Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1670: The revived old town


The raven transformed into by Aiwen circled the tree, and the jewel on Ravenclaw's crown became brighter and brighter. 3 The power of the crown overcame the evil in the darkness, and it began to change the scene around it. Aiwen blinked, and now, except for this big tree, everything he saw, even the space, was coated with a layer of blue light.

The blue light and shadow are converging and intertwined, with strange magic power, the boundary between reality and illusion is becoming more and more blurred.

Soon, blue became the only color in Ivan's eyes.

Pulled by the magic power, his body naturally flies and moves, and Aiwen gradually breaks away from reality and enters the illusory world. Countless blue light spots gradually merged into the big tree in front of him, and merged into the dead raven hanging on it.

Infused with blue light, the withered trunks began to regrow.

It's a yew tree!

Ivan recognized it at a glance. This kind of tree is usually considered to have special magic power and can be used to make wands or precious potion materials, but he has never seen such a thick yew tree.

The tree was at least thousands of years old before it withered.

The light and shadowy branches and leaves grow rapidly and become more and more dense.

Time is turning back!

Then, a dead raven came to life.

It flapped its wings and flew behind Ivan, followed by another raven

More and more ravens were resurrected, and the magic power of Ravenclaw's crown gave new life to these corpses who did not know how long they had been dead. They seemed to be illusions, but they seemed to be real. In just a few minutes, hundreds of ravens joined the team behind Aiwen, and the scene was very spectacular.

A strange hymn sounded, and the blue light and shadow spread outward in circles, changing everything around.

Ahead, all the ancient ruins disappeared, replaced by exquisite houses.

Ivan looked into the distance, towards the ruins of the Ravenclaw family's mansion, which is now a beautiful castle.

so beautiful!

Ivan was shocked, he had never seen such a building, as if it came out of a fairy tale.

In the middle is the square main castle, with six huge conical turrets evenly distributed on both sides.

When Aiwen flew higher, he could see that the six huge turrets and the main castle in the middle merged into a complex hexagram pattern, which was a huge magic circle. Although the phantom composed of blue light and shadow does not have special magic power, Ivan can imagine how powerful the magic in this hexagram will be.

The blue light and shadow continued to converge, and in the center of the main castle, at the dot of the circle composed of six-pointed stars, a main tower was rapidly forming. It continues to condense upwards and soon enters the clouds.

Countless blue lights converged there, and after a few seconds, the main tower was finally formed.

Above the golden dome at the top of the main tower stands a magnificent statue, that of a goddess.

At first Ivan thought the statue was Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, but soon discovered that it was not, because the weapon in the statue's hand was not a wand, but a long sword. She pointed at the sky with a sharp sword in her hand, as if she wanted to cut the sky and the earth.

This statue is a goddess of war!

Aiwen looked at the statue, this is Morrigan, the goddess of war!

In ancient legends, the Ravenclaws are descended from the ravens who were the embodiment of Morrigan, the goddess of war.

The blood magic of their family, the absolute wisdom, is also called the gift of the Goddess of War by Ms. Ravenclaw.

On the top of the castle of the Ravenclaw family stands the statue of Morrigan, which has a very special meaning.

The statue of Morrigan, the Goddess of War, was the last part of the castle of the Ravenclaw family. When everything was completed, the remaining blue light and shadow began to converge towards the lakes further north, where they converged like lake water, forming A huge lake like a mirror is connected to the castle.

The old scene of the land of death here, Ivan no longer knows what words to use to describe the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Beautiful, majestic and magnificent, it seems like entering a fairyland on earth.

Aiwen just looked at the castle of the Ravenclaw family and the huge lake beyond the horizon, immersed in the beautiful scenery.

Gradually, he flew lower and lower.

His raven fell to the ground and re-morphed into his own form.

Under the tree, a beautiful carriage was parked there with the door open, as if it was waiting for Ivan.

In front of the carriage are eight flying horses, standing there in an orderly manner, with exquisite harnesses on their bodies. Different from the tall and bulky rune horses of the Beauxbaton School of Magic, these pegasus in front of them are purer and more beautiful.

Even thousands of years ago, when Pegasus was not extinct, it was not easy to make such a carriage.

This carriage was waiting for Ivan, as if it was going to take him to a grand banquet.

Ivan boarded the carriage, and the interior of the carriage continued the gorgeous decoration style of the Ravenclaw family castle, with the emblem of the Ravenclaw family on it, not the blue eagle pattern seen at Hogwarts, but A raven with a crown.

Thousands of years ago, this pattern represented Ravenclaw.

But after Ms. Royna Ravenclaw, the pattern representing Ravenclaw became a blue eagle.

A little less mystery and darkness, but a little more courage and light.

Compared with the raven, the eagle is closer to the mortal in the representative sense.

Aiwen gently stroked the raven pattern on the top of the carriage with his right hand, lost in thought. In ancient legends, the raven is considered the most intelligent creature, but it usually also represents cunning, sorrow and death.

This kind of creature was used as an emblem or totem. It was very popular among Muggle nobles in the Middle Ages, but no family except Ravenclaw dared to use this emblem among wizards. One reason is that Ravenclaw The family is so famous, another reason is that wizards believe that ravens have special magic power, an unknown magic power.

Without sufficient strength and courage, no wizard would dare to easily use the raven as a symbol.

They are afraid of that magic power, afraid of being backlashed.

In a sense, wizards are also superstitious.

The carriage moved slowly, and drove forward into the town. The moment the carriage entered, the whole town came alive, and the phantoms of the past appeared again. In front of Ivan.

A knight appeared out of nowhere, he rode to the carriage, saluted Ivan, and guarded the carriage on the eve. The knight wears valuable armor inlaid with spell runes and the Ravenclaw crest, which signifies his affiliation with House Ravenclaw.

Things are getting more and more interesting!

Ai Wen found a comfortable posture, and looked at the suddenly revived ancient town outside the car window with great interest... u