Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1657: Harry is in danger


In the column of "The Quibbler" on the Horned Beast, Mr. Lovegood described this report, which he became the discovery of the century, in Ivan's familiar style.

Except for the home of the "house-elf" mentioned at the beginning of the article, the whole article is a textual research and discussion of the relationship between the horned beast and the ancient house-elf, which has no practical significance. Understand, they're more likely to be mistaken than to find the real Crooked Beast!

After all, this kind of thing has happened repeatedly in the past many times.

For example, about half a year ago, Mr. Lovegood announced that he had found the footprints of the horned beast, but it turned out that they were only the footprints of the ball bird.

For a long time, besides writing articles and doing weird experiments, Mr. Lovegood's favorite thing is to take Luna around the world, looking for traces of those illusory creatures. The two of them have been to many places, and they are both Some inaccessible places, such as virgin forests, snow-capped mountains, or ancient magic relics, etc.

During these journeys full of fantasy style, they also collected and brought back many "journey souvenirs" by the way.

The main reason why these souvenirs were brought back was because, in Mr. Lovegood's opinion, they proved the existence of those imaginary creatures.

However, his ideas turned out to be mostly wrong and absurd in the end.

Whether it's the horned beast or something else, they are all imaginary things that don't exist.

In general, after long-term persistent collection, Mr. Lovegood found a lot of worthless junk, just like Mr. Weasley likes to search for all Muggle-related industrial products, even if those things are not What's the point, Mr. Lovegood found pretty much the same stuff, mostly of no value.

If it weren't for the mention of the home of the house elves, this report would be completely worthless rubbish in Ivan's opinion.

This stuff is a waste of time.

"What did the above say?" Hermione asked, and came over to read the article with Ivan.

"The report didn't say the specific whereabouts of the house elf homeland," Ivan said, tapping the pages of the book with his fingers.

Where he struck, there was a photograph of a strange creature carved into a large expanse of pale yellow rock, which is what Mr. It looked more like a genetically mutated llama.

But regardless of the horned beast, just looking at the painting style of the picture on the slate, it is quite in line with the characteristics of a house elf.

Perhaps, it is really a relic left by the ancient house elves.

The slate must now be in Mr. Lovegood's hands, and however he got it, he must know more or less of its whereabouts, plus he mentions at the beginning of the article that "the home of the house-elves ", he may have actually been there, and found the remains of this ancient house-elf.

As for the fact that the specific location of the house elf's home is not clearly stated in the article, it is also easy to explain.

With such an important discovery, Mr. Lovegood definitely plans to continue to explore there in the future to find more clues about the horned beast.

"What is this? From the photos, it looks a bit like a child's graffiti." Hermione said.

"No, it's drawn by a house-elf, and if you've seen anything Dobby draws, they're actually very similar."

"Bad drawings always have something in common, even if it's the house-elf style," said Hermione, "it doesn't mean anything."

"It doesn't matter. For all questions about this report, we can ask Mr. Lovegood himself." Ivan said.

There is nothing to lose by going to Mr. Lovegood and talking to Luna, rather than staying here for a meaningless search.

By the way, you can also remind them to be careful, don't go on like this again! It would be naive to expect the Death Eaters to do nothing about Mr. Lovegood's recent opposition to Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic, which has been openly writing against Voldemort and the Ministry in The Quibbler.

It's not too late to remind, otherwise something really happened, but it will be too late

"That's it. Let's talk to Luna's father after lunch. I remember that Luna's house is near the Burrow, so it's easy to find."

"But Sirius reminded us not to go out again recently!"

"If we're fast enough, he won't know anything. Besides, it's better to find something to do than to stay in this old house, especially Harry's current situation. It's really worrying. I think Luna The home should not be under surveillance, we can find a way to make Harry"

Before Ivan finished speaking, he heard a high-pitched and sharp voice passing by, "Harry Potter!"

Dobby the house-elf woke up, forced open his bulging eyes the size of tennis balls, and looked at them tearfully.

The voice just now was his shouting.

"Oh yes, Dobby, it's great that you're awake. I mean, are you all right?"

As Ivan said, he touched Elaine with his toes.

"I'm sorry, Dobby, I shouldn't have used those books just now," Elaine said immediately.

In order to make herself appear to be apologizing more sincerely, she kept blinking and seemed to be crying hard.

"Harry Potter!" Dobby repeated.

"You're confused, Dobby, I'm Elaine, not Harry, Elaine!"

"No, Harry Potter, Master Irwin, Harry Potter!" Dobby kept calling Harry's name.

"Harry is lying upstairs!" Elaine said inexplicably, looked at the house elf, and looked back at Ivan suspiciously.

"Dobby, what's wrong with Harry?" Ivan asked, something was wrong with Dobby.

"Harry Potter is in danger, and it's all Dobby's fault. Master Irwin must save Harry Potter. He must hurry up. Save Harry Potter now."

"Take it easy, Dobby, make it clear, did Harry leave the house?"

Dobby nodded, his protruding eyes widening.

"That's impossible, and if Harry leaves, we'll know for sure," said Hermione. "It's no longer possible to Apparate here."

"It's the magic of the house elves, Dobby can take Harry away." Ivan's heart sank, he should have thought of this, but everyone was negligent, everyone ignored the house elves Magic, everyone thought it was dispensable, "Dobby, where did you take him?"

Dobby the house-elf shuddered, as if he was a little hesitant to say that name.

Almost at the same time as this question was asked, Ivan thought of the only possibility, and Dobby's reaction confirmed her guess