Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1675: The magic of the black witch


Not far from Harry, who was roughly bound to a stone pillar, the Dark Witch seemed about to start casting a spell.

On the other side of the black witch, about ten steps away, is a huge stone pillar that is exactly the same as the stone pillar that Harry was tied to. Looking from here, the stone pillar is full of bumps, and it seems that some words have been carved on it. However, due to the long-term exposure to wind and sun, it is no longer clear what it really is.

At the lower end of the stone pillar, there also stood a black wizard covered in a cloak.

He stood there with his head down, holding a black box in his hand.

Harry stared at him for a moment in the dim light of the fire.

Although he couldn't see clearly, there was an inexplicable strange feeling in his heart.

Harry seems to be very familiar with this dark wizard, he is

At this time, the black witch suddenly shouted, "Harry Potter, witness the master's magic!"

Harry's eyes moved back to her, and he saw the black witch raised her wand high, like the opening of a band performance.

But what is coming is not music, but the beginning of darkness and evil.

Under the stone platform, some black wizards left, and the remaining black wizards dispersed according to the order of the black witch, facing the stone platform.

Harry didn't know what they were going to do, he had a very oppressive feeling.

He yelled a few times, but got no response.

The black witch spoke some strange words there, some language that Harry didn't understand, not English, and it didn't seem to be spoken in any other country. Harry couldn't be sure, because he thought it was a bit like the pronunciation of ancient runes, But he just didn't take this course.

He seemed to have heard Hermione say something similar, so he judged that it was an ancient rune, but there are many kinds of ancient runes, and it was a very difficult course.

So Harry can't be very sure, if Ivan or Hermione were here, they would be able to understand it.

Harry couldn't understand, but the dark wizards under the stone platform listened carefully.

They all concentrated on each other, and their emotions seemed to become agitated following the words of the black witch.

Then they raised their wands and repeated the sound made by the Dark Witch.

It was a really strange feeling, very uncomfortable.

They seemed to be casting spells, but nothing happened, which was very strange.

Death Eaters never acted like this, and Harry felt a little bit like he was entering a cult mission.

He heard that those muggles like to do this, they hold some dark and bloody rituals, because there is no magic power, most of these rituals have no effect, but if some items with strong magic power happen to be used in the ceremony , that might really evoke magic, especially when using black magic items

Having said that, the layout of this place in front of me is also very strange.

The unpleasant torchlight shone on Harry, allowing him to see his surroundings.

They seem to be in a very empty building now, the dome of the building has collapsed, exposing the night sky outside.

The pattern inside the building is very strange, there is only one huge stone pit.

Harry's position was in the center of the stone pit, and around him, the surrounding stone steps rose slowly in a certain arc.

It's like a huge lecture theater or a stage, but Harry has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, he's been here before

No, he certainly hasn't been here, but he seems to have seen a similar layout somewhere.

In the distance, the jumping blue light caught Harry's attention, and he raised his head to look into the distance.

It's that castle!

At a great distance from here, the castle was clearly visible in the night because it was now completely covered in blue light.

The blue light and shadow continued to spread outward after occupying the castle, attacking in Harry's direction.

A glimmer of hope rose in Harry's heart. Although what happened tonight was completely beyond his imagination, the magic represented by those blue lights and shadows undoubtedly had a strong deterrent effect on the Black Witch and could weaken her magic. This is Harry's chance.

"It's time, humble servants, give me your strength, and dedicate everything you have to the great master."

The black witch yelled, and the dark green light brought Harry's attention back from afar.

He saw that the dark wizards standing on the steps below all had a green glow at the end of their wands, and they were coming together.

Harry hurriedly turned his head to look at the dark witch on the central stone platform. She was the center of all this, and the magic power of all the dark wizards was converging towards her.

Under the guidance of countless green lights, she seems to weave a huge magic net.

Under the nourishment of the magic power, the black witch's monster-like face did not change, and now she has returned to the appearance of a young girl. It is a face of a blonde girl, who looks about twenty years old, or younger Some, very pretty, Harry had never seen a prettier girl.

But after seeing the true face of the Black Witch, Harry felt disgusted when he saw this delicate face.

"False old hag!" Harry yelled, his voice echoing through the ancient building.

The black witch was not affected, she held up her wand to gather magic power, while chanting complicated spells.

Then, she swung her wand wildly.

Following her movements, a huge phantom gradually appeared above the high platform out of thin air.

Harry looked at the green light, which was

He suddenly remembered that it was the gate of death!

That's right, the Door of Death. No wonder he felt this place was very familiar. He had seen the layout of this place in the Hall of Death in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. The room where the door was located was arranged like this. But it's much smaller than this. The huge stone pit in front of you is an enlarged version of that room.

Under the effect of magic, the phantom of the death gate became more and more clear.

Unlike the actual death gate placed in the underground of the Ministry of Magic, the phantom in front of Harry is more like the death gate drawn on the blueprint he found in the Malfoy Manor. It is complete and it becomes clearer and clearer , exactly in the middle of these two huge stone pillars.

Green light also began to appear on the stone pillar, merging with the door of death.

They are originally one, and this is the most complete door of death.

This was where the Death's Gate used to be, and the wizards of the Ministry of Magic removed the Death's Gate, leaving only this empty building and these two huge stone pillars. Under the influence of magic power, the two stone pillars also began to change, returning to their previous appearance, with exquisite patterns carved on them and hanging curtains.

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