Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1644: new educational reforms


Compared with the regime change scenes recorded in the history of magic, Voldemort's seizure of power was unusually smooth. After Dumbledore's sudden departure and Scrimgeour's murder, there were almost no wizards who resisted Voldemort on the surface. .

Voldemort's powerful magic and death threats made all those who opposed him shut up or had to go underground, and those pure-blood wizard families that were originally thought to have declined also exerted unimaginable power this time. In addition, there are many dark forces who choose to support Voldemort with various purposes. With their joint efforts, Voldemort easily controlled the Ministry of Magic and formed a new regime to exert influence.

The whole process was ridiculously easy, and the expected resistance did not appear at all.

In fact, many wizards don't even know that the Ministry of Magic has been taken over by Voldemort.

However, the latest Ministry of Magic policy can still be seen. For example, the notorious Muggle-born registration review system, Ivan has heard of it before, and today's newspaper has a more detailed introduction.

After the first edition of the arrest warrants for Irving, Harry, Sirius, and others, there was an article about the Muggle-born registration censorship system, which read: "The Ministry of Magic is taking action to investigate the so-called Muggle-born population, and more Well to learn the magical secrets they hold.

Recently, investigations by the Department of Mysteries have shown that magic can only be passed on through breeding among wizards. People who have not been proven to be of wizarding family blood, so-called Muggle-borns, may obtain magic through theft or force. .

The Ministry of Magic is determined to find the usurper of magic, and will soon send out invitations to anyone whose identity is in doubt or who is Muggle-born, inviting them to attend a meeting organized by the newly formed Muggle-Born Registration Committee..."

This is total nonsense, the Ministry of Magic stopped caring about Voldemort and instead started studying wizard breeding...

If no one doubts even this, then they are simply taking everyone for fools!

The reason why there has not been a large-scale panic and fleeing phenomenon can only show that everyone still lacks understanding of this latest policy, or they naively think that the meeting organized by the Muggle-born Registration Committee is simply a meeting.

After they saw the trial-like meeting with the dementors present, and the results of the meeting where they were caught in Azkaban or even directly sucked out of their souls by the dementor's kiss, they would start to feel scared.

But by then, it seemed a bit late for them to think about fleeing.

But having said that, increasing the censorship and management of Muggle-born wizards can also represent the thoughts of a large number of wizards to a certain extent, and it is a voice that has long existed in the wizarding world.

Therefore, doing this by the Ministry of Magic still excited many pure-blood wizards or wizards with blood prejudices.

Moreover, the new Ministry of Magic is very tolerant towards pure-blood wizards. Even certain members of the Order of the Phoenix like the Weasley family have not been arrested, and Mr. Weasley can go to work in the Ministry of Magic as usual.

As a result, there are many pure-blood wizards who support the new Ministry of Magic.

Many of them may be supportive of Voldemort, and against evil and violence, but not against the policies of the new Ministry of Magic, and for them, the Ministry of Magic may finally be doing something serious. But for those Muggle-born wizards and humanoid, non-human intelligent races, it is a disaster.

Ai Wen casually read two paragraphs, and skipped the article.

The third page of the newspaper was another heavyweight news. On the top of the page was a very large photo of a man with a hooked nose and black hair, whom Ivan was very familiar with. Below the photo was a line of eye-catching headlines that read: Sif Ruth Snape is appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts.

finally come!

This news means that Voldemort has started to reform the existing education system, no surprises, but this news appeared earlier than expected, after all, there are still nearly two weeks before school starts.

Ai Wen originally thought that this news would be announced at the beginning of school.

Perhaps Voldemort's visit to Hogwarts last night to fetch the Staff of the Two Snakes had sped up education reform and Snape's election as Headmaster. After Gringotts was robbed and the gold cup was lost, all Death Eaters should be trembling. Harry also said yesterday that Voldemort was very angry. He killed many people at that time. Do everything possible to please Voldemort, and complete those things he wants to happen as soon as possible.

"Is this a photo of Snape?" Hermione said in surprise, she also noticed the newspaper in Ivan's hand.

"Well, he has been elected as the new headmaster. If Harry reads this report, he will definitely turn the table away angrily, but he probably won't fight with Sirius, will he? In terms of his attitude towards Snape , The opinions of the two of them are always surprisingly the same." Ai Wen said and spread the newspaper on the table, and read it carefully.

"Severus Snape, the long-time Potions Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry, was appointed headmaster today in the most important faculty transfer at the ancient school. He will begin his duties today, serving A new era begins for the oldest wizarding school in the wizarding world. In addition, there is the resignation of the former professor of Muggle studies, Alecto Carlo will take over the position, and her brother, Amycus, will fill the There is a vacancy for the Chair of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Humph, that sounds really good." Elaine interjected, "I've heard about this brother and sister. I lived with my uncle in the underground world during the summer vacation of last semester. There are many other people besides werewolves there." Dark wizards, those two are the most famous and cruelest of them all. Believe me, they will mess up Hogwarts."

"It is conceivable to teach the Muggle Studies class on how to brutally kill Muggles, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class on how to use black magic." Ivan nodded in agreement, "Also, Principal Snape..."

"Principal Snape..." Hermione seemed to have thought of something, she ran out quickly, "Wait a minute, I'll be right back!"

Looking at Hermione's back, Elaine continued to ask, "I don't understand, why do other professors agree with these appointment decisions?"

"They have no choice. To resist is to be arrested and sent to Azkaban or murdered. At least staying can protect the safety of the students." Aiwen said, looking down at the newspaper, "The news is not over yet. Not only the change of teachers, but also the latest education reform plan of the Ministry of Magic, well, Hogwarts will add a new age, just like Beauxbaton, who will go to Hogwarts from the age of seven, Moreover, all young wizards who were born in England and who are over the age of seven or eighteen must report to Hogwarts. This is compulsory... "