Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1652: send away


Draco Malfoy muttered something, Harry hadn't heard what he said, and there was no sound outside again.

Harry was a little impatient, he didn't know what Malfoy was doing, maybe he was posing in front of the mirror, carelessly arranging his platinum-blond hair, maybe he had already found himself, thinking of this, Harry shrank back against the wall again, Wish I could be smaller or invisible.

He was hiding here now, weak, pitiful, and helpless, and if Malfoy turned slightly to the side, he would see him behind the mirror.

What should you do if you are discovered

Facing the Malfoy family and a large number of Death Eaters who will appear at any time, how much chance does Harry have

Don't think about it, the odds of winning are zero.

If Harry is caught, by then, Ivan, Sirius and others from the Order of the Phoenix will not come to Malfoy Manor to save Ron, but to save Harry! If they got to him and summoned Voldemort immediately, then...

Harry was thinking wildly, thinking about his tragic experience of falling into Voldemort's hands, thinking about the huge troubles he caused Ivan, Sirius, and the Order of the Phoenix because of his impulsiveness, but the worst thing didn't happen, and Malfoy didn't seem to be Didn't find him hiding behind the mirror, Lucius and Narcissa started talking again.

"I'm too worried. The current situation is not the same as I originally imagined... Bella is different from us. There are certain things in her character, which have been like this since she was a child. These things make her extremely fanatical, and she can support the Dark Lord without reservation." , It doesn’t matter even if she sacrifices her life, but she will think it is a kind of glory.” Narcissa said worriedly, “This failure is a devastating blow to her, I think she is a bit abnormal now !"

"Being imprisoned in Azkaban for so long, no one will be normal." Lucius resumed that lazy tone, "Cissy, you don't think she is reliable and trustworthy, do you? Look The advice she gave, look at the things she has done since she came out, look at the trouble she caused the Malfoy family"

"Alas, Azkaban made her abnormal. She is now a hopeless lunatic who can only bring us danger and trouble." Narcissa said, "I'm just worried that we may be Promise me, Lucius, that if anything happens, Draco's safety will be our first priority."

"I promise." Malfoy said quickly, "but don't worry too much, the current situation is a bit out of control, but Malfoy is different from those fanatical lunatics, we always have our own ideas, no matter how bad the situation is, as long as we are smart enough , everything will be fine."

There was another moment of silence, and Harry heard nothing.

If you don't consider your position, the dialogue outside is still so touching.

Like any mother, Narcissa's greatest concern was the safety of her son, Draco.

This reminded Harry of his mother Lily, who thought the Death Eaters were ruthless, dark wizards full of evil.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

These days, even the Death Eaters are really not easy. Facing a lunatic leader and a group of lunatic supporters, what is the point of having more power, status and money? ! This is the way it is now, what Voldemort has done, even Death Eaters like Malfoy are starting to get scared

"What the hell is the Dark Lord doing?" Draco Malfoy asked suddenly, his voice trembling. "The orders he's given lately are weird, I've heard."

"Draco!" Narcissa hurriedly stopped Draco, she said in a panic, "We'd better not get involved in some things, the Dark Lord has a lot of ideas, he didn't tell us all, and we shouldn't take it lightly To pry into secrets he doesn't want us to know."

"But the rumors outside are already very strong, and many people are secretly talking about it." Draco didn't seem to hear the warning in his mother's words, and continued relentlessly, "I even heard that the Dark Lord He was ordering people to collect corpses for him. There were many dead bodies and all kinds of creatures. Who was that witch who suddenly appeared next to the Dark Lord? What did the Dark Lord ask that witch to look for? Many people were sent to that place, There was an accident last time, and many people died."

"That place is a dangerous ancient magic relic. According to the records left by the Ministry of Magic, many people died during the initial excavation, and then the door was found. If the witch is leading the group of people to dig there , then it is normal for some people to die.” Lucius said, “As for the corpses, if the Dark Lord has completed his black magic as I guessed, the number of those who have died is nothing at all, and there will be more deaths. Many people died, but your mother was right, Draco, this matter has nothing to do with us, let's not get involved."

There was another moment of silence outside, and Harry could hear Draco breathing.

He seemed to be emotionally unstable due to excitement, nervousness or fear, and even his panting voice was trembling.

Although Harry couldn't see Draco's face now, he could still feel his emotional changes.

Come to think of it, it was actually quite normal for Draco to be scared.

Voldemort is collecting corpses and ordering people to dig the door of death. Harry knows this. He has heard Ivan analyze it many times before. The black magic that Lucius said is the magic of Voldemort transforming himself into an evil god, but from the outside Judging from the conversation, it seems that the Death Eaters are not very clear about Voldemort's plan.

They are just wondering, after all, these things are not good in any way.

"What are you going to do with that Weasley down there?" Draco asked again. "Use him to lure Harry Potter out?"

His voice steadied a little, and at the mention of Ron, Harry pricked up his ears and focused.

"Oh, do you think Potter is going to save him?" Lucius asked rhetorically.

"He will, that messianic megalomaniac will," Draco said in a tone of disgust.

"That's such a pity, if we catch Potter, we will definitely use him to win back the Dark Lord's trust, and at least calm his anger." Lucius said slowly, "It's such a pity, if time Enough for us to give it a try, but the Dark Lord sent orders this morning, and the boy will be sent away shortly, and he will be sent to the dig at the door, and the witch will be in charge."