Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1648: Malfoy Manor


In the blink of an eye, there was a bang.

Harry and Dobby appeared before a flight of steep stairs, flanked by huge dark stone blocks like Hogwarts Castle.

The surroundings were dimly lit and very quiet, and Harry heard nothing.

From the expression on Dobby the house elf, it could be seen that this was Malfoy Manor, and Harry wasn't sure if there were guards there.

Perhaps after Voldemort's killing spree last time, no Death Eater dared to stay here.

"Dobby, where is the dungeon?" He asked in a low voice while thinking wildly.

Dobby pointed to the bottom of the stairs, his body was trembling uncontrollably, as if he was about to reach his limit.

Harry nodded, he didn't go down immediately, and looked around the corridor to the left for a while, until the darkness at the end of the corridor swallowed his vision.

After confirming that there were no Death Eaters, Harry drew his wand and carefully descended the steep stone stairs. Dobby the house-elf followed behind him, pulling at the hem of Harry's clothes. Harry's speed Very slow, because the stairs are too steep, if you are not careful, you may slip and break your neck at any time.

At the bottom of the stairs was a heavy door, Harry tapped lightly with his wand, and read, "Alahoo hole!"

He opened the door, although it was very cold around, but because he was too nervous, he felt sweat running down his back.

Beyond the door was a dank, musty room with a low ceiling, so dark that nothing could be seen.

"Ron, Ron!" Harry whispered, not sure if it was here.

The dungeon he saw in Voldemort's head seemed to be different from the one in front of him, but the layout seemed to be the same.

"Ron!" Harry called again, and when there was no response, he raised his wand and read, "Lumos."

A gleam of light appeared from the end of Harry's wand. He didn't dare to turn up the light too much, but it still dispelled the surrounding darkness.

He saw the dungeon clearly, a figure curled up motionless on the floor in the corner.

"Ron?" said Harry, taking two steps forward before he could see who was crawling on the floor.

Not Ron, but Mr. Ollivander, the wandmaker!

He appeared to have been held for a long time, being so weak that he was almost unconscious.

Hearing Harry's shout, Ollivander's body moved, but he didn't get up in the end.

Harry knew that Ollivander was here. He still remembered that he entered Voldemort's head for the first time this summer, and heard Voldemort mention Ollivander to the Death Eaters. Voldemort seemed to be looking for a root called The mighty wand of the Elder Wand, Mr. Ollivander knows something to be brought here.

Deathly Hallows!

Harry heard Ivan talk about this term, and heard Hermione talk about the legend of the three brothers.

Legend has it that whoever possesses all the Deathly Hallows can defeat death.

Voldemort would certainly not let go of such a powerful magic item, but in Harry's view, if he became that terrible monster, what's the point of defeating death? ! Of course, Voldemort is no longer human now, he was originally a monster.

"Mr. Ollivander, Mr. Ollivander!" Harry pushed Ollivander lightly, but got no response. He thought for a while, then quickly turned around and said to Dobby, "Dobby, Mr Ollivander must be taken home, he is too weak and needs immediate medical attention."

"Dobby wants to be with Harry Potter," said Dobby tremblingly. "Dobby can't leave Harry Potter here alone."

Harry hesitated for a moment, looking at the old and weak Ollivander on the ground, Ollivander needed immediate treatment, he seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, even a second would be a pain to his current state torment. If Harry waited until he found Ron and came back, it might be too late!

But if Harry ignored Ron and followed Dobby to send Ollivander back to Grimmauld Place first, that wouldn't work either.

Whether they met Ivan or Sirius, they would definitely not let him come back here easily, he couldn't just go back like this.

"Listen, Dobby, I'm going to stay here and find Ron." Harry said quickly, "You take Mr. Ollivander back to see Ivan for treatment, let them notify the Order of the Phoenix, and then you Come back here to pick me up and Ron, if Ivan and the others want to come, you can bring them here."

"Dobby can't leave Harry Potter here alone!" Dobby repeated.

"You don't understand, Dobby, I have to stay here," said Harry. "I'll be all right. If you're fast enough, you'll be back in a few minutes."

"But, but" Dobby seemed about to cry again!

"This is an order, Dobby, send Mr. Ollivander back first." Harry said impatiently, "Okay, now tell me the location of the other dungeons."

"You need to go through the upper hall, Harry Potter. Another dungeon is on the other side of the mansion. There is a secret door next to the shelf. You can enter by hitting the peacock on it with a wand." Dobby said, "Dobby didn't The way is to apparate there directly. There is a special magic there. It was arranged by the ancestors of the owner's family. It is a very ancient and powerful magic. Family secret, bad Dobby, bad Dobby."

He tugged at his ears, punishing himself so hard it hurt Harry to watch.

"Stop, Dobby, don't punish yourself, this is an order!" Harry said, "The Malfoy family is no longer your master, there is no need for you to do this, not to mention that you revealed the secret to save people, not because of any bad The reason. Now, you take Mr. Ollivander back immediately."

"Dobby will be right back," Dobby said, taking Ollivander's hand.

There was another bang, the house elf Dobby and Mr. Ollivander disappeared, and the surroundings fell into silence again. Harry stood there for a while, and the sound of Dobby apparating away did not disturb the guards. In fact, the hall above seemed to be empty.

This was a good opportunity, Harry felt that as long as he was fast enough, he should be able to go to the place Dobby just mentioned.

Ron must be locked up there. He now has Voldemort's Horcrux on him, so of course he has to be locked up in solitary confinement.

Without further ado, there is no need to wait for Dobby to bring Ivan or Sirius over, Harry can do it by himself.

If he had the courage to come here, he would be able to find Ron and bring him back. Harry wanted to prove himself.

At the very least, it's been going well so far and there will be no problems.

Harry tightened his wand and walked out of the dungeon