Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1655: Poor Dobby


"You said so much, do you want to drive me out?" Elaine narrowed her eyes and asked.

was discovered? !

Even if the other party is Elaine, she won't believe the nonsense that "understanding" is a kind of profound magic.

But Aiwen didn't talk nonsense, at least as far as he knew, in the distant eastern magic world, magic schools would systematically train wizards to master understanding, and even researched and invented a lot of spells in this field, it is said that because of them The level examination for wizards is usually based on a written test, and the test paper is very difficult. There are a lot of magic analysis questions that are beyond the actual application.

Therefore, comprehension plays a very important role in this purely theoretical test.

Another reason is that the ancient civilizations in the oriental magic world are usually too long.

The magic books and materials they survived were recorded in the ancient runes and writing methods, which are also very esoteric and difficult to understand. Only those wizards who are very proficient in understanding ancient runes, ancient history, and Chinese studies can understand those ancient magics. the true meaning of the book.

So understanding is really a very important skill, both for Muggles and wizards.

As for Elaine's question, Ivan thought about nodding and answered yes, he wanted to drive the kid out now.

But he doubted that if he really said that, he might not be able to get rid of the trouble of Elaine for a whole day.

"Elaine, I would like you to stay and help." Ai Wenyan said insincerely, "Hermione and I both think so."

Behind her, Hermione, who was curled up in the sofa, snorted heavily, as if protesting against Ivan's words.

Aiwen pretended not to hear, and he quickly brought the topic back, "You can stay, as long as you want, I will teach you how to understand. Like Occlumency, the first thing you need to do with this magic skill is to concentrate Concentration, you need to read a book seriously and maintain enough patience."

"Even if that book is very boring?"

"That's right, even if the book is very boring, you have to read it as much as possible." Ai Wen nodded and said, "This is the first step in mastering understanding. If you agree to stay, you must do so and don't make trouble. , don’t make a sound, don’t use the magic just now, just sit quietly and read a book, can you do it?”

"It's hard to say!" Elaine thought for a while and replied, "If you can give me five bloody lollipops, I think I will maintain this patience."

"I can only give you one, too much sugar is bad for your teeth."

"No, at least five, you haven't given me candy since the day before yesterday!"

"Because you yelled that you had a toothache." Ivan said.

"This is a very dangerous signal." Hermione interrupted without raising her head, "Ivan is right, Elaine, you must control the amount of sugar you eat, Merlin, you eat too much sugar , I haven’t seen you stop during the whole summer vacation. My father told me that if the teeth are not cleaned in time and in place after eating sugar, the sugar in the mouth will easily turn into acidic substances and cause tooth corrosion, so I think"

As Hermione said, Ivan nodded to Elaine.

Elaine opened her mouth, as if she didn't know how to refute Hermione, she didn't even know what acid was.

Countless past experiences told her that it was best not to argue with Hermione at this time.

Otherwise, the results are usually not very good.

Elaine did not speak, but stretched out her open hand to Ivan, slapped aggressively, and made a "five" gesture.

"No!" Ivan made a mouth shape and pressed down her fingers one by one.

It was difficult to do this, because Elaine looked at Ivan with teary eyes, silently resisting, as if he had done something cruel.

Then, after Ivan struggled to turn Elaine's tiny hand into a fist, she finally made a compromise.

She stretched out three fingers again, while making a coquettish begging gesture.

Ignoring Elaine's continuous grievances, Ivan firmly pressed her finger down again.

"You have to listen to Hermione, Elaine, her father is a dentist and has a great say in this regard." Ivan said.

"What is a dentist?" Elaine wondered.

"It's a Muggle profession similar to the therapists at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Wounds. They are therapists who specialize in treating teeth. They are experts in this field." Aiwen continued, "If you have tooth decay, you know What do Muggle healers do? They usually pull out your teeth one by one."

"Tooth extraction?!" Elaine's eyes widened immediately, "Why did they do this?"

"Because dentists believe it's the most effective way to treat broken teeth," said Hermione.

"It's really scary!"

"You sure don't want to pull your teeth?" After getting an affirmative answer, Aiwen continued, "So, I can only give you a bloody lollipop, it's for your own good, you can eat it here, by the way Practice your comprehension with this, um, The Quibbler."

"Aren't we looking for information on house-elf homes? What's in The Quibbler? Slugs?"

"Mr. Lovegood has collected a lot of information, maybe there is something we need in it." Ivan said, stuffing the "Quieter" into Elaine's hands, he didn't think there would be anything in "The Quibbler" Information about the home of the house elves, but at least this magazine will not be so boring, and it can make Elaine quiet for a while.

"Okay, thank you for "The Quibbler." Elaine took the magazine resignedly, "Give me the candy"

Then came the voice of Dobby the house-elf from above, who seemed to be running down the stairs.

"Master Aiwen, Master Aiwen"

Hearing Dobby's voice, Elaine's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "I think I can go up and read this magazine, and let Dobby come with me."

"No, Elaine!" Aiwen shook his head and refused, "You just watch here, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. You secretly asked Dobby to go to Hogsmeade to buy it for you last semester." I already knew about the candy. You are not allowed to do this in the future, and you must return the money you bought for the candy to Dobby, which is his wages."

Hearing Aiwen's words, the smile on Elaine's face froze, and her expression was quite surprised, "How do you know this, it's obviously between me and Dobby"

"Dobby is an honest house elf, he never lies." Ivan praised, looking at the house elf Dobby who appeared at the entrance.

"Hmph, but he promised me not to tell anyone else." Elaine said angrily. She swung her wand vigorously, and the magic book floating in the air lost control and fell heavily. Dobby the house-elf buried below, "I'll pay back the money to that house-elf who is going back on his word, my uncle is right, this creature has no trust at all, no credit at all, and it's not like I won't give money , it’s just a few days owed.”