's safety?"

"I think so." Ai Wen said quickly and firmly, "We can't just rescue a certain person just because he was taken away. There are many things that are more important than a person's life, Dumbledore Lido taught us this, Harry, death is not the scariest thing. What's more, if Ron really has a Horcrux on him, then they won't kill him, and the Order of the Phoenix will find a way to save Ron Yes, his life is not in danger."

"It's the same as what Sirius said, this is your opinion, it's safe enough to do nothing here and wait for the Order of the Phoenix to rescue Ron..." Harry said, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

He looked down at his feet, thinking of his father.

What would James do in this situation? Will he always hide in this old house? For those more important things, for the greater good, for the sake of protecting oneself, and disregarding the safety of friends.

Will James do it? Is it more rational or do things with emotion

Then Harry seemed to have an answer.

He quickly raised his head and said, "I'm going back to the house, please let me know if there is any news."

Harry walked out of the kitchen, and there was the sound of Harry's heavy footsteps in the corridor.

Hermione had a disturbed expression on her face, as if she wanted to say something.

"Let him be alone for a while, it's good for him." Ivan sighed, "What do you want to eat? I'll let Kerry and Dobby come out. By the way, I'm going to the library later Go to the library to find information and see if the ancestors of the Black family have left any information about the home of the house elves. Hermione, will you go there with me?"

"Well, I want to find some maps of ancient Greece!" said Hermione.

"I won't go, I'm going back to catch up on sleep, call me when I'm having lunch!" Elaine said lazily.

Because of Harry's absence and Sirius' sudden departure, the whole breakfast passed in a dull atmosphere.

Ivan stopped after eating two bites of bread. He asked Dobby the house elf to bring Harry something to eat, while he flipped through today's "Daily Prophet". There are still a lot of news in the newspaper For example, on the front page, there are wanted photos of Alvin, Harry, Hermione, Sirius and other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

The excuse for wanting Ivan and Harry is also outrageous, it is: wanted to track down the cause of Albus Dumbledore's death.

It was certainly infuriating that the new Ministry of Magic was turning black and white. They tried to blame Ivan and Harry as the murderers of Dumbledore, but like Sirius said last night, the wizards are confused by the news of Dumbledore's sudden death, people want to know the truth, and "Prophecy" The fact that Home Daily was able to publish this information shows that the coup d'état was smooth and almost silent.

Except for Ivan and the others flying a fire dragon in Diagon Alley, which stunned the wizards present at the time, no other conflicts occurred. The official statement that Scrimgeour was killed was that he resigned, and Pierce Thickness was his replacement. And he was cursed, and he was already at the mercy of Voldemort...