Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1665: The domain of House Ravenclaw


"You look more like a Malfoy than me now," Lucius said oilily.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy, but I'm different from you. I think I still have principles and bottom lines." Ivan replied.

"The cage of the self-proclaimed decent!" Lucius said disdainfully, "It's Dumbledore again, some worthless dregs, he has influenced you too deeply, Mason, those things have bound you, They make you hypocritical. Believe me, if you give up those, you will achieve more extraordinary achievements and more power. Although you have a bad background, you are indeed a rare magical genius. If you have the Malfoy family Support and you will be successful."

"Success? You don't want to support me to run for the Minister of Magic, Mr. Malfoy?" Ivan asked back with a smile, "This joke is not funny at all, but it surprised me. I never thought of pure The blood wizard family is so open and tolerant that they are willing to support a Muggle-born wizard."

"The important thing is not blood, but here, Mason!" Lucius raised his right hand and nodded his head lightly, "The reason why the Malfoy family can continue to this day is because we only cooperate with smart people, and smart people can Create a win-win situation together. Unfortunately, there are too many fools in this world, so we don’t have many choices. You can think about this suggestion carefully. If the opportunity is ripe, maybe we can have the opportunity to cooperate more deeply.”

"If the premise of your cooperation is to make me give up my principles and bottom line, then I can only say sorry." Aiwen said, "In fact, I think Professor Dumbledore's philosophy is still very good, and it is worth letting me stick to it. "

"That's a pity. The conversation just now made me think you are a smart person."

"We have different understandings of intelligence, and you seem to have a deep misunderstanding of me, Mr. Malfoy, this is not good." Ivan said solemnly, "I have been here for a long time, However, our conversation didn't get any real. You're wearing my patience. It's a stupid attempt, not Malfoy at all. Before my patience runs out, I repeat, At the same time, I also hope that this is the last time. You need to understand that I am not trying to cooperate with you. The reason why we are having such a conversation here is because we have a common purpose. Because Malfoy happened to be with us because of your stupidity in the past, and that's why I'm here today, that's all."

After a moment of silence, Lucius' face turned pale again.

He started talking again, his voice more real.

"Well, for that bloody common purpose. Tell me, what can you offer Malfoy if I grant your request?"

"There is only one promise." Ivan said.

"What promise?" Lucius frowned and asked, he didn't like Ivan's way of speaking.

He's been being led by the nose by this boy, which he doesn't want.

"We can keep Draco safe as long as we can."

"Only these?!" Lucius asked, a little dissatisfied.

What is within one's power, shouldn't we do our best

"These are enough. Although we are not afraid of death, there is indeed hope only if we live." Ai Wen said.

"The most important thing is to survive, but I don't understand, what you said is within your power"

"What you need is not a false promise, Mr. Malfoy, this is not a higher level of lying than anyone else." Ivan asked, "If I tell you, no matter what happens, I can protect Draco's Safe, let him live from death, do you think such a promise is realistic?"

"If I pay, I should get a reward equal to the risk." Lucius said slowly, the expression on his face was distorted due to too much force, because the distortion looked a little hideous, "Mason, you should be more Clearly, what it means to betray the Dark Lord"

"That's something you should think about clearly." Ivan replied calmly.

Lucius shook his head, he seemed to be vetoing something, his attitude was completely different from when he persuaded Ivan just now.

"You have been stranded in this manor, Mr. Malfoy. There are many things you haven't seen clearly about the current situation and the situation of the Malfoy family. I suggest that you should think carefully. What should Draco do when he is given a death mission? And what should you do when the final battle is over? Or what should you do when the Dark Lord completes that black magic and kills all living things? what to do?"

"The magic of the Dark Lord" Lucius seemed to be crushed instantly. He looked at the ceiling aimlessly and murmured, "What is that magic?"

"This is also something you should figure out and then tell me." Ivan shook his head and said.

"I don't know much. He doesn't trust anyone. It's hard for us to pry into his secrets."

"I know!" Ivan said, "I don't expect much from you, but you must at least tell me where Harry might be?"

"I don't know, we've been trying to catch Harry Potter, but he"

"He was in your house just now, brought by Dobby the house elf. You have never faced up to the magic of house elves, of course you don't know anything." Ivan said impatiently, "He went to you The Chamber of Secrets, the one where Wormtail is, you should know by now."

"That's where the Weasley boys were kept."

"You mean Ron? He is controlled by the Dark Lord?" Ivan asked, "The two of them are no longer there."

"It can't be apparition, the whole manor has been controlled, except for the magic of the Dark Lord himself" Lucius said, noticing Dobby hiding behind Ivan, "of course, and the magic of that lowly traitor behind you It's okay, this is indeed our negligence, but except for the traitor behind you, no house-elf would dare to take someone away without an order. Huh, I guess it's the portkey. The information I got before was that the Weasley is leaving today. I thought someone would come for him, but it turns out the Dark Lord must have left him a portkey."

"Where does that Portkey take Harry and Ron?"

"I don't know, no one knows what the Dark Lord intends to do with that Weasley, just as almost no one can figure out what he intends to do," Lucius said, "but let me guess, they have a good chance Go to the Black Witch, where they are excavating the ruins left by Death's Gate."

"That place is"

"The place where the Ministry of Magic first discovered the Death's Gate, the former territory of the Ravenclaw family, is a barren place." Lucius said, leaning forward, "It is said that it used to be a beautiful lake thousands of years ago, but It has dried up long ago, and now, we are more used to calling it the land of death."