Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1647: friend


Harry turned quickly to look at Dobby the house-elf, who was holding the plate, and Dobby was smiling back at him.

"Harry Potter, your breakfast, Master Irwin ordered Dobby..."

Harry didn't listen to what he said later, he didn't care about breakfast at all at this moment.

Looking at Dobby the house elf, Harry suddenly thought of a possibility, a plan to save Ron.

He looked at Dobby in a moment of ecstasy.

Harry should have figured it out a long time ago. Dobby was a house-elf of the Malfoy family before. He worked in the Malfoy family and knew where Malfoy Manor was. In other words, with Dobby leading the way, he could easily go to Malfoy Manor, go to the dungeon to rescue Ron, and he didn't need to lie here and worry at all.

"Dobby, do you know where Malfoy Manor is?" Harry asked urgently.

Hearing about the former owner, the smile on Dobby's face gradually froze.

His huge tennis ball-shaped eyes began to widen, and his body began to shake from head to toe with fear, dread, and other emotions.

"Dobby knows, why is Harry Potter asking this?" Dobby forced a smile.

"Take me to Malfoy Manor, Dobby, and we'll save Ron together." Harry jumped up from the bed.

"Harry Potter is going to Malfoy Manor, but, but Master Irwin said, you can't leave..."

"Ron's my friend, Dobby, and he's been captured by the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters, and I can't do nothing." Harry said in a low voice, "Can you understand this feeling? Can you understand what?" Is it a friend? When a friend is in danger, it is worth anything for him, no matter how dangerous it is, even if it puts my life in danger. Ron is my best friend, so I must go to Mal Fu Zhuang saved him."

"Dobby doesn't understand, Dobby never had wizard friends, house elves can't make friends with wizards"

"No, you have friends, Dobby, and I'm your friend." Harry said with little hesitation.

"Oh!" Dobby's expression changed, and he said in disbelief, "Harry Potter actually said that Dobby was his friend?"

He seemed a little too excited, and soon the big eyes looking at Harry became cloudy with tears, and the tears couldn't stop pouring out.

"Yes, you're my friend, Dobby, always have been," said Harry quickly. "Do you consider me a friend too?"

Dobby looked at Harry, a little hesitant to speak, and then he seemed to make a big decision.

"Harry Potter is Dobby's friend, Dobby's first wizard friend, woohoo!" he cried bitterly.

Harry comforted Dobby for a few words, and then he quickly brought the subject back. If Dobby was allowed to cry like this, he would cry all day.

"Dobby, if I'm caught at Malfoy Manor, will you rescue me?" he asked.

"Dobby will save Harry Potter, Harry Potter is so great, even if he is not Dobby's friend, Dobby will save him!" Dobby cried, pulling the bed sheet and twisting his nose vigorously , "What a great man, Harry Potter, to think Dobby is his friend, even Master Irwin didn't tell Dobby that. Of course, Master Irwin is also a great wizard, but Dobby used to be Knowing that Harry Potter is the greatest wizard who can treat house-elves as equals, the only wizard who can regard house-elves as friends, is”

"Okay, Dobby, keep your voice down!" Afraid of disturbing Ivan and Hermione below, Harry had to stop Dobby from continuing to cry, "Now do you understand? If I am captured, as a friend, You will definitely save me, even if you face Malfoy, even if you face the Dark Lord, even if you lose your life."

"Even if it's facing the horse, the original owner of the horse, even if it's facing the person who can't even mention his name, even if he loses his life, Dobby will definitely go."

"So, now that Ron has been arrested, I have to ask for him as a friend." Harry said, "Of course, Dobby, if you are arrested, I will definitely rescue you. Now, you understand Right? Friends are the only people we can count on in times of crisis. We must act now, they may kill Ron at any moment."

"Harry Potter is going to save his friends, and Do-Dobby wants to go with him, even if it's back to the original owner's house." Dobby said tremblingly, wiping his big teary eyes vigorously, "But do we need to tell Master Aiwen about this..."

"No, don't tell them, it's just the two of us, this is a solo operation, Harry and Hermione are too busy now, let's not bother them." Harry said, without giving Dobby a chance to say anything more, "Well , let me think about it, Dobby, can you Apparate to Malfoy Manor?"

Dobby nodded, ears flapping.

"Then can you take humans with you?"

Dobby nodded again, the light in Harry's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the plan in his mind became clearer and clearer. Maybe things are not as complicated as he imagined at the latest, and he can let Dobby take him with him. Apparate quietly to the dungeon at Malfoy Manor, find Ron, and bring him back.

The whole process does not need to alarm anyone, and no one will find out.

The Death Eaters wouldn't have thought of it, and neither could Voldemort.

Harry still remembered that in the dark cave by the sea, Dumbledore once said that Voldemort didn't look down on the magic of house-elves at all, and didn't bother to understand it, so the magic defense he arranged couldn't stop the house-elves at all.

He had suffered badly over the Slytherin locket, and he was doomed to suffer now.

After waiting several hours, Voldemort and the Death Eaters could only stare at the empty dungeon in bewilderment.

Ivan and Sirius will be surprised when Harry brings Ron back.

Not only can you save Ron, but you can also prove that you are no longer a child!

"Listen, Dobby!" Harry suppressed the excitement in his heart, "Do you know the location of the dungeon at Malfoy Manor?"

"Dobby knows the location!" Dobby nodded again, "But there are many dungeons."

"That dungeon was very dark, there were no windows in it, and I remember there was a pillar there..." Harry tried his best to recall the scene he saw inside Voldemort's head, but listening to his description, Dobby's face was still confused, and he had to change his words Said, "Well, that's all right, we can explore these dungeons one by one, as long as we can get past it. Without further ado, Dobby, we'd better start now, and if all goes well, we'll be back by noon."

The house-elf hesitated for a moment, still seeming to be afraid, then reached out and took Harry's right hand.

In the next second, the two of them apparated.

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