Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1674: weaken and magic


The blue light and shadow weakened the magic power of the black witch, and the magic that bound Harry was released. novel .

He regained control of his body, and almost without thinking, Harry lunged at the Dark Witch.

He didn't have a wand now, but that didn't matter, his experience in the Hogwarts battles in the past had taught him that sometimes fists were better than wands.

Harry pounced on him, trying with all his strength to knock the Black Witch down. He knew he only had one chance, and if he could react and cast a spell, he couldn't be the opponent of the Black Witch. With blue light and shadow, he must first control the black witch's wand.

Only in this way can he defeat her.

Amidst the shrill screams, Harry threw himself on the Black Witch, using both hands and feet.

The two tore, Harry gripping the Dark Witch's right hand tightly, grasping the monstrous rough hand, and fighting her for the wand.

Sparks burst from the end of the Black Witch's wand and fell into darkness, interrupting the spell she was casting.

The black witch's body froze for a moment, as if she didn't expect Harry to do this, but she was not thrown down by Harry.

Harry felt as if she had thrown herself on a solid rock, and it was very unpleasant.

In addition, he also smelled a stench mixed with blood, like a pile of cockroaches. When Harry was locked up in Snape's office before, Harry was asked to deal with the potions needed. Cockroaches, a whole big jar, he will never forget the smell.

"Damn it, Harry Potter, hopeless idiot!" screamed the Black Witch. "You interrupted my magic."

"That's it, witch!" Harry panted, trying to snatch the black witch's wand with all his strength, but he didn't succeed for a while, he just deflected the direction of the black witch's hand holding the wand, which was a bit out of Harry's mind It is expected that the opponent's power is much greater than he imagined, and it is not like the power that humans should have.

Like Voldemort and Wormtail, the Dark Witch is now not human at all, but a monster.

"Very good, you have successfully angered me, Harry Potter, I will kill you, I will dig out your heart and eat it, it must taste good." The black witch shouted, and several sparks came from The wand spewed out. Immediately afterwards, a chain emerged from her wand and wrapped itself around Harry like a snake.

Before Harry could react, the iron chain wrapped around him tightly.

The chains became tighter and tighter, and the powerful force from above almost suffocated Harry.

Harry's breathing became more and more difficult. His right hand was still holding on to the Black Witch's wand, but the strength was gradually weakening. His left hand was tearing the deadly magic chains in vain. It was getting darker, Harry let go of his right hand, and his heart sank.

He knew he had failed, he

Just then, the Black Witch uttered another scream, and she let go of Harry.

Harry was able to breathe again, he panted heavily, and saw those blue lights and shadows again, they were converging on the body of the black witch, countless blue light spots stained the black witch, like blue flames, she Seems to have been terribly hurt.

She let out a series of screams of pain, and fell backwards, the magic faltering again.

"Damn magic, damn power," the Black Witch swore, waving her wand.

Taking advantage of the other party's weakness, Harry threw himself at the Black Witch again.

This time, he easily knocked the black witch's wand into the air, and the two of them fell down together, tearing on the ground. Harry could feel that the black witch's strength was much weaker than before, and those things attached to her like flames The blue light and shadow did her a lot of damage, weakening her strength and magic.

The two rolled over, and then they were empty and fell from the platform.

The two of them were falling from thousands of feet, and the black witch's hood was blown away.

Harry gasped, seeing a very horrifying face.

The face of the black witch was split into two parts, one part was the face of a young girl, very beautiful, and the other part was like a nightmare among demons, with a distorted face and a blue-gray appearance. A lot of tentacles protruded from above in all directions, shaking constantly.

Because the current magic power of the black witch is very unstable, these two faces are constantly changing.

The Black Witch becomes fully human one moment, and fully monster the next.

"Harry Potter, you idiot!" screamed the Dark Witch, "you killed yourself"

"Shut up, monster," Harry yelled, and then he thought of death.

Harry didn't know how high the platform they fell from was, from the current situation, it should be at least a few thousand feet.

It was taller than the Hogwarts Observation Tower, and if they fell from such a high place, the two of them would definitely die.

At the moment the Black Witch mentioned it, Harry thought about death, that he might just fall to his death, but the thought was fleeting.

I can't explain why, but he is extraordinarily calm now, and he doesn't seem to be afraid at all.

Harry saw that the shadow of the huge castle below gradually revealed its true colors, and the blue magic light and shadow had reshaped it. This is a beautiful and huge castle. This castle may not be as grand as Hogwarts Castle. But it is more refined.

master of the castle

There was no time for Harry to think about it, the black witch under him took out something from her bosom, and then, a strong attraction came from the other party, as if there was a hook behind the navel with an irresistible force With a sharp forward hook, Harry felt even more dizzy.

This is the Portkey, where is she taking him

Harry subconsciously wanted to let go of the Black Witch, but it was as if there was a magnetic force sticking to her, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Harry and the Black Witch spun, and soon, the surrounding scene changed.

They fell to the ground, falling hard onto the black marble.

Before Harry could react, he was pulled from the black witch.

He saw a lot of dark wizards wearing cloaks to hide their faces, and they were all subordinates of the black witch.

"grown ups"

"Tie up this desperate idiot, leave enough people to cast the last magic, and all the rest to stop the boy outside, his magic is enough, the undead sleeping here have awakened, there is nothing to stop We're here, we can start casting that spell." The black witch ordered, standing up, "Go and stop that boy, that damned ancient magic has a strong curb effect on my magic power, it's a magic aimed at the master "