Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1663: possibility of escape


Escape from Voldemort!

It's not like no one has tried it in the past, but Death Eaters who defected and escaped, without exception, ended badly.

The most recent example is Igor Karkaroff, who is no less cunning than Malfoy.

Karkaroff was not an honest wizard, but he was killed without exception in the end.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Lucius would not choose to escape like this at all, he is not stupid, but for the sake of Draco and the continuation of the entire family, it is really scary that he is actually starting to seriously consider the possibility of this choice now .

Once they fled, there would be little left of the status and power the Malfoy family had built up over the centuries.

But at least, life is still alive...

But Lucius wasn't sure, could they really escape Voldemort and his ubiquitous pursuers

Once caught, the consequences...

Dispelling this crazy thought, Lucius looked at the exquisite emerald with a blank mind.

Slowly, he began to think again.

His thoughts drifted far away, for a moment he thought of what his mother taught him when he was a child, the strict and harsh wizard etiquette and traditions; Thinking of what Voldemort is doing now.

He didn't understand many of Voldemort's current practices. The resurrected Dark Lord was much more cruel and terrifying than before.

Even if the Malfoy family hadn't lost trust, he didn't think it was the outcome he'd hoped for.

A person who had died, he came back from the resurrection, and what he brought to the magic world was not a new order, but madness and destruction.

Perhaps, as rumored outside, Voldemort may no longer be alive.

That's why he is so powerful, cruel, ruthless, and terrifying, because he himself is the undead dead.

Without emotion, it can only bring death and disaster.

Lucius couldn't help shivering, the idea was too unbelievable, maybe he should change his mind.

Is regaining Voldemort's trust the best option other than to persevere and escape? !

But what else can he and his family do for the Dark Lord

He was discredited for breaking into the Ministry of Magic and was captured in Azkaban; his son even took on the task of killing Dumbledore.

Even after paying all this, Malfoy still hasn't regained trust, so what else could they give? !

To capture Harry Potter and sacrifice him to the Dark Lord, Lucius once considered it his last resort.

But after trying to understand what Voldemort had been up to lately, he wasn't sure it was really a good idea.

As long as the gold and wealth are still there, no matter who becomes the new power, it cannot do without the support of the Malfoy family.

But what if the person in power is a lunatic who wants destruction instead of power? !

What exactly does the Dark Lord want now? What the hell is he trying to do

Immediately, Lucius began to think about his possible allies, or people he could use now.

There is no doubt that Severus Snape is the most reliable at the moment, but it doesn't solve the problem, as for the others...

Figures flashed before Lucius' eyes one after another, and he categorized them.

In the soft radiance of the gem, he seemed to see the boy.

After Dumbledore's death, that boy may represent a whole new choice...

It's not passive waiting, not running away, and not trying to gain that unattainable trust, but a brand new choice other than that.

Alvin Mason!

Lucius had several conversations with him that were not long or short before, and also conducted a comprehensive understanding in secret. At least from the information he obtained, the boy knew a lot, and Dumbledore might have told him , but it doesn't matter.

What matters is what Alvin Mason can bring to Malfoy.

Just when he was about to think deeply about this question, Lucius blinked hard suddenly, and the expression on his face became surprised.

Accompanied by a sharp explosion, he saw a figure appear in front of him out of thin air.

Is this hallucination

He saw that Alvin Mason actually appeared in front of him.

It's an illusion... no, it's an apparition!

When he noticed the house elf Dobby next to Ivan, Lucius understood everything. He jumped up from his chair and went to get his wand, but before he could touch it, a bright red light Flying, he hastily retracted his hands.

The cane in front of Lucius was knocked into the air, spun three times in the air, and fell into Ivan's hands accurately.

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy, nice to see you again." Ivan said softly.

"Alvin Mason..."

"Ah, I'm glad you still remember me. After all, we haven't met many times in the past few years." Aiwen said, spinning the wand in his hand, "It can be seen from the surprised expression on your face, You're probably not ready for a long talk with me, so let's cut it short, where is Harry?"

"You mean Harry Potter..." Lucius drew out.

After a brief pause, his brain began to think again.

"Oh, yes, it seems that you don't know about it." Ivan shook his head.

"Hmph, we've got Harry Potter, the Dark Lord..."

"It's not a clever lie, Mr. Malfoy, I'm afraid you don't know anything about what happened in your manor." Ivan paused, "From the current situation, you probably have lost all knowledge of your manor. out of control, like the rapidly fading stature and power of the Malfoy family...”

"Out of control?! You think you're smart, Mason? You think you can get in and out of Malfoy Manor at will with a mean house-elf traitor?! You think you've got the situation under control?!" Lucius said softly , glaring at Dobby the house-elf, "It's so naive."

Dobby grabbed the hem of Ivan's clothes tightly, and dodged behind him in horror.

"Oh, I think so, Mr. Malfoy, I think I've got the situation under control, at least at this moment. Not only do you know nothing about what happened, I'm afraid you can't even cast spells." Ivan Said, shaking Lucius' snake-shaped cane, "Your wand is with me, isn't it?"

"So you do have the advantage, so what are you going to do with me?" Lucius replied lazily, moving nonchalantly to the right of the table.

"You need to stop first, Mr. Malfoy, otherwise the two of us will definitely not be talking in such a pleasant way, and your left hand is best to stay away from that statue, before I cast the magic." Ivan Say, "Don't play tricks, this is the basis for the conversation between the two of us to go on."

Lucius Malfoy's body froze, and he looked at Ivan angrily, as if he was angry at Ivan's request.