Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1659: fight


"Take your weapon." Harry turned quickly and swung his wand, but the mouse-like man opposite him was faster than him.

A flash of red flew by, and Harry's wand flew out.

He covered his right hand and saw Pettigrew Peter huddled in the corner, his wand tremblingly pointed at him.

"Wormtail!" Harry said softly, his voice was full of disdain and contempt, compared to the anger of seeing the traitor who betrayed his parents again, compared to the anger of the wand being knocked away by Pettigrew Peter, the other party actually kept Harry was even more surprised that he wasn't dead yet.

The last time Harry heard about Peter Pettigrew from Sirius, he heard that he was dying. On that night four years ago, the black magic he cast was out of control, causing a huge explosion, and at the same time It cost him his entire right arm, and he was attacked by countless giant eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest.

On that night, Pettigrew Peter's body was riddled with holes.

If Ivan hadn't used the Time Converter to bring him back, he would have died in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts by now.

And, not just the physical damage, Sirius' rage and his subsequent imprisonment in Azkaban, the wizard prison where he was tortured by dementors every day, almost killed him. Even if it didn't happen at the time, it would be a matter of time, everyone thought so.

He can't live for long, and every extra day will be more unbearable pain than death for him.

But I really didn't expect that he survived.

Voldemort rescued him from Azkaban and readmitted him.

Pettigrew Peter is now back as a member of the Death Eaters, staying at Malfoy Manor to watch over Ron.

It is really a great irony to guard his former "master".

In order to avoid the revenge of Sirius, Pettigrew Peter once hid in Weasley's house as a mouse for thirteen years. For quite a long time, he was Ron's pet. Perhaps it was with this in mind that Voldemort gave him such a task, which I have to say is really wicked.

Opposite Harry, in the dark corner of the Chamber of Secrets, stood Peter Pettigrew coweringly, a look of terror and surprise on his face.

He knocked Harry's wand flying, but it didn't seem to give him much security.

Facing Harry who suddenly appeared here, Pettigrew Peter was frightened far more than other Death Eaters, even more than Harry himself.

He never dreamed that he would meet Harry here again in such a way.

"Ha, Harry Potter!" said Pettigrew Peter, trembling in a high-pitched voice, "why are you here?"

"I'm here to save Ron," Harry replied bluntly. "I think Sirius will be glad to know you're here too, Wormtail."

Peter Pettigrew shuddered at the sound of Sirius' name and said in horror, "No, Harry, you can't"

"What's the matter with Ron?" Harry interrupted impatiently.

"It's the Dark Lord's magic." Pettigrew Peter wheezed, his disgusting eyeballs rolling around.

He seemed to have just realized that there was only Harry here, and he had just knocked his wand away. He was facing Harry without a wand, and Harry had no way of doing anything to him. He grabbed Harry. Potter is so incredible, as long as he hands it over to Voldemort, he will get an unprecedented reward.

"Where are the others, Harry? Just you, aren't you?" asked Pettigrew Peter. "The great Harry Potter came here alone to save his friends."

He asked, walking tentatively towards Harry with his wand raised.

His body moved out of the shadows in the corner, and Harry squinted at Pettigrew Peter.

The other person's body is really eye-catching. His whole body is covered by a black robe. Compared with that haggard face, instead of losing weight, he is even fatter than when we met a few years ago, which is abnormally fat , which makes people feel very weird at first glance.

Yes, very weird, very abnormal.

The sense of disobedience when he touched Ron just now rose again in Harry's heart.

He looked at the weird Wormtail in front of him, wondering why he had become fat.

You know, Sirius was able to leave Azkaban, mainly because he was too thin, so thin that he could get out of the iron door of the cell where he was held. Harry had never seen him being held in Azkaban. Some wizards have gotten fatter, especially like Pettigrew Peter is now so fatter.

Pointing at Harry with his wand in his left hand, his severed right arm seemed to have recovered.

But Pettigrew Peter seemed unwilling to use this hand, he hid it completely inside his sleeve, covering it tightly.

"Your right hand is back?" Harry asked casually, distracting him.

He didn't directly answer Peter Pettigrew's question, hoping to stall for time to find an opportunity.

The scar on his head throbbed with pain, and it made Harry feel bad.

"Yes, the Dark Lord gave me a great reward." Wormtail gasped. "He gave me a new body."

"Why?" Harry asked aloud. "Why did he do that? Who did you betray?"

He couldn't see what a wizard like Wormtail meant to Voldemort. Why did Voldemort spend mana to reshape his body? !

"It's a great honour," said Peter insincerely, and there seemed to be a little more restrained fear in his high-pitched voice, "You don't understand, Harry, you don't understand what happened to me, and you don't understand How powerful and incredible the Dark Lord's magic is."

"Hmph!" Harry snorted disdainfully, "You just know too much to betray my parents seventeen years ago."

"I have no other choice!" cried Pettigrew Peter. "I am not as strong as they are, and I do not want to die. I have no other choice, then or now. This is the only way I can avoid death. Come on, boy, now you should tell me, are you alone?"

"Ivan and Sirius are outside, they may come down at any time"

As soon as Harry finished speaking, taking advantage of the moment the other party relaxed, he threw himself on Wormtail who was already in front of him.

He gripped Wormtail's wand arm tightly with one hand, forcing it upwards, and wrestled with it with the other.

Harry punched with all his strength. Sirius' special training had worked for him during this period, and he couldn't hold it for so long before.

Wormtail's wand sparked, but he couldn't use magic.

He seemed to be subdued by Harry, however, his right arm, which had been hanging by his side, suddenly floated up.

That's right, it just floated up like this, at a very weird angle