Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1651: Malfoy's plan


The glass on the surface of the glass cabinet is not pure and transparent, and thousands of animal patterns of various shapes are painted on it with a special method.

The drawn lines are very light and translucent, almost the same color as the glass, so it's hard to spot if you don't look closely.

If Ivan is here, he will tell Harry that this is an alchemy product!

Only one of these patterns is a switch to turn on the mechanism. If you use the wrong method or choose the wrong pattern, it will trigger a magic or an alarm.

Then Malfoy would know that someone had broken in.

Harry let the wand shine again, and he looked closely at the glass cabinet, but there were too many animals on the glass, and the shapes were in various shapes, his eyes were dazzled, and he couldn't find the peacock that Dobby mentioned. , in fact, he couldn't even tell if the bird-shaped patterns were peacocks or other creatures.

Because what they are drawn is not so vivid and concrete, but a little abstract.

He wasn't sure, maybe he could try tapping with his wand.

"Don't you understand, Sissy? The Dark Lord is angry, he must be holding a grudge now, and Bellatrix can't help us, look at her now, she lost something important to the Dark Lord , like in short, she is finished, we have to find a way by ourselves, otherwise we may be the ones who die next time. Yes, there is no other choice, we have to find a way." A man's lazy voice is on the right The corridor sounded.

Harry's movements stopped abruptly, he was too familiar with this voice, it was the voice of Lucius Malfoy.

They're pretty close, just outside the hall.

Harry is now panicking, now is not the time to look for some peacock, he has to find a place to hide, he glanced back, and wanted to run back to the corridor he just came in, it was too late, almost without hesitation, Harry Dodge and hide behind a large gilt mirror at the far end of the fireplace.

There is still a certain space between the mirror and the wall. As long as you don't deliberately walk over and look inside, you should not be found.

As soon as he entered, he saw the Malfoy family walking into the hall, Harry held his breath, he was not sure if his speed was fast enough, because Draco Malfoy had been staring in the direction of the mirror, as if he had found something, Maybe he saw himself flashing past. He should have brought the invisibility cloak with him if he had known earlier. Harry had to admit that he was so excited when he heard that Dobby could Apparate to Malfoy Manor with him just now, and he was a little unprepared for this operation.

Following this aspect, he could see the voice slightly higher than his, and a pale, thin, blurred face under the pale blond hair.

Harry hesitated to look at him for fear Malfoy would notice.

But Malfoy just looked in the mirror for a while, but didn't come over, he didn't seem to find Harry,

"Lucius, don't say this in front of the children!" Narcissa said coldly, standing behind Draco.

"Draco is no longer a child, and the situation is already very bad. If this continues, the Dark Lord may kill us first."

"Why did he kill us? We are with him"

"Didn't you see the massacre last night? Which one of the people he killed yesterday was not his supporter?!" Lucius asked back, he paused for a while, "The current situation is that I put some Something important was screwed up, and the Dark Lord was punishing me by telling Draco to kill Dumbledore."

"But I completed this task!" Draco said, "Although Snape took the lead in the end, he took the credit from me"

"Draco, you should thank Severus! You have no idea what it means to kill Dumbledore."


"Draco, remember the conversation between the two of us that night?" Lucius asked sternly.

Draco muttered a few words, but said no more.

"In short, without Dumbledore, the Dark Lord will have no scruples. Based on what I know about him, he will not forgive us easily." Lucius continued, pausing for a while, as if he was in deep thought, and like It's muttering, "No, he's definitely not going to forgive us."

"Just grab Ivan Mason and Harry Potter and hand them over to the Dark Lord, and everything will be forgiven!" Narcissa said, "Bella told me so, we have no other choice now, maybe the Wei below The Sly boy will know where those two boys are! Even if he doesn't know, we can use him to lure the two boys out, the Weasley boy is a friend of the two of them, and they certainly won't stand by of."

Harry pricked up his ears. They had mentioned Ron, and Ron was indeed being held here.

"Maybe." Lucius didn't seem interested in Narcissa's plan.

"Lucius, what on earth are you thinking? Tell me, there are no outsiders here!" Narcissa said, she was very dissatisfied with Lucius' attitude, "You disagree with Bella's plan? You don't seem to want to catch Those two boys? Do you have other plans? Do you want to keep it a secret from me and Draco?"

"Okay, Cissy, I just have an idea." Lucius said slowly, "The Malfoy family can stand for thousands of years, we don't rely on anyone to do it, we rely on ourselves, although we support the Dark Lord It was the plan of my father's generation to rise up and restore the glory of pure blood, but they certainly did not foresee the current situation. In fact, the Dark Lord is doing a terrible black magic. I am not sure what that black magic is. But if we let him finish it, the situation will become quite bad, and I suspect that we will lose far more terror than we will gain!"

"What are you talking about! Lucius, you, you don't mean to think"

"Don't think about it, Cissy, I support the Dark Lord from the beginning to the end." Lucius said in a low voice, "But we are different from fanatical Death Eaters like Bellatrix, Mal Foo should have a mind of his own, just like the decision we made that night twenty years ago."

There was a moment of silence, and Harry saw Lucius and Narcissa looking at each other through the gap, seemingly communicating silently.

But he pulled his head back quickly, because Draco Malfoy seemed to be interested in the mirror and was walking in this direction.

After a long time, Narcissa finally asked, "What should we do now?"

"Do what Death Eaters should do." Lucius replied, "Draco, Hogwarts will undergo a lot of changes this semester. You don't have to be too active in these things. What do other Slytherin students do? You do what you want. If you have any troubles, go to Snape, who is Headmaster of Hogwarts now."

"He doesn't trust me at all!" Draco grumbled, stepping up to the mirror.

Harry could feel his breath, and the distance between the two of them was only two steps, with only a mirror resting on it.

"Severus is trustworthy!" Lucius said in an unmistakable tone, "He helped you last semester!"