Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1678: old story


Ivan looked at the ghost for a moment, then raised his head and glanced at the huge castle in front of him.

"When I got the crown, Ms. Ravenclaw didn't tell me that I inherited a piece of land and a castle," Ivan said, "She didn't even mention it here. If this is my territory and castle, then Who are you?"

"You may call me Marcus, master!" replied the ghost, "I am your most loyal steward."

"The butler?" Ivan asked, jumping off the carriage.

"Yes, during your absence, I have been managing the castle." Marcus said, stepping forward to close the car door for Ivan.

"Then your management is really bad enough, there doesn't seem to be anything left here." Ivan said, the illusion brought by magic can be ignored, after all, it is not real, and what is actually left in the castle is except stones nothing.

"As you can see, master, we are dead. Before you come back here, we have been ghosts without substance, unable to stop those greedy thieves and thieves from plundering the castle. Over the long years, batch after batch of looting The thieves came here, and they looted the castle's decorations, treasures, and everything of value, and we couldn't stop it, but looked at them angrily in the shadows, cursing their despicable deeds, and venting the anger in our hearts, But the most precious treasures of the Ravenclaw family are still left here, undiscovered." Marcus said, "They have remained in this castle, waiting for the heirs of the Ravenclaw family to come back and inherit them .”

"What is the most precious wealth of the Ravenclaw family?"

"Knowledge, my lord!" Marcus replied.

"Intelligence is the greatest wealth of human beings. Compared with gold, knowledge is the most precious. This is in line with Ravenclaw's style." Ivan paused and continued to ask, "So how do you plan to use these Give me the knowledge?"

"The collection of magic books in the Ravenclaw family's library is the largest in the world, and you can find anything you need there." Marcus said, "All this valuable knowledge belongs to you now, They will help you get everything, wisdom, wealth, power, fame, anything you can think of, and the secret to getting them is in these magic books."

"Sounds good." Ivan thought for a while and said, "But I don't quite understand why those magic books are still here?"

Not to mention the thieves who have visited here for thousands of years, as far as Ivan knows, the official Ministry of Magic has excavated here many times. After all, it is the former territory of the Ravenclaw family. They should take all the valuables here. Everything was taken away.

"Only the true heir of Ravenclaw can enter that room." The ghost replied, looking at the crown on Aiwen's head, "The key to open the library is the crown on your head, and I stay here to guide You enter there to claim the most valuable treasures of House Ravenclaw, and wait to see you use this knowledge to restore Ravenclaw to its former glory."

Can only Ravenclaw's diadem open the library

This sentence is the most critical, that is to say, this crown is very important. It is not only a symbol of Rowena Ravenclaw's approval, but also one of the keys to the secret treasure, and the key to the Ravenclaw family library.

Anyone, or a ghost, who wants to enter the library needs this key.

Aiwen holds the key, so he can see these ghosts, so he is the most important thing now.

To be honest, Aiwen didn't trust the ghosts that appeared suddenly, and there was a lot of information that was unclear.

Rowena Ravenclaw can be trusted because Ivan understands her, but this does not mean that the rest of the Ravenclaw family is trustworthy. The singing of the undead makes it clear that the Ravenclaw family has committed Big mistake, they invite evil and curses.

Look at the ghost of this place, who is doing it and for what purpose? !

How much credibility does such a Ravenclaw family have? !

Not to mention, they have all become lifeless ghosts now, and after becoming undead, they still guard this place for thousands of years, just to wait for the heirs of the Ravenclaw family to return and inherit those precious magic books. Loyal.

Could there really be such a heartfelt wizard or ghost

Aiwen didn't have such a high awareness. He turned his head and glanced at the green beam of light rising from the building in the center of the lake. He didn't know how far the black witch's magic had progressed. The ghost seemed to turn a blind eye to it, which was really strange.

There are a lot of problems with these places, and this ghost named Marcus doesn't make it clear.

"Master, do you need me to take you to the library?" Marcus asked.

"Well, I really want to go there, but now is not the time to read, Marcus, you should see the light of black magic in the distance. My friend is there, and I am going to save my friend." Ivan Straight up.

"Your friend" Marcus looked up at the green light in the distance, a look of surprise flashed across his face, as if he had just noticed it, "I will order the soldiers to deal with those intruders, master .They will bring your friend back, but I do not advise you to go there. That place is the gate of death, the root of the evil that hangs over this land."

"The gate of death, the root of evil? What's going on?"

"This is a very old story. I also heard it from other people. There are many details that I can't remember." Marcus said, "It is said that long, long ago, wizards lived in this land. A door was found on the sky. The door has powerful magic power, can directly connect with the dead souls, talk to them, and lead to the world controlled by the god of death. The wizards call it the door of death. Because the door of death The power of the death gate is too powerful and evil, and there are even rumors that it can even help people gain eternal life... Many black wizards came here, hoping to get the power of the death gate. In order to prevent the power of the gate from being abused, the wizards recommended a powerful The guardians stay here to guard the gate of death. As the descendants of the guardians, the Ravenclaw family has always lived here, and each patriarch of the Ravenclaw family is a very wise and powerful wizard. Knows the oldest of magical spells, holds the secret of Death's Gate, and keeps others from approaching it."

"Well, what then?"

"The glory of Ravenclaw lasted for thousands of years, and the family became more and more prosperous, and even became synonymous with the wisest wizards, but after the death of Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, everything changed." Marcus Said, looking at the diadem on Ivan's head, "After her death, we couldn't find Ravenclaw's diadem, we lost the most important symbol of the Ravenclaw family...".