Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1646: Harry's plan


Hopefully Voldemort will leave them enough time to find the key to Hufflepuff and Slytherin's secret treasure.

If he had turned himself into a monster like the evil god before that, what else could defeat it

An evil god in a complete state, Ivan can't estimate how powerful it is.

"If we want to go to Greece, we must hurry up, that place is not close." Hermione said, putting away the map on the table, "Evan, do you have any progress on the whereabouts of the house elf home?"

"The emblem on the golden cup is the script used by the ancient house elves. This lost script is very unpopular and very niche. Even in the past, only a few alchemists mastered it, so there are very few records left." Ivan paused, and continued, "But thanks to the ancient magic text book that Nicole Flamel gave me, I have deciphered some of the clear words last night, and the translation means valley."


"What valley? There are many valleys?"

"This is the crux of the problem. There is no specific word corresponding to the place name in front of the valley. It should be the name of the ancient house elves for their homeland. There is no way to directly translate this magic text, only transliteration." Ai Wen explained. , "I'm going to the library below to look for books and materials about house elves in that era to see if there are any similar records. If there are wizards who have been to that place, there should be records, especially wizards and elves. There is no reason not to record such important information about the historical materials during the House Elf War. I asked Kreacher to help clear up the materials of that era before going to bed last night, but it will take a lot of time to read them all."

"If that's the case, I can help!" Elaine sighed on the table and said lazily, "Although flipping through the books is very tiring, being idle is also idle."

"Then let's start now, Elaine, and I'll tell you about that word and the possible transliteration words in a moment. By the way, I also invented a useful little spell that can combine the books about the valley with these few words. Mark the words with similar transliteration vocabulary, you just need to do this..." Ivan picked up his wand and demonstrated again, the pages of a book on the table quickly opened, as if someone was flipping through it quickly, the moment it finally stopped On the page, the word "valley" was marked with yellow fluorescent light, and many pages behind were shimmering with light.

"This spell is good. It's much easier to find the answer. You should have told me earlier." Elaine commented.

"This kind of quick reference spell, I just invented it not long ago, and you need to read all the textbooks before you can understand the knowledge recorded in it." Ivan said and stood up, "Come on, go to the library of the Black family , if we are lucky enough, we may soon find relevant records about the home of the house elves. Hermione, you can come and help us when you are done with your work. After a while, Harry's mood stabilizes, and he can join... "

At this moment, Harry was lying on the bed staring at the dark ceiling and the cobweb-strewn chandelier in a daze.

For a moment, he thought of Sirius who slammed the door angrily, and regretted that he shouldn't have fought with him just now.

After a while, he thought of Ron who was locked in the dungeon, crying helplessly there.

Thinking of Ron, Harry's heart immediately twitched. He remembered that he had promised Ginny to take care of Ron.

She should already know about Ron's arrest by now, right

How would Ginny react? Are you as sad and worried as yourself

Maybe I will be more worried, after all, Ginny is a girl, and Ron is her relative...

Like Dumbledore before him, Harry found himself developing an inexplicable resentment toward Sirius, resentment that he didn't allow him to take part in rescuing Ron, resentment that he didn't allow him to participate in anything.

Although Sirius will tell Harry everything he knows, he is extremely conservative in his actions. Sirius's attitude towards Harry's participation in the Order of the Phoenix and other actions against Voldemort is always repeated and contradictory.

Sometimes he seems to regard Harry as James, and encourages Harry to accompany him to do some impulsive and dangerous things; sometimes, Sirius seems to think that Harry is still a child, and doesn't let him participate in anything.

This back and forth confused Harry, and it made him resent Sirius.

At the same time, he was also very angry at the so-called rationality of Ivan, Hermione and others. Of course, he knew that it was a very unwise behavior for him to save Ron at this time, but there are some things that he has to do, and it is not possible to use reason. Measured.

Is not it

Didn't he save Ron because it was dangerous, because he couldn't do it? !

Anger and resentment were spreading in his heart, and Harry couldn't bear it any longer and could only lie here in pain, he sat up from the bed, and if the others were going to do nothing, then he would do something himself.

First of all, he needs to find out where Malfoy Manor is before he can save Ron!

Although he had heard Malfoy brag about how luxurious his family's manor was more than once, Harry really didn't know the exact location of Malfoy Manor.

A wizard's mansion is always kept secret, only known to those close to him.

Maybe, Harry thought, he could go out and catch a Death Eater and ask him about the whereabouts of Malfoy Manor.

Doing so is undoubtedly very dangerous. Although it is easy for Ivan to deal with Death Eaters, Harry is not sure whether he has this ability. It should be no problem to fight an ordinary Death Eater. He thought so... But even if he knew What should he do if he lost the location of Malfoy Manor

Go straight over and knock on the door, tell them Harry Potter wants to come in and visit... I have to admit, this is an act of death.

Immediately afterwards, Harry thought that he could use Polyjuice Potion, which was very useful, allowing him to pretend to be a Death Eater, and he knew that Aiwen had Polyjuice Potion, if he thought of a way, he should be able to get it.

But it seems difficult not to attract Ivan's attention.

The identity of the fake person also needs to be carefully chosen. It cannot be a Death Eater with too low a status. It needs to be able to enter Malfoy Manor, and then go all the way to the dungeon...

Harry fell back on the bed again, staring at the dark ceiling lost in thought.

Until, a sharp voice sounded, "Harry Potter, Dobby has brought your breakfast!"

There was a flash of light in Harry's head, and a plan of action was formed in an instant: Dobby the house elf, who had been working at the Malfoys before...