Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1672: One-sided battle


What the hell is going on with this place

Because the distance was a bit far, Ivan didn't hear all the discussions of the ghosts just now, but he still vaguely heard a little bit, as if because of some evil black magic, everyone in this town died and cast The culprit of that dark curse is the Ravenclaw family, the lords of this land.

Eyewitnesses saw the power of the curse wafting like a plague from the Ravenclaw castle!

It happened after the death of Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw!

A wizard of the Ravenclaw family who cast the evil magic that caused the destruction of this place.

Why would this person, whoever he was, do this

What kind of black magic has such terrible power? Does this have anything to do with Death's Gate

Also, what happened to these changes caused by Aiwen after he came here

There is no doubt that it is the power of the crown on his head that is awakening the ancient town, affecting the space around it, giving the ghosts "wisdom" from the dark forces that bind them, from ignorance I regained my consciousness in the unconscious darkness, so I was able to communicate like just now.

But why is this so

Did Lady Ravenclaw leave some magic on the diadem, so

A commotion broke Aiwen's thinking, and he straightened up and looked out of the car.

There was already a battle outside, the knights were charging, the wizards were casting spells, and the red, blue, and green spell lights galloped around.

There were many people trying to attack the carriage that Ivan was riding in. They fought with the knights, warriors, wizards, and rangers guarding the carriage. However, there were not many ghosts inside. The attackers were replaced by a group of people wearing black cloaks who could not see clearly. face of the wizard.

Obviously different from the blue ghost, black mist keeps rising around the wizard, which contains evil magic power.

These guys are the dark wizards of Raven's Claw.

From this point of view, Aiwen did not enter a closed illusion.

In other words, he didn't completely enter the phantom space that only he can enter.

Some kind of special power on Ravenclaw's crown awakened the ghosts and undead wandering in this land, and changed it, restoring it to its former light and shadow, but this is still the real world, Ivan can now see The black witch and the dark wizards of Raven's Claw can also see or perceive the old scene.

Somehow, they can also enter this illusion, and they attack the convoy hoping to stop Ivan.

The Black Witch's subordinates are all powerful dark wizards or outlaws who are not afraid of death, but compared with the guards of the Ravenclaw family, they are not enough. No matter in terms of magic power or sophisticated equipment, this army from thousands of years ago completely crushed the dark wizards of Raven's Claw.

The most powerful magic of dark wizards, Avada Kedavra is of no use to ghosts.

How could the Killing Curse kill someone who had already died once again? After realizing this problem, the dark wizards had to switch to other magic, but their weak magic was a complete joke in front of the magic armor on the knight , unable to cause any effective damage at all, the scene quickly turned into a one-sided massacre.

The battle ended quickly without any surprises, and it came to an end when it just started.

Apart from vividly explaining what it means to be overestimated and hit a stone with an egg, the black wizards of Raven's Claw got nothing. They miscalculated the strength of the team guarding around the carriage that Ivan was riding in, and only a few people were lucky. The escaped disappeared at the end of the street, and all that remained were annihilated.

The black wizards suffered heavy losses, and those who were killed did not leave corpses, but disappeared like ghosts.

Soon, the surroundings became quiet again, and the soldiers retracted their weapons as if nothing had happened.

The street became much deserted, and the ghosts who had been watching the fun just now disappeared.

The leading knight signaled to Ivan, as if he just dealt with a few annoying flies.

Ivan also nodded in response, he lowered the curtains, leaned back on the sofa, and the carriage moved slowly again.

Gradually, the sad and beautiful music sounded from afar.

The music came from the castle of the Ravenclaw family, and it seemed to be whispering the stories of the past:

Be careful, be careful, lonely traveler, you are heading for the abyss of hell.

No matter what you're looking for, you won't find it here.

Darkness and evil enveloped this land, and all creatures lost their way and were stranded in the endless darkness.

People are praying helplessly, but in the end all expectations turn into despair.

The former glory of Ravenclaw has gone with the wind, only the broken walls in the ruins testify to the former glory.

Beware, beware, lonely traveler, you are entering the world of the dead.

The living should not come here, and here you will see true evil.

Countless undead are whispering day and night. You think it is the call of the deceased relatives, but in fact it is the temptation from the god of death.

The Ravenclaw family made a big mistake of no return, and they brought death into this world with their own hands.

Since then, darkness has become the only color here, leaving only madness and despair wandering among the ruins.

Be careful, be careful, lonely traveler, you are about to face challenges beyond imagination.

Fulfill the demands of the dead, or you will be left here forever.

The undead in the dark will bind you tightly, and they will drag you into the deepest part of hell

The Ravenclaw family needs to restore the lost glory, and they are waiting for the return of the new master.

Waiting for you will be the hardest battle, only rely on your ingenuity, because your enemies have invincible strength.

Prove yourself, heir of Ravenclaw, and bring hope and light back to this land.

When the darkness and evil disappear, everything will be peaceful again, and Ravenclaw will once again prove himself.

Welcome back, master of House Ravenclaw!

In a trance, Harry seemed to hear a strange dirge, and he didn't know where it sounded.

Although I can't hear the content of the song clearly, the tune is very sad and makes people want to cry inexplicably.

Harry is very depressed now, he can't tell why, maybe it's because of the music he suddenly remembered, maybe it's because Voldemort just killed another innocent person, although he doesn't know who was imprisoned in the tower Who is the old man above, but that person must be dead by now.

The old man seemed to know Dumbledore, and Voldemort wanted to get some information from him, but the other party refused.

So, he lost his life