Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1650: watch


The green fluorescence gradually dissipated, and eventually nothing happened.

On the contrary, the red ink on the blueprint was highlighted to be particularly glaring. Harry wondered why he didn't see it just now? !

These red words writhed there, as if they were not ink, but written with blood.

It felt particularly uncomfortable, and Harry tried not to think in that direction.

He read it again silently and made a judgment that this text was not complete.

If death is not the end, then what is waiting after death? !

Dumbledore once said that death is the beginning of a great adventure. Harry also asked the ghosts about the feeling of death. It was not like he imagined that he could feel nothing after closing his eyes. After death, the soul goes to a new world.

The Ghost of Gryffindor - Nearly Headless Nick said that only the truly brave will keep going.

And those souls who are afraid of death and have no courage to go on are left behind and become the ghosts that people see.

"The world after death" Harry murmured, this blueprint is full of mysteries, whether it is the gate of death before it was destroyed, the indescribable monster on the curtain, the bright red bloody text marked on the blueprint, or The world after death confuses Harry, and the information seems to involve a huge secret.

In addition to these unjudgable information, some points are beyond doubt.

Just this paragraph of text recorded on the drawing has a special magic power.

When Harry followed along just now, he had a strong feeling of being watched by others.

He seemed to be stared at by something terrifying, but he was definitely the only one in the hall, and this feeling was a little different from being watched by other people. Harry could feel that what was watching him was a pair of Eyes in the dark, a pair of eyes that do not belong to humans, it exudes an evil breath.

Reading the text on the drawing, there will be a strong feeling of being peeped by some evil existence, which is creepy.

Harry instinctively felt bad, as if something terrible was going to happen.

Even if the gate of death is not here, even if what is placed in front of him is just a blueprint of the gate of death.

Harry hadn't felt this way for a long time. Before, when Voldemort was about to approach him, he would have a similar reaction, but most of that reaction focused on his scars and instinctive disgust. This time it was the whole person from the inside out. Outside, body, mind, and soul tremble.

No matter what the words on the drawings are, no matter what secrets are hidden behind the death gate, they are all extremely evil.

But this blueprint should be very important, it is important information about the evil god, and it needs to be brought back.

"Shrink quickly!" Harry tapped the blueprint on the table lightly with his wand.

It is gratifying that the huge drawing shrinks rapidly.

In a breath, it becomes the size of a palm.

"Ivan will be interested in it." Harry quickly put away the reduced drawings, now is not the time for research, he must find Ron and rescue him before he is discovered, he came to the fireplace that Dobby said before In front of the glass cabinet next to him, he looked carefully at the glass cabinet, looking for the peacock symbol that Dobby said.

It's not easy, because there are many things on display in the glass cabinet, just like the dusty cabinet that Harry saw when he first visited the Black family's old house a few years ago, but it was full of various collectibles. , This glass cabinet is also full of collectibles, but it is obvious that someone regularly maintains the things inside. The overall condition of the things in the cabinet is much better than those of the Black family.

At the bottom of the glass cabinet, Harry saw a beautiful long sword with the crest of the Malfoy family on it.

On the upper two floors, three First Class Merlin Medals and varying numbers of Second Class and Third Class Medals are neatly placed.

Harry has never heard that Malfoy and his father won the Order of Merlin for their outstanding contributions. These should all be won by the ancestors of the Malfoy family, but based on his knowledge of the Ministry of Magic, as long as there is enough gold, he wants to It is not difficult to get the Order of Merlin as a reward.

The Malfoy family is not short of gold, but these medals still prove the magnificence of the Malfoy family from another angle.

You know, even if you trade gold at the Ministry of Magic, it's quite an achievement to get that much.

In other words, converting these medals into gold will be a huge wealth that many wizards can't even imagine.

In addition, there are many gems, animal paws or skeletons on the cabinet, as well as some exotic decorations.

The ornaments seemed to have come from Egypt, if Harry was not mistaken.

The current head of the Malfoy family, Lucius Malfoy, seems to be new to collecting these things.

There are many items in the glass cabinet, but it is not at all like the decoration of the old house of the Black family. There is not a single black magic item in it. In fact, there is not a single black magic item in the entire hall. It's hard to believe that this is the stronghold of the Death Eaters.

But based on what Harry knew about the Malfoys, they were far more cunning than other wizards.

Malfoy must have hidden all those prohibited things, even in the current situation, no exception.

Maybe there are a lot of evil black magic items under the floor of the hall or in the secret room after a while!

"Peacock, peacock damn it, where is it?"

Dobby hadn't made it clear just now that Harry had thought the peacock would be easy to find, but now it didn't look like that at all.

He stood in front of the cabinet stupidly looking up at the things inside, carefully observing the surface of the items.

Looked for peacock patterns that might appear above, but found nothing.

Although Harry knew the mechanism, he couldn't find the way.

If a Death Eater came over at this time, his behavior would be really stupid!

Harry Potter sneaked into Malfoy Manor, stared in a daze in front of a glass cabinet, and was caught, even actors didn't send it like this

Time passed, and Harry gradually became anxious. He walked to the right side of the cabinet to get a better look at the contents.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the glass on the surface of the cabinet reflected strange lines under the reflection of the fire.

"Eh, this is..." Harry hurriedly looked closely at the glass, and then he saw clearly that the glass was covered with animal patterns carved in milky white. On a huge piece of glass, they were arranged in a certain order, and there were enough of them. There are thousands of them.

Harry didn't look closely just now, thinking it was a kind of decoration on the glass.

Now it seems that the peacock that Dobby said is inside, as long as you find it, you can open this mechanism.

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