Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1649: Drawings on the table


Harry walked up the steep stairs and down the dim corridor, the light in front of him growing brighter and brighter.

"Knox!" he whispered, extinguishing the light from his wand.

Harry leaned against the corner and poked his head out to look out. Outside was a spacious and imposing hall.

Facing the end of this corridor is a gorgeous marble fireplace, the fire is beating happily in it, but because it has been burning for too long, the light is not very bright, and there are crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, deep purple There are countless portraits hanging on the walls, as well as those gorgeous decorations and magic items of unknown use.

Even at 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry hadn't seen so many things.

There was no one in the hall, and even the portraits on the wall were empty, only the picture frames remained.

The entire hall was occupied by a strange death-like silence and emptiness, and the atmosphere was particularly gloomy.

It seemed that everyone left in an instant. This place didn't look like a wizard's mansion, but rather a terrifying place that was suddenly abandoned.

It is natural for such a scene to appear.

Because it was exactly the same as in Harry's memory, and this was where Voldemort killed last night.

Although the corpses piled up on the ground have been cleaned up, the air is still filled with the pungent smell of blood.

Thinking of those corpses, Harry suddenly had a strong feeling of vomiting, and he tried to control himself.

He had witnessed the mass murder last night and knew the horrors of what had happened here, but it still felt terrible to experience it.

Even for the Death Eaters, I'm afraid they won't be close to this hall in the short term!

With this in mind, and with little hesitation, Harry entered the hall and made his way quickly to the shelf next to the fireplace.

According to Dobby, there is the secret room of Malfoy Manor, and many important things are in it.

There is also a dungeon at the end of this secret room, where Ron is also being held.

But Harry stopped short, and something on the huge long table in the middle of the hall caught his attention.

Like a ghost, he walked there, and there was a huge blueprint on the table.

The drawing is very large, and on it is a structural drawing of a door.

This is the archway in the Hall of Death, Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic!

Almost instantly, Harry recognized the door, even though the drawing did not look like the one Harry had seen at the Ministry.

In the Ministry of Magic, the archway that Harry saw standing on the stone platform was very old and dilapidated.

He was once surprised that it could still stand there without falling down.

Above the door, a tattered black curtain or drapery hung on it.

Although there was no wind, it was swaying gently, as if it had just been touched.

But the door on the huge drawing in front of Harry is not like that. It is much more complete than the door he saw at the Ministry of Magic. It seems to be the original appearance of the door. Exquisite ornamentation, the hanging curtain is also complete, with a strange pattern drawn on it that Harry can't understand.

This pattern is difficult to describe, it seems to be some kind of creature, some kind of deformed and terrible monster.

The position of the creature's head, Harry judged that it was probably the place of the head, was a bit like a giant octopus, but there were many more tentacles sticking out. It has the outline of a human, but the curve of the body is not like that of a human.

Soon, it seemed to extend on both sides, as if extending a pair of strange wings.

At the bottom of the body where the feet should be, there are giant monster-like claws.

What the hell is this? !

Harry had never seen anything like it, if it was a living thing. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly thought that Ivan had said before that this door seemed to be related to the evil god, so Voldemort and the black witch wanted to open it. Could the monster on the curtain be the evil god? !

Harry had seen part of the Cthulhu in Azkaban before, and it was said to be the brain of the Cthulhu transformed by the despicable Helbo.

But that thing was completely different from the monster in front of him, so he couldn't make more judgments.

He stared at the monster on the wallpaper for a while, when a gust of wind blew, he couldn't help shivering. Suddenly, as if affected by this dark wind, the curtain on the blueprint also swayed slightly, exactly the same as the curtain hanging on the door of the Ministry of Magic. Harry blinked vigorously, there was no wind at all, he could clearly see that the tentacles of the monster in the picture were swinging, driving the curtain to swing accordingly.

This is really terrible!

Staring at the monster's pattern, Harry felt in a trance for a moment.

The monster was smiling at him, and although he couldn't even tell where the monster's mouth was, he felt it.

Harry hurriedly looked away, took two steps back, and was frightened into a cold sweat.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed a passage marked in bright red ink on the blueprint beside the curtain, a very complicated and awkward incantation.

Slowly, softly, Harry read along.

"Death is not the end, the dead will not rest forever, and the wonderful eternal calamity will not end with death"

The incantation is not over, but it seems to have magic power.

Just as Harry finished reading this sentence, there was a buzzing sound, and a white fluorescent light suddenly appeared in the center of the door on the drawing.

The arch is opened!

Harry heard someone talking to him in his head, the voice seemed to come from inside the door, just like he heard someone talking to him at the Ministry of Magic door, although he couldn't make out the content of the words What, but Harry was drawn to it.

He came forward to the table, and slowly stretched out his right hand to the fluorescent light in the center of the arch on the drawing

His right hand touched the white fluorescent light, which began to slowly rotate around the center of the arch.

The fluorescence gradually turned into light green, the stars were shining, and the center was a scene like an endless universe.

The door on the drawing seems to be connected with a different space, and magical power is pouring out from the arch.

For a moment, Harry thought something would come out of it, something eerie, and a great fear gripped him, but Harry soon came to his senses, and in the end nothing happened, the drawing The arch isn't real, it doesn't have that magic, it's just painted on.

Perhaps the Dark Witch used this method to show Voldemort the arch.

And the sentence that Harry just read may be the spell that the Black Witch is looking for to open the arch